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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread
Message Subject: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread
Posted 7/11/2015 7:25 PM (#775848 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 323

Location: Waukee, IA
Team Gurkha is fishing against team red ranger TOMORROW THE 12TH.....items?????
dana hubbard
Posted 7/12/2015 5:45 AM (#775878 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 48

Team red ranger is already on the water and don't know the item to have in the picture today
Posted 7/12/2015 7:47 AM (#775887 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I'm on the wtaer all week and had no matches otherr than my own on the record. Improvise......use a local paper or other proof item that I can work with. I'll see if slamr can help and also if there are more matches this week.
Posted 7/13/2015 8:02 AM (#776011 - in reply to #775887)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I see a couple teams were able to make do on items.......I hope it worked out for all. .Thank you!

You guys are awesome. I appreciate you embracing the item part of match fishing.

I have VERY sporadic WiFi all week. I'll revisit match schedules when I get back home. If you have a mstch this week yet, post it here and I'll try get it. If not, please use a local newspaper from the dsy you are fishing.

Brock, I got skunked yesterday in our match.

Posted 7/13/2015 8:07 AM (#776012 - in reply to #775887)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I see a couple teams were able to make do on items.......I hope it worked out for all. .Thank you!

You guys are awesome. I appreciate you embracing the item part of match fishing.

I have VERY sporadic WiFi all week. I'll revisit match schedules when I get back home. If you have a mstch this week yet, post it here and I'll try get it. If not, please use a local newspaper from the dsy you are fishing.

Brock, I got skunked yesterday in our match.

Posted 7/13/2015 8:09 AM (#776013 - in reply to #775887)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I see a couple teams were able to make do on items.......I hope it worked out for all. .Thank you!

You guys are awesome. I appreciate you embracing the item part of match fishing.

I have VERY sporadic WiFi all week. I'll revisit match schedules when I get back home. If you have a mstch this week yet, post it here and I'll try get it. If not, please use a local newspaper from the dsy you are fishing.

Brock, I got skunked yesterday in our match.

Posted 7/18/2015 3:03 PM (#776769 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 26

Location: Sauk City WI
Are we still on for tomorrow BigMo?
Posted 7/19/2015 2:35 PM (#776865 - in reply to #776769)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I was off the grid 7/11 - 7/18 but think I confirmed we were on for today before I left.

I'm done for the day and was skunked.
Posted 7/19/2015 4:39 PM (#776882 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 26

Location: Sauk City WI
We fished as if we were on. I sent you an email earlier today
Posted 7/20/2015 3:43 PM (#777008 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 441

What are the results on the matches, on July 11th, and 12th?
Posted 7/20/2015 8:49 PM (#777063 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
looking forward to our match on Thursday, Bucknuts!
Posted 7/20/2015 9:24 PM (#777069 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 441

Me too, muskyroller!
Looks like the weather is going to cooperate.
Lets hope the muskies do.
Posted 7/21/2015 10:00 AM (#777134 - in reply to #777008)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I'm going to try have results done for 7/11, 7/12 and 7/19 matches up on or before Thursday this week.

Work has been nuts. A lot of M&A activity going on that needs serious attention but I'm going to try sneak away tonight or tomrorow night to get at MatchFishing. That way I can get the next item options out for Thursday too.

Posted 7/22/2015 3:40 PM (#777358 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Item choices for River Musky vs Musky Nuts 7/23

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
-- Blow a bubble gum bubble in the photo
-- wear ski goggles in the photo
-- have a foam swimming noodle in the photo
Posted 7/25/2015 10:27 AM (#777743 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
River Musky fished a match against bucknuts.

We (river musky) caught one 40" fish, had another fish hit, another follow, and a nice 45-47" hit a pacemaker close to dusk...had it stuck for a second and then quickly off.

The bubble gum bubble in the picture wasn't the greatest, but it was there...:o)
Posted 7/29/2015 9:09 AM (#778247 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 26

Location: Sauk City WI
Team Mitchell and team tail chasers are fishing this sunday August 2nd
Posted 7/30/2015 1:31 PM (#778445 - in reply to #778247)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I'll have items posted on Friday for 8/1 and Saturday for 8/2.

Almost caught up with photos and results.

Edited by BigMo 7/30/2015 2:56 PM
Posted 7/30/2015 2:49 PM (#778458 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 705

Location: Alex or Alek?
Team Fargo Yacht club will be fishing against river muskies on the 1st.
Posted 7/30/2015 3:13 PM (#778465 - in reply to #778445)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
Results update.....tentative (depending on what you guys might see fit to correct):

on 7/11/15 Fargo Yacht Club and Musky Nuts both blank on fish for a 1-1 tie
on 7/12/15 92 Bucky and Tail Chasers both blank on fish for a 1-1 tie
on 7/12/15 Red Ranger gets a 41 incher and Gurkha blanks for a Red Ranger 12-1 win
on 7/19/15 Team Mitchell gets a 35 incher and 92 Bucky blanks for a Team Mitchell 6-1 win
on 7/23/15 River Musky gets a 40 incher and Musky Nuts blanks for a River Musky 11-1 win

Here is what I have for each teams' points through 7/30/15:

Team Mitchell 6
92 Bucky 2
Tail Chasers 1
Team Worrall 0

Tretsven 39
Fargo Yacht Club 14
River Musky 11
Musky Nuts 3

Red Ranger 13
Red Baron 3
Gurkha 2
Jones 0

Here is what I have for the upcoming match schedule:
River Musky vs fargo Yacht Club 08/01/15
River Musky vs Team Tretsven 08/02/15
Team Jones vs Team Gurkha 08/15/15
Team Jones vs Team Red Ranger 08/23/15

Please check your records and let me know if there are any discrepancies. Several matches scheduled between 8/1 and 8/23 but lots more needed to get scheduled. Please get a hold of your fellow regional teams and have fun fishing. THANKS!!

Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image
(Red Ranger 7-12-15 Match Fish 41 inches RESIZED.jpg)

Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image
(Team Mitchell 35in fish 7-19-15.jpg)

Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image
(Team River Muskie 40in fish 7-23-15.jpg)

Attachments Red Ranger 7-12-15 Match Fish 41 inches RESIZED.jpg (23KB - 364 downloads)
Attachments Team Mitchell 35in fish 7-19-15.jpg (71KB - 369 downloads)
Attachments Team River Muskie 40in fish 7-23-15.jpg (99KB - 389 downloads)
Posted 7/30/2015 7:47 PM (#778502 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
Looking forward to our two matches Saturday and Sunday! Good luck to all.
Long TIme Lurker
Posted 7/30/2015 8:19 PM (#778506 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: RE: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 89

We should have 1 match participation point, need another send on the pick?

Team jones
Posted 7/31/2015 8:26 AM (#778561 - in reply to #778465)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
River Musky & Fargo Yacht Club 8/1 match item choices:

-- Stick your tongue out in the photo (channell your best Gene Simmons)
-- show your fishing license in the photo
-- have beef jerky in your mouth or in the photo

Looks like I had almost everything correct for the match results. Jones will send me a follow-up and I'll correct the one thing I left off for them.

I'll post match item choices for the 8/2 match tomorrow.
Posted 8/1/2015 8:13 PM (#778735 - in reply to #778561)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
8/2 River Musky vs Tretsven item of the following:

1) Have your glasses on upside down in the photo
2) have sunscreen showing on your nose
3) wear your hat with the brim to the left or right side of your head.
Posted 8/4/2015 10:49 AM (#779042 - in reply to #778735)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
Keeping all participants up to date......I'm at grad school for on campus work the next two weeks.

My priority is to get items posted the day before any matches between today and 8/15. Please check posts here or PM's for your items.

The lesser priority is updating results. I do have all the results from the 8/1 and 8/2 matches. I also have to work on the corrections from the matches up to 8/1. I'll try to find some time to work on that but no guarantees during the next two weeks.

LOTS of fish being caught! More than I can recall in many years of the past. Keep up the good fishing and enthusiasm. It makes this fun.

Posted 8/4/2015 11:28 AM (#779051 - in reply to #779042)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 7056

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
If you text me (847/989-9271), I will provide item.
Posted 8/15/2015 9:57 AM (#780524 - in reply to #779051)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
I presume that for their match today Team Gurkha vs Team Jones got their item choices from Slamr yesterday as directed prior?

I'm done with classes on campus this year so I can get back on track with match fishing the rest of the way.

Posted 8/22/2015 10:03 AM (#781532 - in reply to #780524)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
Team Jones vs Red Ranger tomorrow 8/23......your item options are:

An inflated balloon
any action figure such as a GI Joe or WWE wrestler....even a Barbie Doll will work
any piece of paper with "MuskieFIRST is the BEST" written on it
Posted 8/30/2015 8:21 PM (#782477 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
Playoffs? Who's in, who's out?
Posted 9/1/2015 5:23 PM (#782705 - in reply to #781532)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 617

Location: Clintonville, WI
Ok, gang.......I'm caught up based on all the revised results and last matches you all fit in your schedules!! There was some good fishin' going on this summer. Way to go everyone. Alas, not everyone moves on. Here are the pool results:

Team Mitchell - 15 total points
92 Bucky - 2 total points
Tail Chasers - 2 total points
Team Worrall - 0 points

Red Ranger - 48 points
Red Baron - 3 points
Team Gurkha - 3 points
Team Jones - 3 points

River Musky - 73 points
Team Tretsven - 40 points
Fargo Yacht Club - 15 points
Musky Nuts - 14 points

So, the semi-final playoff matches are as follows:

#1 Seed River Musky vs #4 Seed (wild card) Team Tretsven
#2 Seed Red Ranger vs #3 Seed Team Mitchell

You have until 11:59 pm on 9/30/15 to get your playoff matches done. Same drill in that you will communicate with each other to get the match dates set and post them here. I will send you your item choices for photo verification the day before your match.

**** Remember......during the semi-final round, in the case of ties, you must fish a rematch(s) until one team wins. If neither team is able to win a match before the end of the time allowed, total points from all pool play matches will determine the winner.

Good luck and thanks so far for your enthusiastic participation!
Posted 9/1/2015 6:24 PM (#782708 - in reply to #764324)
Subject: Re: MuskieFIRST MatchFISHING 2015 Discussion/Planning Thread

Posts: 1039

Location: North St. Paul, MN
River Musky vs. Team Tretsven on...

September 20th.
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