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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Longer throw tranx handle
Message Subject: Longer throw tranx handle
Posted 10/31/2022 9:17 PM (#1014243)
Subject: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 224

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Next season I am switching back to all tranx, possibly a Calcutta conquest as well. Does anyone know of any longer handles you could put on a tranx? I really liked the extended handle setting on the Lexa tws for throwing bucktails, could throw as big of blades as I wanted on a 7.1 and it was super easy. I would like to extend the handle on the high speed 400/500 to make bigger blades a little easier. I know I have heard of guys throwing some of the old Calcutta power handles on tranx but don’t know what model or where to buy one
Posted 10/31/2022 10:29 PM (#1014249 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 1430

Location: Brighton CO.
I own both Tranx 500 PG and 400 (and put a power handle on the 400) the 500 comes with one. And I have a power handle on my old Calcutta 400B as well. The power handle for the 400 come from R&H's .
Posted 11/1/2022 11:30 AM (#1014265 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 527

You could probably use a Lexa handle on the Tranx. See if it will fit over the post and tighten the nut down with the spacers/washers to check for "slop". If it's not loose, it should be fine. Maybe a drop of loctite on the threads to make sure...
Posted 11/1/2022 6:10 PM (#1014271 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 224

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
I will try one of the lexa handles I have from one of my broken tws and see if it works. I like the stock power handles from both the 400 and 500 for most baits but for bucktails I like how a longer handle takes less effort to turn. I’ll probably have one 400 with a stock or shorter power handle for other baits, than one 400 with a longer one for bucktails. If anyone knows any aftermarket handles like jigging world that would be longer than the stock ones I’d definitely pick one up and give it a try
Posted 11/7/2022 6:51 PM (#1014393 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 753

I use Trinidad 16 handles on my 500 Tranx's. They work awesome.
Posted 11/8/2022 1:20 AM (#1014398 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 20229

Location: oswego, il
Contact I know they used to sell the bigger saltwater power handle for the tranx. I bought an aftermarket handle for my Lexa that was 1/2" longer than the power handle it comes with. Makes a big difference.
Posted 11/8/2022 6:01 AM (#1014400 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 98

I put Tranx 500 White Power handle on my Tranx 401s hg and pg. Calcutta 700 counterbalanced power handles on my Calcutta Conquests. Check with Dave’s Reel Service and Mats Reel Repairs.
Posted 11/9/2022 7:51 PM (#1014479 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 333

Location: SE Wisc
Remember that a longer handle could engage the brake during the cast. You may need to take notice of the handle location before every cast which would be a pain. Turning your wrists 90 degrees inward during the cast could prevent it . What about just getting a 500?
Posted 11/14/2022 7:39 PM (#1014610 - in reply to #1014479)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 224

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ciscokid82 - 11/9/2022 7:51 PM

Remember that a longer handle could engage the brake during the cast. You may need to take notice of the handle location before every cast which would be a pain. Turning your wrists 90 degrees inward during the cast could prevent it . What about just getting a 500?

I have a 500hg and if I’m going to use it for Bucktails I’d rather have a longer handle than what it comes with stock. I have always heard of guys complain about the power handles engaging on the cast but in the 3 years of using 400 and 500 tranx I have never once had it happen. I have a really smooth way of casting and don’t really whip baits out so that’s probably why I haven’t had any issues
Posted 11/16/2022 2:27 PM (#1014671 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 1727

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
I have handles from the Trinidad 16 and ljv on my 500’s. Don’t sling them hard or they tend to engage. This happens much easier than with the stock handles on the 500. I do swap the knobs to the lighter version that comes with the 500 and that helps.

Posted 11/17/2022 7:43 PM (#1014722 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Location: Canada
I put this one on my 400 and it is incredible. From Mat's Reel Repairs: MRRTRANX custom Eva power handle for Trans 500. 80 mm throw.
Posted 12/3/2022 7:14 PM (#1016102 - in reply to #1014243)
Subject: Re: Longer throw tranx handle

Posts: 403

Location: Lakeville, MN
Jigging world
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