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Muskie Fishing -> Muskie Boats and Motors -> Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)
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Message Subject: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)
Posted 12/4/2010 3:09 AM (#468964)
Subject: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Posts: 271

Location: davis,IL
I know some have asked about an extended rear casting platform on a 1750..... well I had provided some views of my previous foray in this department. For reasons of sanity and economic safety instead of buying my "dream boat" I've decided to maximixe my current ride...('03 1750..75 yammie). Step 1 ... boat... tail heavy, porpoises.... Fix.... trim tabs..... step 2 motor... stainlesss prop (13.25x15 Turning Point)... funny how a prop can make a boat run completely different from what your used too! Between the the prop and the tabs... the boat now rides higher... bow and stern. Sadly I think I found the true hop up for the motor a little too late for the season...(tried in the driveway.. sounds Great). So back to the boat. I am replacing the 15" rear add on deck, with 26"s of deck for Dad to hang out casting for the big girl. The motor hop up needs some serious testing when the water softens. The new rear deck, while not finished... looks good... carpet color right and wrong in the garage....(check the shading in the picture).

Edited by muskydope 12/4/2010 3:16 AM

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Posted 12/4/2010 8:04 AM (#468973 - in reply to #468964)
Subject: Re: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

What's your motor hop-up? 2 stroke or 4 stroke?
My ears are perked...

Posted 12/4/2010 2:26 PM (#468997 - in reply to #468973)
Subject: Re: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

4st Yammie 75hp. This is the same motor as the 90 with smaller carbs and a different ignition module. The hop up...a 90hp ignition module...90 hp carb jets, and finally a mod to the intake manifold. The current weather conditions have not let me run the intake mod on the lake, but in the driveway it sounds very good, smoothed out the idle as well.
Posted 12/4/2010 4:50 PM (#469000 - in reply to #468964)
Subject: Re: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Posts: 551

Location: Columbus, Georgia
I had an '05 Fish Hawk 1750 with the vinyl package. Here's a pic of the rear deck extension I had made. It really made the difference for whomever was fishing the back of the boat.

Edited by cjrich 12/4/2010 4:53 PM

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Posted 12/11/2010 12:09 AM (#469949 - in reply to #468964)
Subject: RE: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

I agree, the rear deck makeover only adds to the boat. Walleye/ Multisecies boats have pittiful rear decks, if you only troll you would never notice. For those of us who cast a fair amount of the time, the raised Bass Boat style decks are appealing. I fail to understand why manufacturers of deep v boats fail to recognize that there is a market for this style boat with a raised seating cockpit, but also a raised rear deck.
Posted 12/11/2010 8:35 AM (#469969 - in reply to #468964)
Subject: Re: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Boat builders create big, deep V walleye boats for walleye anglers. Trolling is a major portion of what they do. A big deck is as negative a thing to a walleye troller as no rear deck is to you. The companies building a true multi-specie rig offer removable rear decks. The market for side by side permanent seating and an attached rear deck, bass boat style, in the deep V models is actually very small.
Posted 12/18/2010 2:30 AM (#471030 - in reply to #468964)
Subject: RE: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Hi Sworral

I'm not talking about a Fixed seat set up, while there are boats (Ranger) offering a removable rear extension deck, they are far and few in between (from what I've seen). I consider my boat a Walleye/ multi species boat, and I ask why more boat makers don't offer a fixed or removable (either) for those of us who cast more than troll. I agree that a Bass boat platform with fixed seating is very limited in a trolling scenerio. I've fished from both platforms and find that there are limitations to both designs, but I find it sad that the deep-vee folks offer a fine fishing deck for the front occupent but leave nothing for the fisherman at the stern.

Posted 12/30/2010 12:20 PM (#472616 - in reply to #468964)
Subject: RE: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Hey there muskydope, looks good. I am looking to do something like that for my boat as well, an 04 Fishhawk 1750. Is it pretty solid? What was your design underneath?
short STRIKE
Posted 12/30/2010 2:02 PM (#472627 - in reply to #472616)
Subject: RE: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Posts: 470

Location: Blaine, MN

quick inquiry for you, as I run the same rig and need a larger rear platform... is that extension afixed to anything or does it just fit snugly and secured due to being compressed into the space provided...just curious, thanks.

Posted 12/31/2010 3:52 PM (#472789 - in reply to #468964)
Subject: RE: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

I riveted a peice of aluminum angle on either side (1"x1"x14" long) which I have a stainless sheetmetal screw in (much like the screws holding the factory decking down). I also have a center support at the rear bulkhead, in front I narrowed the opening with supports on each side. The deck itself (3/4" plywood) is re-enforced across the front and front to back tieing into the seat base
Posted 12/31/2010 4:04 PM (#472792 - in reply to #472789)
Subject: RE: Rear deck part 2 (Crestliner)

Posts: 271

Location: davis,IL
Pic 1 shows outside view, pic 2 looking straight underneath, pic 3 shows the angle aluminum riveted in place (1/4" automotive window regulator rivets)

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