Posts: 578
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L99AySv_gV0 |
Posts: 1759
| I didn't watch your video but my response to the title of the thread is.......NO.
We have something here called MNFISH who are all about making money. The health of the resource is secondary. They would fight a ban tooth & nail. |
Posts: 330
| Not ban but perhaps restrict. |
Posts: 2335
Location: Chisholm, MN | No, they are not going to ban it or even restrict it any time soon. |
| In Wisconsin, such a change would have to come from the legislature. The DNR's rule making authority was severely curtailed under former governor Walker and the Republican legislature has maintained that. What is the situation in MN? Could your DNR make the change or would it have to come from legislature? |