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Posted 4/30/2018 9:45 PM (#905492)
Subject: Speed / prop help

Posts: 770

Guys, I'm running a 2010 1750 Fishhawk side console with a 115 Merc 4 stroke. My prop is a SS appolo xhs 13 1/8 X 19. At WOT I'm hitting roughly 5600 rps and top speed of 28- 30 mph.

I have talked to guys with 60 hp on simialr rigs getting the same speed. Now I know my rig isn't built for speed but I have also talked to guys running 1750s W/ 115s getting 42 mph.

Also i feel like I'm not getting as much trim as I should be ( trimmed to a certain point and I rev high and drop speed.

Is there anything else I should be looking into?

I'm not very knowledgeable on props so I was hoping for some recommendations on props to try (size and brands)

Also what is my prop worth used (great shape) and what will a decent new prop cost?

Also my speed is GPS

Thanks for your time!

Read here for reference:

Edited by T3clay 5/1/2018 2:20 PM

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