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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Metro Area Muskie Trip
Message Subject: Metro Area Muskie Trip
Posted 7/29/2004 8:34 PM (#113550)
Subject: Metro Area Muskie Trip

My dad and i are trying to plan a trip up that way around the second week in august. We just don't know which lake yet. We might go as far north as Mille Lac just want some sugguestions thanks for the help
Posted 7/30/2004 8:20 AM (#113573 - in reply to #113550)
Subject: RE: Metro Area Muskie Trip

Posts: 259

Location: Alexandria, MN
Plenty of options in the Twin Cities, MilleLacs would be your best bet for a possible
trophy fish, but the Metro waters have their big fish too.

Metro options include;
Minnetonka - size and numbers, lots of pike and bass to keep you busy.
White Bear - tougher lake, clear water -- but some BIG fish
Bald Eagle - smaller lake, easier to cover.
Forest Lake - medium sized water, holds both numbers and PIGS
Owasso - Small and shallow with a couple holes, easy to hit the spots, but not many options
Independence - good lake, has it all
City Lakes - Elmo, Calhoun, Harriet, Cedar and Eagle - harder to get on, some have motor restrictions.
Sugar - A little farther out west, but holds some nice fish. IF you are up for the drive to Mille Lacs, this would
be about the same, just not the chance of getting blown off the lake.

Good Luck with your trip -- the metro waters above produced 28 fish for me last year with 2 of them over 50".
Feel free to ask any questions ([email protected])

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