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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> New! 14" Frankensuick
Message Subject: New! 14" Frankensuick
Posted 3/7/2021 10:47 AM (#976565)
Subject: New! 14" Frankensuick

Posts: 46

Hi, just read about this in Musky Hunter magazine

The biggest baddest Suick ever produced, complete with an All New built-in weight system. Weight it down to neutral for those post cold front and fall days or take all the weights right out and fish over your favourite weed bed.

A wider head design combined with a skinnier than normal tail give this lure a side to side “wiggle” which is unparalleled. All of this combined with Made in USA quality you know and expect from Suick.

Without a question the most versatile jerk bait on the planet!

Number of hooks and replacement size: (3) #7/0
Length: 14 - inches
Weight: 9 Oz. (Adjustable)
Construction: Wood

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Posted 3/7/2021 11:11 AM (#976568 - in reply to #976565)
Subject: RE: New! 14" Frankensuick

Posts: 2280

Location: SE, WI.

WOW! Reasonable...$65 ea.......Might have to pick up 3 or 4


Edited by jdsplasher 3/7/2021 11:27 AM
North of 8
Posted 3/7/2021 11:34 AM (#976570 - in reply to #976568)
Subject: Re: New! 14" Frankensuick

First really big lure for Musky I ever saw used was a hand carved Suick imitation, carved by a dentist who was a hard core musky fisherman. Carved from balsa, 13" long, 2" across the head, the biggest hooks I had ever seen at the time, in the late 1970s. My buddy had been given one by the dentist and he wanted to try it on a bay with a lot of stumps in the Three Lakes chain. When he started throwing it, I was convinced any musky in the area would high tail it out of there. But, it had a really good side to side as well as up/down motion (had a big metal tail). After maybe 10 minutes, just as he was taking it out of the water a huge musky hit it. A big head shake threw water everywhere. I was in the front of 16' boat, he was in the back and I got drenched. He was so startled he never set the hook. He said it was the biggest musky he had ever seen and he had netted a 52 for his brother in law the year before. Made a believer in big baits out of me.
Posted 3/7/2021 12:24 PM (#976571 - in reply to #976570)
Subject: Re: New! 14" Frankensuick

Posts: 46

North of 8 - 3/7/2021 11:34 AM

First really big lure for Musky I ever saw used was a hand carved Suick imitation, carved by a dentist who was a hard core musky fisherman. Carved from balsa, 13" long, 2" across the head, the biggest hooks I had ever seen at the time, in the late 1970s. My buddy had been given one by the dentist and he wanted to try it on a bay with a lot of stumps in the Three Lakes chain. When he started throwing it, I was convinced any musky in the area would high tail it out of there. But, it had a really good side to side as well as up/down motion (had a big metal tail). After maybe 10 minutes, just as he was taking it out of the water a huge musky hit it. A big head shake threw water everywhere. I was in the front of 16' boat, he was in the back and I got drenched. He was so startled he never set the hook. He said it was the biggest musky he had ever seen and he had netted a 52 for his brother in law the year before. Made a believer in big baits out of me.

Thanks for sharing, you put a big smile on my face I felt like I was reading one of those old 1800s musky folklore stories!
happy hooker
Posted 3/7/2021 9:49 PM (#976586 - in reply to #976571)
Subject: Re: New! 14" Frankensuick

Posts: 3150

So is this one different or redesigned from the frankensuicks that have been out the last couple years????
I don't get any joy out of getting negative but every FS that I have ever seen looks like a soggy piece of wood coming through the water,,like a 10inch with a weed off the back,,no spurt,no shimmy just limps through the just didn't have any jump to it
I'd love to see a video of this new one,,I'd love to find a big dive and rise without the $125 plus price tag.
Posted 3/7/2021 10:21 PM (#976587 - in reply to #976586)
Subject: Re: New! 14" Frankensuick

Posts: 579

Location: Germantown, WI
Almost certain that 14” version is the one that came out 2 years ago... nothing new
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