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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Cobra Marine Band Radio
Message Subject: Cobra Marine Band Radio
Ball Cap
Posted 7/12/2005 11:03 AM (#153264)
Subject: Cobra Marine Band Radio

Hey guys:

Looking to buy a mid-range priced hand held marine band radio.

I will only use it a couple times per year, so not looking to spend a ton of dough.

The Cobras look pretty nice and are fairly priced. Anyone have any experience with them?

Thanks - Midge
Fish and Whistle
Posted 7/12/2005 11:14 AM (#153266 - in reply to #153264)
Subject: RE: Cobra Marine Band Radio

Posts: 462

Location: Antioch, IL
I was looking into hand helds a few weeks ago and decided they just weren't the way to go. Even with the high end models I was told your range is pretty much limited to line of sight. Once you get behind an island or two you will have a real hard time even if the actual distance is well within the range the unit claims to be capable of. There was another post on here in the boats & motors section (i think) that the guys gave a lot of good info in.
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/13/2005 8:16 AM (#153354 - in reply to #153264)
Subject: RE: Cobra Marine Band Radio

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI

I have a Cobra hand-held and have to say that I was impressed with how far it actually picked up signals. I love the weather channels too.

We used 2 Unidens and my Cobra (at base camp) during our first IMTT this season, I picked up broadcasts with little problems. We were on Okauckee Lake and I picked up broadcasts that were easily 3 miles away, through a concrete bridge and 2 islands.

There's no doubt that a fixed mount 25 watt radio is the best thing to get, but I was impressed with my handheld Cobra MR HH300 VP...we have them, and the 400 (with Nicad battery pack), for $119.99.

Edited by Gander Mt Guide 7/13/2005 8:18 AM

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