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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance
Message Subject: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance
Posted 6/7/2018 10:14 AM (#909365)
Subject: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 21

I've been fishing the Chain (northern lakes) over the past 7 years. I don't get out as much as I'd like to and the weekends are a complete zoo. I usually try to get out early on the weekends or will take a day off here/there during the week. But it is the closest musky water for me to take my boat (Gurnee area). I hired a guide a number of years ago as well.

But I am always getting skunked. Not even seeing fish.

I think I might be fishing too close to the shore, but I'm just not sure. Unlike when I fish LOTW, there really isn't a lot of structure to go off of.

Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm not looking for any ones secret spots, just some general guidance. PM me if you'd prefer.

THanks, Jim
Posted 6/7/2018 10:53 AM (#909368 - in reply to #909365)
Subject: Re: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I would hire Ben Modica from Muskyfix guide service. He knows the chain really well.
Posted 6/7/2018 11:36 AM (#909374 - in reply to #909368)
Subject: Re: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 553

Location: 15 miles east of Lake Kinkaid
Lot of good guides up that way. Chris Taurisano does it full-time and focused on Chain muskies.
Posted 6/7/2018 2:46 PM (#909378 - in reply to #909365)
Subject: RE: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 140

Location: Northern Illinois
I wouldn't hire a guide to fish the chain. "No offense to the guides". The chain
fishes really small. Just hang out on the north end of channel & Catherine and
watch some of the other boats. Every time I'm out, I would say 90-95% of the
boats are bombing for muskies. Just keep an eye on where they go & their casting
routes. Work the shallow bars between channel & Catherine & sooner or later you should
get some action. The pressure out there is unreal and I think the casting bite has gotten
a lot tougher, with the trollers accounting for most of the fish these days. Weekends
are a joke. I've had the most success morning through around noonish.... with bite
getting worse as the day progresses, almost non-existent evening bite, which is the opposite of what everybody always talks about. LOL. The muskies can be pretty shallow
in the weeds if they are looking to eat. I usually start shallow and work deeper if no
action. That's my experience in a nutshell based on about five years of bombing
myself. Just keep after it, there are a good number of fish in there.
Posted 6/11/2018 7:31 PM (#909693 - in reply to #909365)
Subject: RE: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 140

Location: Northern Illinois
took my own advice & headed out to the
chain. Was pretty good advice. lol. fished a
little Friday afternoon & sunday after the busy hrs.
Landed 5, & lost a few others. Water temps. were
70-72 degrees.

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Posted 6/11/2018 7:34 PM (#909695 - in reply to #909365)
Subject: Re: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 791

Location: North Central IL USA
Nice, dude! Did you measure her?
Posted 6/11/2018 7:36 PM (#909696 - in reply to #909695)
Subject: Re: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 140

Location: Northern Illinois
she was a little over 41", pretty thick, tail was almost gone!
Posted 6/12/2018 4:58 PM (#909783 - in reply to #909365)
Subject: Re: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 21

Very nice fish. Hoping to get out sometime this weekend.

Posted 6/23/2018 10:13 AM (#910612 - in reply to #909365)
Subject: Re: Chain of Lakes Illinois Guidance

Posts: 21

Chain of lakes is no wake 6/23/2018.

A bunch of the launches are underwater.
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