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Muskie Fishing -> Muskie Boats and Motors -> A little help?
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Message Subject: A little help?
Posted 1/23/2011 9:48 AM (#477145)
Subject: A little help?

Posts: 172

Me and my girlfriend are in some kind of argument about boat and house priority.

I want to buy tuffy x170t
she think I shldnt buy boat and save money for house.
I think payment for tuffy is not bad and I think I can afford boat and house on future too.
I m just Torn on what to do. I have crappy 14' grummann that dad passed down on me. Would love to upgrade to bigger and fiberglass boat but again I have to keep my future other half happy....

What do you guys think I should do?
Posted 1/23/2011 9:58 AM (#477147 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: RE: A little help?

Posts: 158

deafmuskyhunter - 1/23/2011 10:48 AM

Me and my girlfriend are in some kind of argument about boat and house priority.

I want to buy tuffy x170t
she think I shldnt buy boat and save money for house.
I think payment for tuffy is not bad and I think I can afford boat and house on future too.
I m just Torn on what to do. I have crappy 14' grummann that dad passed down on me. Would love to upgrade to bigger and fiberglass boat but again I have to keep my future other half happy....

What do you guys think I should do?

I used to travel all over the country racing a Camaro in Sport Car Club of America events.
I sold it so that I could spend more time with the family doing other things (she and my son always came with me to these races)

Two months after I sold it, we separated and then divorced.

You can guess what my opinion is.....EXCEPT.....Don't forget, not only will you have that payment, that you say you can afford, you will also have a MUCH, MUCH higher fuel cost, both in your towing vehicle, and the boat, and you will have insurance costs, (granted they aren't bad), AND those affordable payments last for 10-12 years in lots of cases.

The first couple years aren't so bad, but come several years down the road you will wish you didn't still have a payment.
Top H2O
Posted 1/23/2011 10:04 AM (#477149 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: RE: A little help?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Are you going to marry her? If not, do what you want and get the boat..... If your going to keep her as your mate and lover than you will be better off keeping her happy !
priorities, my friend........ If you are with someone now who doesn't like you spending money or your time on fishing stuff now, it won't get better after your married.
By the way,.... that boat won't keep you warm on a cold winters night.......

Posted 1/23/2011 10:07 AM (#477150 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: RE: A little help?

With the interest rates as low as they are and home values being down now is the perfect time to buy a first home.

Posted 1/23/2011 10:56 AM (#477167 - in reply to #477150)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 172

So used boat is a better options? Like in 6-8k range?
Posted 1/23/2011 11:39 AM (#477181 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
The used boat market is heating up right now, and the 'deals' that were there are disappearing fast. Let me know by PM when you are ready and I'll see what I can do for you.
Posted 1/23/2011 11:42 AM (#477183 - in reply to #477167)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 3490

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
You can get a really nice rig for that price!! It might have a little age on it depending on the combination, but definitely much more than what it would cost new...

One thing...the money you put into a home is usually working for you rather than against you as it does in a boat, car, etc.

I would agree with Jerome, though... If your short term plans are to marry this young lady, then I would say a house should come first. The longer you wait on a home, the more it will cost and the interest you pay on the home will be substantially higher than the interest you will pay on a boat...either new or used.

Posted 1/23/2011 11:44 AM (#477184 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 3490

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
Like this one...

A bunch of boat for a great price...

Posted 1/23/2011 11:49 AM (#477186 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: RE: A little help?

you can't live in a boat.

what the girlfriend wants isn't the issue...your house is still your home and (probably) a great investment even if you don't stay together long term.

with the housing market (hopefully) at it's bottom, it's a great time to buy. a house is most likely to appreciate in the coming years and a boat is guaranteed to depreciate significantly. get the house and 5 years from now use a home equity loan for a boat. you'll get better interest rates and you can deduct the interest on your taxes.

a new boat is a luxury, not a need, and imho should come way after paying for your other real needs. look for something in the used market that you can afford, or spend a little money to upgrade your current boat with new electronics. it'll give you that "new toy" feeling, and you'll be able to keep them and transfer to a different boat in a couple years.

Edited by lambeau 1/23/2011 11:51 AM
Posted 1/23/2011 11:57 AM (#477187 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 8796

Buy the boat. If she doesn't leave you over it? Marry her.
Posted 1/23/2011 12:42 PM (#477200 - in reply to #477184)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 172

Thanks guy for helps I appreciate it.
I think I will put the purchase on hold Til future.
Posted 1/23/2011 1:02 PM (#477204 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Definitely evaluate the situation. If you really want the boat, get it. If you can afford a house and a boat, then go for it. Maybe you can compromise some on the boat too. Does she like to fish?
Posted 1/23/2011 2:33 PM (#477217 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 216

Location: Elk River, MN
Get the house and put it in your name if you're not married or are not getting married. House economy has been brutal - but its a great time to buy. I love fishing but you will be years ahead to get the house - IMO

Edited by dhacker 1/23/2011 2:34 PM
Top H2O
Posted 1/23/2011 3:04 PM (#477221 - in reply to #477217)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
? d.p.

Edited by Top H2O 1/23/2011 3:18 PM
Top H2O
Posted 1/23/2011 3:11 PM (#477223 - in reply to #477217)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Here's what you need, if your single.

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Click to expand / contract the width of this image
(PC240162 (Copy).JPG)

Attachments PC240162 (Copy).JPG (65KB - 173 downloads)
Posted 1/23/2011 3:32 PM (#477225 - in reply to #477223)
Subject: Re: A little help?

Posts: 172

Haha love the picture.

We had agree to hold on buying the boat and give my white wussy boat one more year.
Thanks Again everyone.
Posted 1/26/2011 3:43 PM (#477939 - in reply to #477145)
Subject: RE: A little help?

Have your girlfriend buy the house and you buy the boat. Why a Tuffy?
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