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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> Vermilion in September
Message Subject: Vermilion in September
Posted 2/6/2017 10:54 AM (#848843)
Subject: Vermilion in September

Posts: 52

May get the chance to fish the V the first half of September. West or east end better that time of year? Starting to look at lodging options...

Thanks in advance.
Top H2O
Posted 2/6/2017 2:44 PM (#848886 - in reply to #848843)
Subject: RE: Vermilion in September

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
A couple of things happen mid Sept.

1) Fewer people fishing Muskies, except the weekends....That's the good news.
2) Fish start moving away from summer structure. (Weather dependent) but not always.
3) A big cold front can make "catching" difficult for a few days to a week.
4) By this time of year the Muskies have seen a hundred lures a day and can be a bit conditioned into not chasing everything that moves.
That's where your Skill, in Trickery and Deceit comes into play.
5) The east end fishes differently than the west end.
6) The west end fishes differently than the east end. Both have Giants swimming in it.
7) Some Septembers the East end fish will be just slamming lures, while the West end fish will be... so so or visa versa.

In other words, it's a Crap Shoot.... But a Hellava lot better than Work.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 2/7/2017 11:59 AM (#848980 - in reply to #848843)
Subject: Re: Vermilion in September

Posts: 2346

Location: Chisholm, MN
I have done very well on both ends in September. That said, sometimes September can make you look like an idiot and make it seem like there is not a fish in the lake. Watch the weather for cold fronts. They can shut the lake right down. But...ya never know still!

The lake is not too large to make a run either direction if you feel the need. Early September can still be a night bite, depending on the weather. So be prepared for that.

September used to be my favorite month out there. But not these days. I don't know if I used to be lucky, or things have changed. It won't keep me off the water though. Send me a message if you want some details.
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