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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Muskie Tattoos
Message Subject: Muskie Tattoos
Posted 8/30/2006 6:12 PM (#207322)
Subject: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 109

Location: Ottawa Lake, MI
Anybody out there have any Muskie tattoos or any other fish tattoos? Got any pics?

Posted 8/30/2006 7:11 PM (#207328 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 11

Check out Skin Prints of Eau Claire Wisconsin. One of my good friends is a tatoo artist and has done some really great muskies. If you go on the web site check out some of the pics under JT.
Posted 8/30/2006 7:27 PM (#207332 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 2024

Where's Karl when you need him!
Posted 8/30/2006 7:27 PM (#207333 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 3877

A buddy I met at an early Cass Lake Outing had the most amazing muskie tatoos you could possibly imagine. He has a whole scene on his chest/belly, and another whole scene on his back. I'm talking two tatoos, each taking up the entire front and back. Muskies in habitat preparing to hit baits/prey. Unbelievable. Huge and detailed and amazing colors. I went to take a pic and he said no, so no. But, let me tell you, unbelievable tats. No room left on his front or back for anything else, those tats covered everything from neck to belt, and from neck to butt. Only a coule folks saw, those in my cabin. We're all sensitive to his wishes to be private about it. So we are.
Perfect Drift
Posted 8/30/2006 7:49 PM (#207336 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 155

I just saw one of a lure embidded in someones back..I want one...
Posted 8/31/2006 12:29 PM (#207432 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
I've got this on my shoulder........minus the G Loomis.....just the fish


Edited by Pointerpride102 8/31/2006 12:30 PM

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Posted 8/31/2006 12:44 PM (#207436 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 174

Location: Wis. Rapids, WI
Here's what I have. I'll be adding a background sometime in the near future.

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Posted 8/31/2006 12:59 PM (#207440 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
Posted 8/31/2006 1:55 PM (#207445 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Way cool Todd!

Posted 8/31/2006 3:13 PM (#207458 - in reply to #207436)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

What body part is that?
Posted 8/31/2006 3:18 PM (#207462 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 434

Location: searchin for 50
you don't want to know. LOL It's his arm. I've seen that arm before.
Posted 8/31/2006 5:19 PM (#207481 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 327

PLenty o' ink here , nut no ski's ... yet !! Been thinking of a way ( my own little way ) of getting a ski somewhere and a whitetail somewhere . I have to get ink in honor of my daughter 1st , not sure who's going to pay for all of this but I'm due !! I do have an octopus/underwater 1/4 sleeve , close enough ????
Reef Hawg
Posted 8/31/2006 5:26 PM (#207482 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
Todd, is that your neck??? Cool tat man!

I saw a fella with a Musky tattoo one night while siping a cool one at Hermans Landing about 7 years ago. It was one of the most realistic tats I have ever seen by far, just awesome!!!

I always thought about it and think I'd like a fish coming out of the water with my lure, line broken and wrapping around my arm... Otherwise, the idea of the lure in ones back would be too cool.
Posted 8/31/2006 8:28 PM (#207490 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 229

Location: Plover, WI
Here's my tattoo. Got it about 9 years ago. Its a little faded, but its still a musky.

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Posted 8/31/2006 8:32 PM (#207491 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Should get that thing touched up....looks cool though!

Posted 8/31/2006 9:17 PM (#207494 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 109

Location: Ottawa Lake, MI
Those tats are sweet. I was thinking about getting one, but I thought people would think I was crazy, I think I might have to get one now that I have seen other people with them. I guess that there are bigger muskie nuts then me. I would like to see that one on that guys back. Keep the pics coming.

Posted 8/31/2006 11:06 PM (#207499 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 956

Location: Home of the 2016 World Series Champion Cubs
No pic of mine but it is the entire cover art ("In the Zone") of the Rollie & Hellens catalog a couple of years ago. 2004 I think it was. I'll dig up the catalog and take a pic of the tattoo and post them both. Tattoo Factory in Chicago did an excellent job.

Edited by KARLOUTDOORS 8/31/2006 11:08 PM
matt ia
Posted 9/1/2006 3:11 PM (#207584 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Location: Altoona, IA
This one is about 10 years old.
Can't figure out how to get the photo to post though.
Posted 9/1/2006 3:26 PM (#207586 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 5874

Welcome to Jamaica, mon, have a nice day
Posted 9/1/2006 9:59 PM (#207629 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 31

Location: Hoges Store, VA
Ya'll need help.
Lone Stone
Posted 9/2/2006 2:40 PM (#207658 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 477

Location: Iowa
D-Unit, if you're worried about people thinking you're crazy, then maybe you're not the type for a tattoo. Don't worry about what others think is cool or not cool. If you want it, and like it, then that's the tattoo for you. Try to find an artist that will draw one for you though so you have an original. I had a bass put on my leg before I got real serious about muskie, and he has a picture of it in his book, and refuses to give anyone else the same tattoo. He tells them, Can you have a tattoo of a bass? Yes. Can you have a tattoo of that bass? No. Good luck with your search.
10" Woody
Posted 9/7/2006 6:11 PM (#208247 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 41

I got a really cool muskie tat done at the raptors roost in Minoqua. I took the musky innovations logo, took out the bulldog and added a perch in its place, and had the musky painted like a tiger musky. Not sure how to post a picture but if your in minqua in might be in his book. This guy was a taxadermist before he started doing tatoos.
Big Perc
Posted 9/10/2006 9:19 PM (#208599 - in reply to #207322)
Subject: RE: Muskie Tattoos

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
I have always wanted a tatoo having to do with muskie fishing but I don't think I could go through with it...

Big Perc
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