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ShaneW's Pics
Author: ShaneW (Show all albums)

Building a row troller plus other pictures....The boat is being built with the help of four people - Jerry Cooper and his friend Richard, my mom Karin, and myself.
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Lots and lots of power sanding.

Here Jerry and I are prepping the boat for sanding. Jerry is using a scraper to smooth out rough spots on the boat that would take a while to sand while I am using a file to bring the strips flush to the transom.

Here's the same thing being done from a little further out.

Here's a closeup of fairing the strips with a hand plan to get a smooth transition to the keel strip.

Here's Jerry adding the final staples to the boat. Now we are ready to sand/plane the boat smooth to put our first fiberglass coats on it.

Another side view of the completely stripped boat.

Here's a side view of the completely stripped boat.

Here's a rear picture of the completely stapled boat.

Here's a picture of the holding end of the stripping job. In this case Richard is holding the strip in place to assure there is pressure while Jerry staples the strip.

Here's a picture of the stapling process. It's easier with two guys (Jerry and Richard in this case)as one can hold the strip in place while the other person staples.

Here's a closeup of the gluing process. Each strip is done with a bead and a cove. You glue the bead and then put the coved edge on top of it. Then you staple them together to hold the strips in place.

Here's what's left to complete the stripping of the boat.
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