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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Northern vs. Northern Photo
Message Subject: Northern vs. Northern Photo
Posted 6/14/2006 9:49 PM (#196378)
Subject: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 53

Check out this photo. I was fishing in Canada a few years back and found these two pike alive like this. We pulled them apart and they both swam off. Has anyone ever seen this before?

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Attachments hungry_pike.jpg (87KB - 3958 downloads)
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Posted 6/14/2006 9:55 PM (#196379 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 405

dont see any photo??
Posted 6/14/2006 10:08 PM (#196381 - in reply to #196379)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 53

Sorry, they should be up now.
Posted 6/14/2006 10:16 PM (#196383 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 2024

Never seen it happen myself, but the amount of cannibalism among pike is UNBELIEVABLE!
Posted 6/14/2006 10:19 PM (#196384 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 4

yea man, I have found two pike stuck together like that. But they were dead. A little bit larger pike though. Whats with the blood on the pants. Looks like you kight be a little rough on the fish?
Posted 6/14/2006 10:23 PM (#196385 - in reply to #196384)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 53

The blood is from a musky tooth earlier that morning! Boy, you really studied the photos!
Posted 6/14/2006 10:27 PM (#196386 - in reply to #196385)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 4

Great pics. I think we've all lost a little blood to a muskie tooth.

Edited by mooskie 6/14/2006 10:28 PM
Posted 6/15/2006 9:03 AM (#196420 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 125

Location: North Saint Paul, MN
Pike will eat pretty much anything. I've caught a pike before with another pike tail hanging out of it's mouth. I pulled it out and there was only about half of it left. They will eat each other if they are hungry. I've seen that a couple different times.
Posted 6/15/2006 9:10 AM (#196424 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 1083

Cool photo. How in the heck were you able to pull the two apart without hurting either fish and for them both to swim off? I'd think if you tried to pull the one fish out of the other fishes mouth, by removing it from the mouth in the opposite direction, going against the grain of the gill rakers and the teeth wouldn't allow you to pull it back least not easily and without injury to the fish. And pulling it through the gill to go with the grain of the gill rakers and teeth...would surely destroy that other fishes gill flaps? This is all just out of curiousity. Guess I had to be there to see it.

Pretty amazing nonetheless. Nice work!
NM Tiger
Posted 6/15/2006 9:28 AM (#196427 - in reply to #196424)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 22

Location: Albuquerque
The same thing can happen with Tiger Muskies. Here is a photo and article that I found one time about a similiar occurence.

What was "the fish of a thousand casts" thinking when it tried to eat one of
its own kind - and size? Clearly, the mugging that happened at Quincy
Reservoir on April 24 was a heroic case of one's eyes being too large for
one's stomach.

The fracas happened not far from Quincy's dam on a Sunday morning, when one
large tiger muskie tried to eat another large tiger muskie headfirst. The
snaggle-toothed predators ended up something like buck deer with locked

It was strange behavior for a fish anglers know as sullen and reluctant to
open its mouth. Maybe they bore some grudge against each other. We will
never know. There were no witnesses to the attack.

Ranger Diane Donovan found the combatants when she was patrolling the Aurora
Parks reservoir's shoreline. Two anglers called her attention to something
unusual they had spied floating on the surface, and she waded in to check it

"It looked like one tried to eat the other and it came out of his gill,"
Donovan said. "The big one was 41 inches long, and that was the one that
tried to eat the small one that was 39 inches long. They were both quite

The tiger muskies were floating in 1 foot of water just off the bank.
Apparently, Donovan found them only minutes after they succumbed.

"They looked very fresh," she said. "There was nothing ripe about them. I've
never seen anything like it, except with smaller fish. It was quite

The pair might be united forever. Aurora Parks is considering giving some
taxidermist the daunting task of mounting the tangle. Doubtless, the display
will make a strong statement about risk-taking.

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Posted 6/15/2006 1:23 PM (#196462 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 1083

Yeah...I've seen that photo and read that article before. Not only can it happen to Pike, Tiger Muskies, Muskies, can happen to any aggressive predator fish...
Posted 6/15/2006 2:22 PM (#196469 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 3

that is crazy Ive never seen anything like that but I guess anything can happen
Posted 6/15/2006 2:41 PM (#196472 - in reply to #196469)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Pike are insanely agressive some times. I had one in my tank that attacked everything in there including the glass.

I am routinely 'rough' on the some of pike I catch. I hit some of them on the head with a bat, fillet them and zip the bones out, roll the fillets in some home made batter, and fry 'em up. I'm even rougher with an occasional deer in November and December, shooting them with a .270 WSM or a 50 Smoke Pole and then turn them in to Slamr food.

Where Bambi goes, nuthin' grows.
Posted 6/15/2006 10:06 PM (#196522 - in reply to #196424)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 53

Thanks Mack. It was actually pretty easy getting them apart. I held the fish while my dad used some jaw spreaders to open the jaw just enough to slide the other pike out the way he went in. The one pike left a nice imprint of his teeth in the other one! I hope this makes sense.
Posted 6/15/2006 10:08 PM (#196523 - in reply to #196427)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 53

O.K. NM Tiger, you win! Your photo is better. That is amazing, thanks for sharing!
Posted 6/15/2006 10:13 PM (#196525 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Posts: 561

Location: Monee, Illinois
I got musky in my one fish tank and have pulled them apart a couple of times, it makes my laugh, started with 6 musky now I am down to two, but they are too big to try that stuff anymore, it is a site thought....great picture...

Posted 6/18/2006 4:12 PM (#196855 - in reply to #196378)
Subject: RE: Northern vs. Northern Photo

Nice! Great pics
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