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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Trolling
Message Subject: Trolling
Posted 9/3/2014 11:17 AM (#728409)
Subject: Trolling

Posts: 83

Location: Des Moines Iowa
For those of you that troll a lot do you typically run a lure in the prop wash. If so how deep and how far back? Any favorite lures for that application?
Posted 9/3/2014 12:53 PM (#728436 - in reply to #728409)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Depends on where I am fishing some places seem to be better than others. How much line and what lures will be dictated by the depth and/or cover you are fishing. I troll deep divers on short lines of 15-25ft.
Posted 9/3/2014 2:43 PM (#728464 - in reply to #728409)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 114

I think that the more pleasure boaters there are on a lake, the more productive the prop lure can be. Bass guys use this trick on heavily boated areas. They will run their boat over the spot several times before fishing. This is believed to stir up the bait fish, thus stirring up the predators.

I love to run a bait on a very short leash, sometimes 8-10 foot of line. I also like to attach an 8 or 16 oz weight to the leader on that rod to get it DOWN. With hardbaits, 16 oz and 8 foot is a good number. With Spankys, I do 16 oz and 15 feet. Both are great at LSC
Posted 9/3/2014 2:48 PM (#728466 - in reply to #728464)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 1

Just as the wash smooths out with a Wishmaster
Posted 9/4/2014 6:12 AM (#728559 - in reply to #728409)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA
I tend to troll a number of rods, so there is typically always a bait near or in the wash....Some days it gets hit a lot, other days not; like anything else. These days, the "down" rod is the one that seems to get most action....over the the long haul, its been the side rod. Not all baits can withstand the turbulence of the wash...I like to run my truer running, deeper digging baits in that application...
Posted 9/4/2014 8:07 AM (#728570 - in reply to #728559)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 5874

My PB of 52.5 came on a Shallow Raider with just the 3' leader out, straight down on the side the kicker was on. Bait was running just under and past the prop.
Posted 9/4/2014 8:36 AM (#728578 - in reply to #728409)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 1530

outer edges of wash are best fer me.
Posted 9/4/2014 9:05 AM (#728583 - in reply to #728409)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 439

Location: Lake of the Woods, Morson, Ontario
With a 3 rod set up, I like to run one shorter over the motor.

Several big fish have hit the middle rod the last couple of years (including the two biggest that last two years, 54 & 53), but it is hard for me to discern between propwash effects or having an active fish hit the first bait through.

I don't worry about it too much because either way, it has been producing!
Posted 9/7/2014 11:39 AM (#728983 - in reply to #728409)
Subject: Re: Trolling

Posts: 6

never got a fish yet on a prop wash bait in one water I fish now power boats allowed only small 10hp or less but a lake nearby with powerboats i have gotten a few. What baits are the best prop wash baits?
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