Posts: 5
| Hey y'all, so just recently I bought a Phantom Hardhead from a local dealer, and it looks great. Well designed, painted, etc. There's one issue though; the tail. When I was carrying it around after I bought it, the glue that was holding it on the body must've gotten to hot, and melted. Now that both end are separated, I have absolutely 0 idea what to do in order to get it back together. Inside of the tail end is a giant spring/screw. Somebody told me that the way to fix it would be to take the screw out of the tail, glue the spring back onto the body, and thread the tail back on. Is this correct? I've tried screwing the spring out of the tail but to no avail. If y'all know how I could fix this, please tell me. Thanks.
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Posts: 20231
Location: oswego, il | I have fixed some with by putting a plastic drywall screw in the tail. Put in a regular screw in the back end, cut off the head then thread this on with some gorilla glue. Good to go. Will look in reverse of how it was intended to be used in drywall.
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Posts: 1142
Location: NorthCentral WI | Use a pair of Vise Grips to lock onto the spring and then thread the grub tail off, then epoxy the spring back in place on the bait. |

Posts: 1142
Location: NorthCentral WI | Delete... Double post. |