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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Would you really?
Message Subject: Would you really?
Posted 6/8/2023 9:33 AM (#1021462 - in reply to #1020862)
Subject: RE: Would you really?

Posts: 356

Location: Western U.P.
For me to consider it, and keep a fish of that size to claim the record, it would have to be over 70". Would I care what other people thought... absolutely not. Everyone has their own opinion, and they can agree or disagree, but it is what it is. Can't be sure if that fish is, has, or will ever swim, but I would be surprised if there aren't multiple fish of that size swimming today. Fish of that age/size probably rarely, if ever see a lure because of where, and how they live, so catching one would be an accomplishment. That fish has lived an exceptionally long life, and has contributed to the population by passing her genes along for decades. Would I keep her... can't say for sure until I'm ever put in that situation, which may not be likely, but I'll keep poking around those out of the way places just in case.
Posted 6/8/2023 10:58 AM (#1021467 - in reply to #1020862)
Subject: Re: Would you really?

Posts: 1457

Location: Brighton CO.
A few people have hit that Muskie Jackpot and have caught that 56"-57" with 30" girth (giant fish) or that long fish pushing 60" with out the huge girth. Time to time there's Resort/Bar talk of that 100 pounder or at least a fabled fish living out on community Weedbed or Reef. Would I kept a 65" fish with fat mans girth? YES, Fact of the matter where I fish no fish exist.
So NO. I do fish water with a history of big fish.
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