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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> 13 in grandma weighting
Message Subject: 13 in grandma weighting
Posted 9/17/2017 12:46 PM (#878220)
Subject: 13 in grandma weighting

Posts: 360

Does anyone the general weight placement in 13in grandmas. Making some copies out of wood with metal lips and having trouble getting the weight right. Thought if anyone knew the general placement it might be a good start.
Posted 9/28/2017 3:44 PM (#879561 - in reply to #878220)
Subject: RE: 13 in grandma weighting

Posts: 47

I don't believe there is any weight added to a 13" grandma.
Posted 9/28/2017 8:18 PM (#879585 - in reply to #878220)
Subject: Re: 13 in grandma weighting

Posts: 38

Here are some ideas.
Posted 9/29/2017 5:48 PM (#879697 - in reply to #878220)
Subject: RE: 13 in grandma weighting

Posts: 47

I took the hooks off one laid it in a sink full of water floats perfectly on its side. If you are trying to replicate weight with a cedar bait you will definitely have to add weight. I would probably start with mahogany and multiple coats of envirotex. That's if you want to try to make the same bait out of wood. Good luck let us know how it goes.
Posted 9/29/2017 8:25 PM (#879712 - in reply to #878220)
Subject: Re: 13 in grandma weighting

Posts: 360

I am making them 3/4" thick. Also using an aluminum lip. I taped 3/4oz of weight up front and it was enough to stand it up with the hooks. But when I retrieve the lure in the water it real slowly roles to one side then the other no wobble at all. I have moved the weight all along the belly and the action never changed. I'm going to get another cut out and add a little more angle to the lip. Was also think add more weight to make the belly want to stay down. Thought this bait would be fairly easy to figure out but it's making me work
Posted 9/29/2017 8:52 PM (#879715 - in reply to #878220)
Subject: RE: 13 in grandma weighting

Posts: 47

Did you bend the lip ? The original wood grandmas were thin like plastic through wired, but 4 hook. Slotted belly for wire.i think they had a straight lip, but imagine they were made to troll. You could add marbles or stainless bearings for eyes for more weight. Nose pull baits are pretty finicky as to pull eye, lip angles. Keep trying. The further away the tow eye is the more action you will get. Example screw eye out for more action in for less. Through wire kinda stuck with how you did it.
Posted 9/29/2017 9:00 PM (#879717 - in reply to #878220)
Subject: RE: 13 in grandma weighting

Posts: 47

Opposite on screw eye out less in more. At least on the baits I have messed with. Sorry
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