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More Muskie Fishing -> Muskie Club Information and Announcements -> Twin Cities Muskies Inc Banquet April 23rd tickets,,and meeting
Message Subject: Twin Cities Muskies Inc Banquet April 23rd tickets,,and meeting
happy hooker
Posted 4/10/2022 7:33 PM (#1004315)
Subject: Twin Cities Muskies Inc Banquet April 23rd tickets,,and meeting

Posts: 3150

The Twin Cities Muskies Inc Banquet will be held on saturday April 23rd.
at the Minnesota Valley Country club in Bloomington 6300 Auto Club RD

Dinner,Raffles,silent auctions and other events $20,000 plus in merchandise to be had.
You can sign up for just dinner and different level musky buck packages to be used for raffles
You do not have to be a member of Muskies Inc to attend
Funds raised from this help in many projects related to the muskie fishery.
Fun time,lots of stuff to win.
Tickets and further info is available at,,
We will also have our General membership meeting on Tuesday April 10th 7pm at the Knights of Columbus in Bloomington
Dan Janiszewski of RipALip University will be our speaker
Decisions,Decisions on what brand,type,application s of electronics for your boat is a big decision and mystery now.
Dan is a master of showing you what type of electronics decisions that will work for the type of fishing you do. Not married to any specific brand or company he will provide info on all the specs,application s,and the best way to network them.
Big money decisions in electronics these days and if you have never talked to Dan its amazing how easy he can talk about this complex subject and make you feel confident in your electronics.
Also info and signup for the upcoming Banquet will be available at meeting.
You do not have to be a member of Muskies Inc to attend and there is no charge.,,we meet at

Knights of Columbus
1114 American boulevard west
Bloomington, MN.

Edited by happy hooker 4/11/2022 8:05 AM
happy hooker
Posted 4/23/2022 10:02 AM (#1004740 - in reply to #1004315)
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Muskies Inc Banquet April 23rd tickets,,and meeting

Posts: 3150

Their might be a couple spots open if you quick PM me in the next two hours
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