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Muskie Fishing -> Muskie Boats and Motors -> Speed / prop help
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Message Subject: Speed / prop help
Posted 4/30/2018 9:45 PM (#905492)
Subject: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Guys, I'm running a 2010 1750 Fishhawk side console with a 115 Merc 4 stroke. My prop is a SS appolo xhs 13 1/8 X 19. At WOT I'm hitting roughly 5600 rps and top speed of 28- 30 mph.

I have talked to guys with 60 hp on simialr rigs getting the same speed. Now I know my rig isn't built for speed but I have also talked to guys running 1750s W/ 115s getting 42 mph.

Also i feel like I'm not getting as much trim as I should be ( trimmed to a certain point and I rev high and drop speed.

Is there anything else I should be looking into?

I'm not very knowledgeable on props so I was hoping for some recommendations on props to try (size and brands)

Also what is my prop worth used (great shape) and what will a decent new prop cost?

Also my speed is GPS

Thanks for your time!

Read here for reference:

Edited by T3clay 5/1/2018 2:20 PM
Posted 5/1/2018 2:48 PM (#905547 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: RE: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

If my gut instinct is correct you are about 400 RPM's below your maximum RPM for the motor, and if you are lightly loaded with the numbers you have supplied, a prop change will definitely be in order. Would I also be under the correct assumption you are running an aluminum prop and the motor is mounted flat to the transom or 1 bolt up?

If the two questions are yes (flat on transom or one bolt up, and running aluminum), here is what I feel would be some things to try:

If staying Aluminum, drop to a 17 pitch prop, load the boat only with your equipment, and fill the boat with fuel. The change to a 17 pitch should bring your RPM's UP by about 400 or so, but I have a feeling it will be more than that. If the motor is mounted flat to the transom, raise it up 1 hole. A great prop to try here is to go to SOLAS propeller and order their aluminum. It is a specific squeeze-cast design which allows for a thinner blade for better performance and the blades are progressively cupped to grab really well with higher mounted motor positions. Something like this you could move your motor up to the third hole and probably get away with it.
Many times, when you reach a point where your motor is over-propped, it will drop RPM's significantly. I had a 90hp Johnson 2 stroke that I found worked best with 18 pitch and ran to max RPM (5500 rpm), but tried a 20 pitch just to see what happened....I could not reach 5000 even with trimming... It was just too much prop.

If you were to test stainless props, you could also go to a 17 pitch, BUT...go to a prop with higher rake with tip/trailing edge cupping. With this change, raise your motor to the highest position possible. The reason for this is a highly raked and cupped prop will hold the water much better at higher positions than a standard aluminum, thus the height setting will offset the switch to steel. The material change alone from aluminum to steel will normally drop your rpms by around 200 or so, but each hole up off the transom is roughly going to gain you back about 100 rpms each hole. Good props to try are the older michigan Rapture (it's no longer made), Michigan ballistic, Solas titan (I believe that is the steel..if not, its the amita), I'm unsure of what mercury offers in the midsize gearcase...I don't believe they offer a tempest in that hub size, but if they do, that is a GREAT prop to try.

No matter what you try, there are always trade offs in selecting the prop for your rig, and there is a bunch of testing that goes into it with different diameter, pitch, rake, cup, material, etc. Moving a motor up increases speed and prop slip, but decreases handling. Changing to steel increases handling (to a point-depending on prop design) and many times allows you to move the motor up without losing handling, but gain speed.

Lots of variables here to consider and no doubt I have gotten a touch long-winded.

I will say that holeshot with the 4 stroke will not be as good as a typical 2 stroke, so going to a lower pitch will help your holeshot if you have found it is not the greatest.


Posted 5/1/2018 5:12 PM (#905559 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

This is how it's mounted and it's a stainless prop

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Posted 5/1/2018 5:18 PM (#905560 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Also I can almost hit 6000 rpms but at WOT I have to trim way up and I start loosing speed. So for example if I open the throttle wide open and trim up my speed will increase until I hit 5600 RPMs if I continue to trim up past 5600 my speed drops in my RPMs jump very quickly

Edited by T3clay 5/1/2018 5:19 PM
Posted 5/1/2018 9:24 PM (#905580 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 1209

You should get more speed than that, but in my experience boats like this don't need a lot of trim, so you know the point where it's fastest is probably a good point. Are you sure your getting wide open? Or have you looked at the spark plugs?
Posted 5/1/2018 9:55 PM (#905588 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

I haven't checked the plugs and I guess I assumed I was getting.wide open. I don't have any reason to believe I'm not. I just figured my mount height or prop was off. It's been checked 2X in the last year by the dealership so I'm sure the plugs are good. How would J go about.checking if I'm getting wide open?
Posted 5/1/2018 10:29 PM (#905591 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Ok.. first question with the prop you have... what brand and model is it?

Second, how much trim have you gone before blowing out? In many cases, half trim on a gauge is pretty standard. Any higher and you blow out as the prop loses grip.

Now, here's the good news. Being you are in a steel prop already, there is no doubt in my mind your motor can come up off the transom more. I'd start by moving it to the highest position off the transom and test. This should gain you about 250 to maybe 300 rpms depending on the prop. If the prop is a stock steel, you'd be well served in getting a different prop with more rake and cup. The combination of those two items will allow you to trim less, yet get better results in bow lift and handling.

If you are close to the twin cities, I'd help you adjust the motor height...

Posted 5/2/2018 6:29 AM (#905598 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Thanks Steve! Right now I can't get to the halfway point.on my trim gauge but I don't think too much into that. Maybe it's just the lack lift that's making me.feel like the trim is off. This is my first alum. Boat coming from multiple glass boats so the feeling is alot different. It's a Michigan wheel Apollo prop.

Edited by T3clay 5/2/2018 6:30 AM
Posted 5/2/2018 6:51 AM (#905599 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

The apollo series replaced the Rapture, so they are fairly similar in design. I would say try raising the motor and see what that does for you. I don't think that prop is going to be the best fit in the end, but testing it at a higher position definitely cannot hurt.

I would tend to agree, though that you should be seeing higher numbers on your speed. I am assuming this is GPS speed that you gave at the beginning yes? The only other thing I can think of would be a tach setting is off.

I'm doing some other checking as you happen to know the gear ratio of the motor off hand? I tried some prop calculations with your 5600 rpms and everything shows you should be upper 30's to 40 in that rpm range, which is why I'm curious about the tach setting as well...

We will get this figured out....


Edited by VMS 5/2/2018 6:53 AM
Posted 5/2/2018 7:53 AM (#905612 - in reply to #905599)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
I really need to drag my boat down to Steve the prop wizard. I know I'm not getting all the performance out of my boat.
Mark Hoerich
Posted 5/2/2018 7:59 AM (#905613 - in reply to #905612)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 688

Location: Already Gone
I'd also like to say Big Thanks to Steve now for all of the free advice he's given us through the years. Cool stuff.
Posted 5/2/2018 10:40 AM (#905630 - in reply to #905613)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 73

Location: Cedarburg, WI
Mark Hoerich - 5/2/2018 7:59 AM

I'd also like to say Big Thanks to Steve now for all of the free advice he's given us through the years. Cool stuff.

x2. Thanks Steve.
Posted 5/2/2018 11:23 AM (#905632 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Looks like my WOT RPM range should be 5800-6400 2.07 gear ratio

Edited by T3clay 5/2/2018 11:26 AM
Posted 5/2/2018 12:04 PM (#905636 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 532

Somthing isnt right, it may be your tach or speedo

5600 rpm / 2.07 gear ratio = 2705 prop shaft rpm

2705 prop shaft rpm * 19" pitch of prop = 51395 inch per minute.

51395/12= 4283 feet per minute.

4283 x 60 (minutes in one hour) / 5280 (feet in a mile)= 48.7 mph theoretical top speed.

48.7 x .85 (average prop slip) = about 42mph top speed.

average slip is 15% your getting like 40%. very poor for your set up.

Posted 5/2/2018 12:09 PM (#905637 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
Thanks everyone!! The comments are greatly appreciated!!


If your max rpm is 6400, a drop in pitch will definitely be in order. With the height change, you would gain about 300, then going down in pitch to a 17, you will gain another 300 or so as well.. this rules out a tach being off and definitely puts it at a pitch issue.

If you have access to any friends with props to try or go to eBay and see what you can find, you'll see a magnificent increase in performance going down in pitch and up in height.

Running some quick numbers on a 17 pitch, 6300 rpm and 12% slip theoretically you should be at 43 mph. You get to 41 or 42 you are sitting well...and... you will have much better holeshot... the merc 115 is not fast out of the hole to begin with (from my experience with them), so this will be a great step up with it as well...


Edited by VMS 5/2/2018 12:14 PM
Posted 5/2/2018 1:00 PM (#905645 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 532

How are you getting your speed? and what brand or style tach are you using?

VMS do you think he will gain 700 rpm by droping 2" of pitch, its almost double the rule of thumb.

I almost have to question your instruments at this point, I am not saying dropping pitch wont help, i think it will.

The difference in the math i posted earlier has a concern that one of the supplied numbers is not correct.

If it were me i would find why the numbers are not closer to matching before trying a different prop.

You tach could be off and your at 6500 right now (not saying you are, useing an extreme number as a example), or your speedo could be reading 30 but your doing 40. The formula isnt close so a number is wrong.

Edited by anzomcik 5/2/2018 1:22 PM
Posted 5/2/2018 3:10 PM (#905651 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

My speed has been based off of GPS from my locaters, hummingbird 899 and helix 7. I may be off on my numbers, as I'm just going from memory. I will try to get the boat out this week and write everything down. I can't thank you guys enough for the imput!
Posted 5/2/2018 3:18 PM (#905653 - in reply to #905645)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
anzomcik - 5/2/2018 1:00 PM

How are you getting your speed? and what brand or style tach are you using?

VMS do you think he will gain 700 rpm by droping 2" of pitch, its almost double the rule of thumb.

I almost have to question your instruments at this point, I am not saying dropping pitch wont help, i think it will.

The difference in the math i posted earlier has a concern that one of the supplied numbers is not correct.

If it were me i would find why the numbers are not closer to matching before trying a different prop.

You tach could be off and your at 6500 right now (not saying you are, useing an extreme number as a example), or your speedo could be reading 30 but your doing 40. The formula isnt close so a number is wrong.


I think you might have missed a couple of things I stated from earlier posts... Raising the motor will be around 300 or so, and going down 2 inches in pitch will be around another 400 give or take....thus the roughly 700 rpm increase...

The numbers are very very general as every boat is a bit different...even boats of the same brand, model, year, and even one right after the other off the line.

I have also mentioned the tach might be off, but at this point I'm not so sure... until we get some changes with the prop and height made will we see... I'd rather not send him to spend money that might not prove a thing, whereas doing a few things at home to see get him started without money.

There are a huge number of variables in this...there is even potential that the hub is spun resulting in loss of speed, or the prop just does not hook up very well at all whatsoever... Only way to know is to test and try things...

There is also a point of diminishing returns with props as well... when over pitched, the motor just cannot handle the can't trim up? it cannot get even close to desired rpms.. I have tried this going from an 18 pitch to a 20 pitch on my old boat. 18 pitch would get me to 5500 rpms but the 20 pitch wouldn't even reach 4800...the motor just could not do it... Given he is not 100% sure of his numbers, all I can go off of are his numbers. The numbers I supplied above are putting the motor in a 17 pitch at 6300 rpm with a 12% slip. I agree with you that the numbers given don't add up very well.

Edited by VMS 5/2/2018 3:57 PM
Posted 5/2/2018 5:29 PM (#905665 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Mounting pictures, clearly too low

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Posted 5/2/2018 5:32 PM (#905666 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

The motor is trimmed all the way down in the last picture. It appears that the motor used to be mounted to holes higher than it currently is, based on wear marks on the mounting plate. My local Marine shop said it would be $70 to raise the motor up. They were also going to see if they have a used prop in 13 x 17
Posted 5/2/2018 6:53 PM (#905672 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

It stinks you don't have slots on the lower portion of the mounting plate...if you did, you could do the raise of the motor right in the driveway. With individualized bolt holes, a lift is needed of some sort unless you have a couple of buddies who are willing to balance the motor while you remove the bolts raise the tongue of the trailer, then reinstall the bolts.

Most definitely too low... In many cases the anti-ventilation plate can be upwards of 2 inches ABOVE the lowest point on the transom without issue... Reason being....the water starts to fill the hole back in that the boat made...

Posted 5/2/2018 10:23 PM (#905689 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Steve, do the bolts need to be re siliconed if I only remove the nuts? I'm sure I can find some guys to help me balance the engine. But can the keel really support that much weight?
Posted 5/3/2018 8:27 AM (#905701 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

The project is easiest to remove the bolts, clean them up and reinstall...that way you are not moving the trailer away from the should re-seal the holes as you go. It's a nice preventative measure as well because if the motor was lowered and the previous owner/dealer didn't do this before the sale, you could find down the road some soft transom material...that is not an easy fix...

If you get a couple of buddies to help, get some wood blocks and use them to help balance the motor using the anti-ventilation plate. support the plate on both sides (prop off here would help big time), have the guys help keep balance, remove bolts, raise the tongue of the trailer until the bolt holes reallign, then reinstall the bolts.

Definitely be sure to lower you jack as far as it can go before you start. The jack needs to move a long way to get the little adjustment in the rear you need.


Edited by VMS 5/3/2018 12:45 PM
Posted 5/3/2018 9:55 PM (#905733 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Steve do you have a lift?
Posted 5/4/2018 9:01 AM (#905751 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Unfortunately, I do not. Are you close to the twin cities?

Posted 5/4/2018 11:44 AM (#905761 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

I'm down by rochester
Posted 5/8/2018 10:03 PM (#906044 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Steve I'm going to raise the motor myself, how much should I raise it to start, what's your best guess?
Posted 5/9/2018 11:43 AM (#906085 - in reply to #906044)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Location: Northern Illinois
$70 bucks isn't bad. Is it worth the headache without a lift?
Posted 5/9/2018 4:30 PM (#906099 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

I have a tractor that should do the job
Posted 5/9/2018 6:43 PM (#906106 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
If you have a lifting ring for the motor that would work fine.

I would go up to the highest position and see what you find out. Worst case is you have to drop it one slot, but I would bet that will be the most you'd have to drop it.


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