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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Painting the right way,Help!
Message Subject: Painting the right way,Help!
Posted 9/2/2011 10:54 AM (#514801)
Subject: Painting the right way,Help!

Posts: 15

Hi everyone. I am ready to start painting so I haave a lot of questions. I have maade and painted about a dozen of baits using wallmart hobby paints and they did not give me good clear coat finish but that could be me. So I went and bought all new cretex paints every color they have, Pearls,Trans.Op,ect. And I got new double action brush its a master G44,I orderd the p900 that you rec. Jeramy but the some how sent me this one. I keep it. It came with a 2mm tipbut I orderd a repair kit like you sugested.And olso a 3and a5 size needle for it. Witch one should I use? I waant to start by practiceing on some plugs that I have. Stip them down or should I just primer over them with self ecthing primer? Can I inner mix these different cretex paints? How long should I let a color dry before the next one? I have some baits that are minwaxed sealed and a coat of Etex lite ready to prime or base coat,do I use the Opaque white for that?. I have for top coat Etex lite,Diamond 2,and Mirrow coat system three. Witch one where? Thaats enough questions for I will have more as I go. I will do my best to keep them to as few as possable. Thanks for any help.
Posted 9/2/2011 2:24 PM (#514841 - in reply to #514801)
Subject: Re: Painting the right way,Help!

Posts: 910

Location: South-Central VA
So they sent you the G44 instead of the PS900? I'm not familiar with the G44, is it a double action airbrush? I think you'll be glad you ordered the extra tips, you'll need the larger sized to spray the pearls. I've found the 3mm to be a good all-around size to paint lures.

If you want to repaint some lures you already have, my advice is to lightly sand them with a fine grit paper (like 800), wipe them down with Denatured Alcohol, and them prime them. If they are larger lures, you can get away with epoxying over your primer coat to give you smooth surface to paint.

I mix paints all of the time, you can mix different types together as well (transparent with fluoro's, etc.) Createx needs to be heat set and I use a heat gun to set the paints on my lures in between colors. Once you heat set it, you can immediately starts with the next color. I'd use the opaque white for the primer coat. I've recently just gone to using a spray can to prime my baits, it goes alot quicker that way!

As far as which top coat to use, it's really a matter of personal preference. I'm a dealer for Diamond II and that's what I use 99% of the time. The only time I break out the Etex is to occasionally use it as a layering coat between colors of paint. I think you'll find that Etex is not quite as clear as Diamond II and that it is a thinner build.

Feel free to ask all the questions you want!


Edited by bowhunter29 9/2/2011 2:25 PM
Posted 9/2/2011 2:53 PM (#514847 - in reply to #514801)
Subject: Re: Painting the right way,Help!

Posts: 615

Location: Madison, WI
I'm with Jeremy...He's a real pro and his work is amazing..a great teacher.

I also mix paints all the time including my own pearls from powder. I love using the metallics as well, they won't really pop until you clear them with Etex-lite (or other clear coat).
I prime my baits with Fusion (I know it's paint, but it sticks to everything), this coat helps any of the imperfections pop on the bait. I then sand and hit with a coat of opaque white, heat set with hair dryer and the I almost always use a pearl or irridescent base coat. It's a subtle step, but when it's cleared and out in the sun the colors really pop.

Good luck and welcome to the madness. This is a great site with a lot of top notch builders that are always willing to help.

Posted 9/2/2011 3:49 PM (#514855 - in reply to #514841)
Subject: Re: Painting the right way,Help!

Posts: 15

Thanks for the reply Jeremy.Yes I thought I would practice on some of my plugs that I dont like the color or they just never caught many fish. Is a min. or two enoughf with the heat gun? Are you telling me that cretex Opque white comes in a spray can. I looked at acid rod for that mixer but did not see it in the tool section. Ya I dont know how the brush order got mixed up it came from TCP threw Amazon.And me not knowing much at all on brushes I keep it. But I will put the#3 needle in it. You will be the first to see my beginning work. I got to get some of that brush cleaner also. Thanks Don and Babe.
Posted 9/2/2011 4:00 PM (#514856 - in reply to #514847)
Subject: Re: Painting the right way,Help!

Posts: 15

Hi MS thanks for the reply so I take it the fusion is your sealer,the opque white is what? I thought it would be called the base. I guess I am not clear on the difference between a base and primer . This is going to be a great venture. Hey Go Penn State! .Thanks for the help. Don and Babe.
Posted 9/2/2011 4:46 PM (#514866 - in reply to #514801)
Subject: Re: Painting the right way,Help!

Posts: 615

Location: Madison, WI

The fusion (white) is used as my primer coat, I like the opaque base coat on top of that because it seems to make the other colors appear better (truer) ???could be overkill or my perception, but i go with what works as a lot of this fantastic hobby is trial and error and when you get something to work, I tend to stick with it.

Best of luck

Posted 9/2/2011 6:03 PM (#514877 - in reply to #514801)
Subject: Re: Painting the right way,Help!

Posts: 910

Location: South-Central VA

I'm still waiting on my epoxy order to come in. When it does, I'll let you know so you can get some of the brush cleaner. Sorry for the wait!

The spraying I spoke of was from a rattle can of any old white paint I can find. I put one coat of epoxy over the white base so that if I screw up on the paint scheme, I can just wipe the colors off and start over without having to paint a white base again. As I've gotten more proficient with the airbrush, I don't find myself starting over much anymore but I still do things in the same order just in case.


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