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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Rhinelander Musky League 2011
Message Subject: Rhinelander Musky League 2011
Posted 4/22/2011 3:29 PM (#494532)
Subject: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
It's that time of the year again.......finally!!! The first meeting will take place at Pat's Tavern in Rhinelander on May 3rd at 7pm. Everone is welcome; spend your summer fishing some of the best lakes in the northwoods with a great group of people!! Questions can be directed to Dave Jonesi 715-453-3474
Posted 4/23/2011 8:00 AM (#494639 - in reply to #494532)
Subject: RE: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posted 4/23/2011 2:07 PM (#494699 - in reply to #494532)
Subject: Re: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posts: 32895

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I'm in again this year.
Posted 4/23/2011 6:25 PM (#494721 - in reply to #494532)
Subject: RE: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
Yes; we do meet up at taverns after league nites and we do our best to keep them near the water we are fishing for the evening. We seem to always have more sponsors than teams that fish; so get a team together! Some of our sponsors put on an awesome feed thats on the house when we roll into their establishments!! Great fishing, great people, great food!! Great to hear that Team Worrall will be in the fray as usual!

Posted 4/23/2011 7:19 PM (#494731 - in reply to #494532)
Subject: RE: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Your guy's league sounds really cool. Our North Metro muskie chapter has a fun league as well.
Do you guy's/gals post the league schedule and current standings on a different sight? It would be interesting reading.
It is a great way to get to know other anglers.

Good Luck this season

dh buc
Posted 4/30/2011 3:12 PM (#496095 - in reply to #494532)
Subject: RE: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posts: 134

Dave count me in with Dave Stewart as my partner. Won't get up there until June 11. This time it's for good!
Posted 5/1/2011 12:33 PM (#496219 - in reply to #496095)
Subject: RE: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
Hey Darrel that sounds great and congrats on the journey!! We'll be getting this thing off the ground even if it is still snowing on the first of May:) hey who knows may still be pre spawn at this rate!! Tell Dave to give me a shout at 453-3474, see ya in June!
Posted 5/1/2011 12:39 PM (#496220 - in reply to #496219)
Subject: RE: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
Hey Sorgy, we do put some results up on the fishing reports section from time to time some nites are better than others:)
Posted 5/1/2011 8:45 PM (#496296 - in reply to #496220)
Subject: RE: Rhinelander Musky League 2011

Posts: 304

Location: Lino Lakes, MN
Some nights are better than others - I saw it many times running the North Metro MI chapter league for 10 years.
We have had guy's catch 3 fish on the final night to take the victory away from the leader going into the last night.
An interesting hitch that we had in our league was partner points.

The league winner usually caught 3 to 5 muskies over the 8 nights- but he had to also fish with other members to get the partner points. We used the Muskies Inc scoring method of 4 pts for a 30" and 1 point for each inch over.
We gave out 3 points for showing up and fishing a league night and also 2 points for a partner that can only be counted once per year. If the member fished with a new member of the chapter he got 2 bonus points. It is a great way for the new members to get to know some of the members and even learn or share a trick or two.

It always got interesting when guy's get a fish or two or a very big fish they would be burning up the phone or e-mail lining up partners for the rest of the season. they would not miss an nother night if at all possible.


What are your rules?



Edited by Sorgy 5/1/2011 8:47 PM
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