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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Scale Patterns
Message Subject: Scale Patterns
Posted 12/5/2009 10:32 PM (#411110)
Subject: Scale Patterns

Just a question about how guys keep the mesh against the lure body when attempting to paint scales patterns. Mine moves all over and smudges the paint.
Posted 12/6/2009 6:56 AM (#411130 - in reply to #411110)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

Posts: 615

Location: Madison, WI

I hold the biat at the rear eyescrew with a small vice grip pliers, then I put the pliers in a vice. I drape the scale material over the bait and use small spring clamps by the belly to hold the material and keep it from moving. The important part is knowing when to remove it so it doesn't smudge. If you are using createx paint you can set it quick after spraying with a hair dryer. i hope this helps, I still sruggle with scales.

Tony Spicker
Posted 12/6/2009 8:23 AM (#411136 - in reply to #411130)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

Posts: 11

Make it easy on yourself and staple the scale pattern onto an old picture frame then make a rack to hold the frame at an angle so you can sit and hold the bait up to the mesh with one hand and let the paint fly with the other......... I made my rack out of 2x4's. It stands 4 fooot high and 4 foot wide. I screwed two angle brackets to the picture frame then clamped the brackets to one of the cross pieces of 2x4 with two big vicegrips... The reason I made mine so big is along the two cross pieces (horizontally) I put finishing nails to hang lures being painted...

Hope this helps.

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Posted 12/6/2009 11:45 AM (#411168 - in reply to #411110)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

Posts: 1504

Location: Oregon
I like Tony's idea.

I have lots of different ways of doing it depending on the material I am using for the scale pattern. Some of my materials are soft and others are rigid so it varies. Nevertheless, I mostly just lay the lure on the table in front of me, lay the scale pattern over it and shoot. For soft materials, I have the netting in an embroidery hoop which you can buy for a dollar at Wal-Mart. As MS said, you have to be careful when you remove the netting, go slow so you don't smear the still wet paint.


Posted 12/6/2009 3:53 PM (#411197 - in reply to #411110)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

here you go
Posted 12/7/2009 6:00 PM (#411369 - in reply to #411197)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

Posts: 4266

I've got 6 embroidery hoops all with a different size mesh on them. I lay the lure down on an angled board that I have pegs driven into and trap it in the mesh. I use HOK lacquers with a fast drying reducer, so I can flip the lure and do the other side usually in under a minute. A light mist like scaling dries very fast and can be handled as soon as it's dry with very little chance of any kind of smudging.
The Dad Fisherman
Posted 3/9/2010 8:50 AM (#427805 - in reply to #411110)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

Posts: 3

Hey Guys, just found this forum yesterday and decided to sign up because I actually have a tip i use for scales.

I went to a crafts store and got some Magnets. I drape the mesh over the lure and pinch together and hold in place with the magnets...If I need to pull the mesh a little tighter I can throw a couple of bolts on the magnets and it tightens the mesh up.

Hope this helps
Posted 3/9/2010 10:33 AM (#427839 - in reply to #427805)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

I Watched the Hose bait video and started doing it, It works very well.

Edited by MuskyFix 3/9/2010 10:36 AM

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Posted 11/16/2011 10:39 PM (#524969 - in reply to #411110)
Subject: RE: Scale Patterns

Posts: 1

oh my gosh so many great idea. but i do have one question. i am looking for some mesh type material that has a hexagonal shape to it. and that isn't to big the smaller the better. i really like the way the mesh in the above photo looks. any suggestions on it? any information will help so please reply thanks
Posted 11/17/2011 7:54 PM (#525082 - in reply to #411110)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

Posts: 531

Location: Hugo, MN
Any fabric store will have a decent selection of mesh fabrics to choose from. The one MuskyFix showed above is pretty common. I've seen it used for laundry bags and athletic equipment storge bags. Keep your eyes open, you'd be surprised how often you'll see something that would make a neat pattern on a bait. You can find some good stuff in the produce department at the grocery store.
Posted 11/26/2011 3:04 PM (#526027 - in reply to #525082)
Subject: Re: Scale Patterns

Posts: 4266

Google "Collins Cottage". They make all sorts of mesh bags and pockets for luggage etc. The best source for different sizes and styles of mesh. Call and talk to Karen, she always gets a kick when she hears her stuff is getting used for painting lures.
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