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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Foil question
Message Subject: Foil question
musky slut
Posted 2/19/2014 2:44 PM (#692575)
Subject: Foil question

Posts: 496

Typically when I foil a bait , I put the foil on and then clear it till it's smooth ,then paint, then more clear . Do any of you ever paint directly onto the foil ? Thinking about doing some paint on foil then clear then more paint ?

Gringo Loco
Posted 2/19/2014 3:06 PM (#692580 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: RE: Foil question

Posts: 672

Location: Moses Lake, WA
I often shoot transparents directly onto foil or if I've glued down mesh and then foiled I will shoot transparents directly just so they "fill in" the low spots and then clear.
Posted 2/20/2014 8:10 AM (#692743 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 1224

Location: Okoboji
i shoot after cleared. don't do that many but that is how i have done it in the past.

Posted 2/20/2014 8:57 AM (#692752 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 283

I shoot after clear now. I was doing a 2" x-rap and my airbrush shot out a huge globby mess, by the time I cleaned it off the edges of the foil started coming up and it resulted in a complete do-over, it was a big pain and waste of time.
Posted 2/20/2014 9:27 AM (#692762 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA
Pretty to look at but suck to make!
musky slut
Posted 2/20/2014 11:37 AM (#692796 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 496

Thanks guys ! I was super peeed when I came down this morning and found one stuck to the floor ! ARRRG !
Posted 2/20/2014 12:50 PM (#692819 - in reply to #692796)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 42

Location: West Virginia
Been there. Just sand down the messed up epoxy and recoat. Might not be perfect but you can always keep it for your own box.
Posted 2/20/2014 1:18 PM (#692830 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 360

Location: montreal, canada
worst thing that happen it's when you're wheel stop turning durring the night !! what a mess !!! lolll
Posted 2/20/2014 1:30 PM (#692832 - in reply to #692830)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA
jlammusky - 2/20/2014 1:18 PM

worst thing that happen it's when you're wheel stop turning durring the night !! what a mess !!! lolll

I can't afford that to happen to me...Hasn't yet...that's why I got myself a quality motor to turn the wheel that holds 30 baits at a time.
Posted 2/20/2014 3:21 PM (#692849 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: RE: Foil question

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
"Thanks guys ! I was super peeed when I came down this morning and found one stuck to the floor ! ARRRG ! "
Too funny I had a brand new pair of jeans on cleared a few baits and put them on the wheel. I use door springs to connect the baits on one to adjust for the length. The spring slipped off the bait flew right at me hit my right leg and did this grabby slide thing all the way down to my shoe! Of course I was moving to keep it from hitting the floor (full of bucktail) so got the left leg into the fray too. Then went for the grab and when I bent over pulled the left leg back which took the grabbing bait and skidded it onto the floor like someone rolled the dice! I think I said Shawn once and Jason twice!!
Posted 2/20/2014 4:13 PM (#692859 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: RE: Foil question

Posts: 432

Location: mpls
I hear you. I just had a bolt come undone on my machine. The actuator arm came off. Luckily the epoxy was pretty well cured. Still some drips to take care of. 60 baits to sand down! All of them were getting their second topcoat ( over foil base) so I could start painting. Uggghhhh!!!!!

[email protected]
musky slut
Posted 2/21/2014 9:06 AM (#693009 - in reply to #692575)
Subject: Re: Foil question

Posts: 496

I think I have it saved ...Not 100% but not a zero either ! This bait has been kicking my rear end
Posted 2/21/2014 11:31 AM (#693035 - in reply to #692849)
Subject: RE: Foil question

Posts: 1224

Location: Okoboji
jakejusa - 2/20/2014 3:21 PM

"Thanks guys ! I was super peeed when I came down this morning and found one stuck to the floor ! ARRRG ! "
Too funny I had a brand new pair of jeans on cleared a few baits and put them on the wheel. I use door springs to connect the baits on one to adjust for the length. The spring slipped off the bait flew right at me hit my right leg and did this grabby slide thing all the way down to my shoe! Of course I was moving to keep it from hitting the floor (full of bucktail) so got the left leg into the fray too. Then went for the grab and when I bent over pulled the left leg back which took the grabbing bait and skidded it onto the floor like someone rolled the dice! I think I said Shawn once and Jason twice!!

some jasons huh?? lolol
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