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Muskie Fishing -> Muskie Boats and Motors -> Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens
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Message Subject: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens
Posted 12/28/2010 11:51 AM (#472286)
Subject: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

Anyone know of a cleaner to remove sunscreen, bug spray, etc stains on fishfinder screens?


Edited by Firetiger 12/28/2010 11:54 AM
Posted 12/28/2010 2:03 PM (#472326 - in reply to #472286)
Subject: RE: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

Posts: 443

Location: Duluth, MN
Normally i wouldn't say much good about Monster products as they are typically WAY over priced. But this can be found pretty reasonably if you shop around and it works great for any screen.
Posted 12/28/2010 10:26 PM (#472437 - in reply to #472286)
Subject: Re: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

Posts: 422

I've found that the use of a light mixture of white vinegar and water work well with a terry cloth. Way cheaper than buying an expensive cleaner and works great!
Posted 12/29/2010 8:18 AM (#472461 - in reply to #472286)
Subject: Re: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

Posts: 676

Location: Wisconsin
Distilled water and alcohol mix and a microfibre cloth (lens cloth). Don't use windex, and the acid in vinegar might etch the screen and damage the coatings.
Posted 12/29/2010 11:32 AM (#472488 - in reply to #472286)
Subject: Re: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

Posts: 80

Location: Geneva, IL
I have restored to like new, GPS, fish finder screens, helmut visors and car scratches with Novus plastic polish:

Meguiar's works too:
Posted 1/1/2011 8:21 AM (#472843 - in reply to #472286)
Subject: RE: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

I use the distilled water and alcohol mix. A few years ago, Lowrance started recomending using this as a screen cleaner. 50% isopropyl alcohol/50%distilled water. Works great, some of the tougher spots require letting it sit a while and then using a little elbow grease with a soft cloth. I was told by a Lowrance rep not to use windex as it will dry out the screen gaskets. I always cover my locators if anyone in the boat is putting on bug spray- I have read a lot of story's about screens being ruined by the over spray.

Posted 1/2/2011 2:17 PM (#473106 - in reply to #472286)
Subject: RE: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

Posts: 373

Location: On the River
White Vineger and water works well for me

Edited by wisriverrat 1/2/2011 2:18 PM
Posted 1/6/2011 9:36 PM (#473883 - in reply to #472286)
Subject: Re: Dirty/Stained electronics fishfinder gps screens

Posts: 1185

Location: Wishin I Was Fishin'
I keep a little bottle of vinegar in the boat to clean the screen with the lowrance cloth it came with.

I've had bug spray etch into a screen already. I used crest toothpaste on an old clean t-shirt to buff it out. Plastic polish would probably be easier but toothpaste, water and elbow grease will get it done too.

I recently saw a plastic headlight lense polishing kit at Autozone that would work too.

Aerosal bug spary is not allowed in the boat anymore. Bad for plastic windshields too.

Edited by Jomusky 1/6/2011 9:38 PM
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