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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400
Message Subject: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400
Posted 2/18/2018 8:34 AM (#892912)
Subject: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Posts: 49

I know this Tranx reel has been discussed before, and it seems like people are torn on how well it preforms. I know the Tranx 400 is not going to match the 500, but my question is: If I'm currently using Curado 300's with power handles for my bucktail rods, will an upgrade to the Tranx 400 make a noticeable difference in ease of retrieve and speed? I would be looking specifically at using the 400A, but putting the power handle on it. I'm open to the idea of the 400HG, if it can handle 9's and 10's, but I think the gear ratio of the 400A might be a little better "all around" reel. I don't use huge blades, but occasionally pull tens. Would love to hear if someone has experience with both the Curado and the Tranx as that is the switch I would potentially be making.
Northern Falls
Posted 3/29/2018 2:41 AM (#900447 - in reply to #892912)
Subject: Re: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Posts: 90

Anyone compare?
Posted 3/29/2018 7:10 AM (#900453 - in reply to #892912)
Subject: Re: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Posts: 269


I have owned and used both. The Tranx 400A with a power handle is night and day different than a 300EJ with a power handle.

Its the difference between towing a boat with a Suburban instead of a crotch rocket. The 400 Tranx is a vastly superior reel.

Take care,

Posted 3/29/2018 10:23 AM (#900491 - in reply to #892912)
Subject: Re: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
Both Reels are Great at what they were designed for.
The 400 Tranx is what you want for Musky Baits.
The Curado is a Great Reel for Swim Baits for Bass.
Posted 3/29/2018 12:00 PM (#900515 - in reply to #892912)
Subject: Re: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Posts: 349

I have 4 Curado 300s that I used for everything the last 4-5 years and picked up a few Tranx 300/400s last summer and put power handles on all of them. The Tranx AHG with power handle feels similar in cranking to the EJ but the bait is moving wayyy faster - perfect for 8s & 9s and doable but a chore for 10s. The Tranx A with power handle is in a whole different league - not comparable to the Curados at all... I honestly wasn't a huge fan of it for anything but 10+ blades or other hard pulling baits. Felt too slow to me personally so I might swap the paddle handle back on this summer.
Slime King
Posted 3/29/2018 1:19 PM (#900524 - in reply to #892912)
Subject: Re: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Posts: 494

Location: midwest
400HG w/ power handle was great for burning double 8's and single bladed regular sized bucktails. The 400A w/ power handle worked good for me for 9's, 10's (not burning!) and tail rotating topwaters, but that's all I threw on it. I'm very happy with performance of both reels.
Posted 3/29/2018 5:04 PM (#900534 - in reply to #892912)
Subject: Re: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
For all you Curado Fans I hear that Shimano has a New in the works, it’s Black with Green Spool and green accent.

Posted 3/30/2018 10:26 PM (#900660 - in reply to #892912)
Subject: Re: Curado 300EJ vs. Tranx 400

Posts: 49

In the time since I wrote this thread, I sold my Curados and replaced them with two 400A's and a 400HG. I replaced the paddle handles with power handles on the 400A's. After reading your comments, I'm very happy I made the switch, and I'm excited to get them out on the water!
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