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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> burning blades in early fall?
Message Subject: burning blades in early fall?
Posted 9/7/2012 1:28 AM (#583051)
Subject: burning blades in early fall?

Posts: 270

Location: brooklyn park mn
Does anybody burn blades into early fall with sucess at all? Low 60s to mid 60s water temps? Or should I slow it down some? Is there a magic number for water temp to slow down presentations? Going to fish eagle for a week and water is clearer and my usual presentation that works in summer is burning fast for reaction strikes. Any imput is appreciated
Posted 9/7/2012 6:34 AM (#583066 - in reply to #583051)
Subject: Re: burning blades in early fall?

Posts: 2019

I don't' fish eagle but in general I've found early fall fish to be some of the most aggressive fish of the year, with surface temps in the 60's there is a push of fish shallow on a lot of need to slow down, especially if you are moving fish always you have to give them what they want and its not always fast....but I've caught many fish burning blades 58-65 water temps.
Posted 9/7/2012 7:14 AM (#583068 - in reply to #583051)
Subject: RE: burning blades in early fall?

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River
A few years back in the fall I went 3 for 5 buring bucktails on LSC with 52 degree water temps. One of the skies came in so hard after the bucktail that she hit the side of my boat with the bucktail in her mouth.
Posted 9/7/2012 7:55 AM (#583075 - in reply to #583068)
Subject: RE: burning blades in early fall?

Posts: 1220

I am generally a "middle of the summer" sort of guy for choosing a bucktail as my main weapon of choice, probably like a lot of other guys. But, I always have one tied on sitting ready on the deck. I have it there as a way to maximize what might be an extreme opportunity to catch an "open window." Like I have quoted Tom Gelb before, there is a time when two hooks tied to a beer can is going to catch a fish. Maybe you just saw two boats around you with nets out, or any of the other tell-tale signs. When that happens, you put on a bucktail--right this minute! I'm not the "musky Yoda" so I am not trying the thing with the beer can, but I know that I am not likely to lose a fish on a bucktail. Nothing covers more wet real estate in less time with more effectivness for a netable hookup than a bucktail when fish are actively feeding. There is just no season where not having a bucktail at the ready is a good idea! And, it' also a bait even us 'Non-Yodas" can work really well!
Brad P
Posted 9/7/2012 8:55 AM (#583084 - in reply to #583051)
Subject: Re: burning blades in early fall?

Posts: 833

I burn them this time of the year. I like trolling them at 5MPH+ as well.
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