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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Paint Fail
Message Subject: Paint Fail
Posted 5/28/2016 8:53 PM (#818525)
Subject: Paint Fail

Posts: 69

Location: Phoenixville, PA
I started making baits this winter. This morning a large piece of paint peeled back from one of my pine wood gliders. 

I've been using acrylic paint. I sealed the wood, put down a primer coat, painted, and then put on three coats of Envirotex. I am hoping this was a freak event, but am fearful my other baits could suffer the same fate.

I prefer to paint with a brush and like using acrylic because it mixes well, is water based, and dries quickly.

In the short term, this bait is easy enough to fix, but moving forward, if I want to keep painting with a brush, should I keep using acrylics or move on to something else?

My other thought is that I should lay down a layer of Etex first and then paint onto it. All suggestions are welcome.

Edited by fishdawg 5/28/2016 8:57 PM

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Posted 5/28/2016 9:28 PM (#818532 - in reply to #818525)
Subject: Re: Paint Fail

Posts: 527

It looks to me like there was moisture in the wood or your paints weren't completely dry before the top coat was applied.
Posted 5/29/2016 5:48 AM (#818540 - in reply to #818525)
Subject: Re: Paint Fail

Posts: 1530

definatly seal . most use epoxy. make sure woods dry. warm blnk then apply your sealer. we all have experienced your issue.
Posted 5/30/2016 8:36 AM (#818592 - in reply to #818525)
Subject: RE: Paint Fail

Posts: 556

Like others have said---It could have very well been moisture in the wood-----------But I have had similar happen during my years of painting---Like you mentioned--I lay down a coat of clear-----then paint on top of that----Gives a nice smooth finish and I have never had a problem....... BUT--Gotta have nice dry wood to start with or you will have problems later.
Posted 5/30/2016 12:47 PM (#818610 - in reply to #818525)
Subject: RE: Paint Fail

Posts: 364

Location: Central Wisconsin
I ran into similar issues. It wasn't on wood baits it was actually plastic. I was using a different type of rattle can primer to smooth and fills small holes etc, well the epoxy didn't stick to it for whatever reason. I have been using Rustoleum 2x primer flat white lately and seems to work correclty.
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