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Message Subject: 2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on Lake Geneva - October 23, 2021
Posted 7/1/2021 11:35 AM (#982025)
Subject: 2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on Lake Geneva - October 23, 2021

Posts: 21
The Chicagoland Muskie Hunters (Muskies Inc Chapter 03) will be hosting the 2nd Annual Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on beautiful Lake Geneva, WI. The tournament will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2021 from 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM. The proceeds raised by this tournament will go directly towards the stocking of Leech Lake strain Muskies into Lake Geneva via our chapter’s Dean Rosset Stocking Program. This is truly a burgeoning Muskie fishery, which has been stocked with Wisconsin strain Muskies since 2010. According to the Wisconsin DNR, due to the large cisco forage base, these fish are growing at a tremendous rate.

We have an exciting change to this year’s tournament. We are partnering with to manage our tournament using the FishDonkey App. For those of you not familiar with the FishDonkey App, it allows participants to register for the tournament and pay online. On the day of the tournament, it provides anti-cheating technology for recording your catch and provides a live leaderboard with real-time updates throughout the day. This technology is relatively new for a Muskie tournament. The FishDonkey App is available for Android and iPhone smartphones. It is very exciting for us to bring this new technology into the sport of Muskie fishing. For more information about FishDonkey, go to

Registration is easy. Just download the FishDonkey app to your smartphone, select “Fish in a Tournament”, then search “2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament”. Follow the steps to register.

The tournament details are:
• Entry fee is $210 per two-person team including the $10 FishDonkey service fee.
• Prize Payout: 1st Place - $2,500, 2nd Place - $1,500, 3rd Place - $1,000, 4th Place - $750, 5th Place - $500, plus Big Fish Pool (Prizes based on a full 75-boat field)
• You can launch your boat anywhere you want on Lake Geneva.
• Boats will leave in numerical order from our Williams Bay takeoff point.
• Tournament hours are 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM.
• Tournament rules can be accessed on the FishDonkey app as well as the Chicagoland Muskie Hunters website tournament page.

Contact tournament director Jim Cejna at 630-370-5509 or [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this year’s tournament. We hope to see you there.
Posted 10/6/2021 8:28 PM (#996298 - in reply to #982025)
Subject: RE: 2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on Lake Geneva - October 23, 2021

Posts: 21
Looks like the big girls are starting to eat on Lake Geneva. Checkout this pair of 48's that were caught one night last weekend by the Porter brothers. Robert and Brian Porter won last years Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament and it looks like they are already on the early fall bite this year. According to Robert, they started focusing on Muskies the past few weeks and have had some pretty good success so far. If those two fish are any indication of that success, then I think we all have something to look forward to in this years tournament.

We still have slots available, so go ahead and get registered. So far the extended weather forecast is looking pretty mild.

Attachments Porter 2021-1b.jpeg (26KB - 508 downloads)
Attachments Porter 2021-2b.jpeg (26KB - 485 downloads)
Posted 10/24/2021 3:58 PM (#997715 - in reply to #982025)
Subject: Re: 2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on Lake Geneva - October 23, 2021

Posts: 103
Location: Miller time Wisconsin.
I heared there were 40 boats entered with 4 fish caught, would love to hear the official results.
Posted 10/25/2021 11:28 AM (#997731 - in reply to #982025)
Subject: RE: 2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on Lake Geneva - October 23, 2021

Posts: 21
Hi all,

I want to thank everyone who participated in this years Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament. We ended up with 41 boats and raised a lot of money for stocking. That was a nice increase over last years boat total and we hope that it will be even bigger next year. Speaking of next year, the tournament has been set and will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022, so mark your calendars. We were very encouraged with the response to our use of the FishDonkey app for the tournament. It adds a new level of technology to our sport. I loved the live leaderboard, which was updated for all participants every time a new fish was registered. I cracked up every time heard the donkey sound when a fish was recorded. I expect that we will be using FishDonkey again next year.


We had three boats with qualifying fish

1st Place - Boat 7 - Kevin Hartwig and Coltin Thomas with two fish, a 42.00 and 32.25 for 74.25 points - Paid $1,367
2nd Place and Big Fish - Boat 8 - Jon Dombrowski and Troy White with a 44.50 for 44.50 points - Paid $820 for 2nd + $410 for big fish
3rd Place - Boat 13 - Mike Thornton and Jeff Cantwell with a 37.75 for 37.75 points - Paid $547

We did a drawing of boat numbers for 4th and 5th places.

4th Place drawing went to Bob Petersen and Jeff Stulgin - Paid $410
5th Place drawing went to Tom Flannery and Colleen Seal - Paid $273


We had a pretty nice day out there on Saturday, a little cold in the early morning, but that's OK. Those of you that were with us last year will remember the 40+ MPH winds along with 4 to 5 foot waves that afternoon. Much better! The second and third place teams were both from Ohio. Thank you guys for making the trip, you represented Ohio very well and hope to see you back with us next year.

In total, I am aware of eight fish that were caught today, including fish that were under the 30 inch limit for the tournament. My boat caught a 28.5" Leech Lake Muskie, which we have to assume was from our first stocking back in October of 2018. That fish was only 12 inches long when we stocked it back then and really shows some incredible growth in a relatively short period of time. I also got a report of another Leech Lake fish that was 29.75 inches long. Again, those fish are growing fast.

One last thing, the Chicagoland Muskie Hunters will have a booth at the Muskie Expo Chicago that will be happening on January 7, 8. and 9, 2022. Next years Expo will be at the Kane County Fair Grounds in St Charles, IL. Stop by and see us. We will be selling raffle tickets for some really nice prizes and we should have a new stock of Chicagoland Muskie Hunters long sleeve Scale Wear shirts with a new design for 2022. We will also have information on many of the outings and events that we will be involved with throughout the year.

Thanks again and see you next year.

Kind Regards,

Jim Cejna

Tournament Director
Chicagoland Muskie Hunters
[email protected]
(630) 370-5509
Posted 10/25/2021 4:41 PM (#997746 - in reply to #982025)
Subject: Re: 2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on Lake Geneva - October 23, 2021

Posts: 103
Location: Miller time Wisconsin.
Jim, thanks for the report. I was seriously considering entering but was hesitant to allow the fish monkey app to obtain permission to access everything in my phone. Being not so tech savvy, I couldn't figure out how to make it usable unless I gave it potentially invasive permissions. However I have no doubt the app served the tournament well.
Posted 11/3/2021 11:30 PM (#997888 - in reply to #982025)
Subject: Re: 2021 Lady of the Lake Muskie Tournament on Lake Geneva - October 23, 2021

Posts: 21
The FishDonkey app is completely safe. Yes you do have to put credit card info into it in order to register for the tournament. It’s very secure. As the tournament organizer I had to put my info in there as well. No one from our tournament had any issues with that and we got our money transfer after the tournament without any problems. This app has been used now for a couple of years and has been tested and proven to be good. I hope that you reconsider entering the tournament next year, which will be held on October 22, 2022.
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