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Random quote: "the problem is that there's too many big fish" -Roger Geshal, Dark House Federation
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Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Message Subject: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?
Posted 4/19/2012 11:01 AM (#554237)
Subject: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 697
Location: Minnetonka
If the format were roughly the same and the trail locations and schedule were identical, would you fish the MMTT if it were reborn?

Metro in June, Vermilion in July, Mille Lacs in August, Cass/Leech in September and Lake Minnetonka for the Championship in October

CPR format
50 boat max
$10K for first
Pays top 10

*Free dinner and raffle on Saturday night!

I realize this should be in Tournament Forum, but it wouldn't allow me to create a poll.

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Posted 4/19/2012 11:40 AM (#554255 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posted 4/19/2012 11:40 AM (#554256 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 432
Location: mpls
Hell yes!!!

I wish Paul was still running these tourneys. I know that participation slumped near the end, but that was probably due to the economy.

Bring it back Paul!

Posted 4/19/2012 12:38 PM (#554273 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 315
Sign me up!!!!
Posted 4/19/2012 1:40 PM (#554291 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 101
Location: mn
Yes sir.
Top H2O
Posted 4/19/2012 9:12 PM (#554408 - in reply to #554291)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Sooooooooooo,oooooo, Whoooooo, Are all the dork wads that voted no ?????

Are these just guys that are anti-tournament,...Or guys that have actually fished the Hartman Trail before ??
This poll seems skewed,.. ..Something just doesn't feel right about it.
The MMTT was a well run and really competitive trail with some of the the best sticks on the planet ,competing on the some of the TOP Lakes in the World.
Soooo, why say you don't want something like this Back ????

You guys that voted NO,.......What are your reasons ???
Just curious.

Tim Schmitz
Posted 4/20/2012 6:45 AM (#554449 - in reply to #554408)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 540
Location: MN
Joe and I would be down, but we're going to birddog the &@$! Out of Andy and Ben! We actually talk about this all the time. It would be sweet to fish a Minnesota based trail somebody set it up and we'll fish it!
Slow Eddie
Posted 4/20/2012 1:18 PM (#554554 - in reply to #554449)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 50
Location: Duluth
Get it going Dude I would donate my money to you guys a few times a year...
Posted 4/20/2012 2:37 PM (#554570 - in reply to #554408)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 697
Location: Minnetonka
Top H2O - 4/19/2012 9:12 PM
This poll seems skewed...Something just doesn't feel right about it.

You guys that voted NO...What are your reasons ???


I agree. We've heard plenty from the positive half of the field, so I'd be interested to hear from the other half and why they voted no. Payout too low? Already committed to too many tourneys? Don't have enough vacation time? Not a tournament guy? Scared you might have to touch a 30 lber? ;-)

Edited by Hammskie 4/20/2012 2:38 PM
Posted 4/20/2012 3:02 PM (#554580 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 321
If you want all yes's, just start a poll with only that option. H
Posted 4/20/2012 3:16 PM (#554586 - in reply to #554580)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 697
Location: Minnetonka
Homer - 4/20/2012 3:02 PM

If you want all yes's, just start a poll with only that option. H

I want justification from both sides. It's called research.

Edited by Hammskie 4/20/2012 3:22 PM
Top H2O
Posted 4/20/2012 9:19 PM (#554668 - in reply to #554586)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Ya Homer,....Research.

Why all of the no votes??? reasons for the negativity would help anyone who might want to promote such a venue,....Don't you think.??
As a businessman, I REALLY want to know about any negative experiences or problems so I can make the necessary adjustments to keep you as a customer or draw more customers.

So,.... Why are you no voters voting NO?? Don't be shy, ....You must have a reason ,or 2.

Posted 4/21/2012 12:39 PM (#554748 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 670
Location: Otsego, MN
Yes for sure. Best run, not to expensive, competitive, and the best lakes you can fish on any trail in the world.
Filling 50 boats would not be an issue, you would probably have a waiting list.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 4/22/2012 3:03 PM (#554913 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 2346
Location: Chisholm, MN
I would like to try it but I wouldn't want to start out on the whole trail. Can you just fish one or two?
crazy cooter
Posted 4/22/2012 5:03 PM (#554933 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 93
Yes, I would be very interested in this
Posted 4/22/2012 6:50 PM (#554961 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 255
Yes that would be a blast!!!!
Top H2O
Posted 4/22/2012 7:00 PM (#554962 - in reply to #554961)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Still no reason from you pessimist's
Just wondering why some of you people voted no.
Do any of you no voters have any Ball's to expound on your negative votes??

Remember, this poll is meant for research, and learning how a trail can become better for everyone.
Posted 4/23/2012 4:46 AM (#555037 - in reply to #554962)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 133
Location: Duluth, MN
Top H2O - 4/22/2012 7:00 PM

Still no reason from you pessimist's
Just wondering why some of you people voted no.
Do any of you no voters have any Ball's to expound on your negative votes??

Remember, this poll is meant for research, and learning how a trail can become better for everyone.

Here is the first reason people aren't responding to their no vote. Who wants to be called a dork wad.
Second reason is your just wondering why....... would be enough without throwing in your having any ball's comment.

I have fished the MMTT and would like to see it come back.

Since the Cass Lake tournament was cancelled last year my son and I fish a tournament with a different circuit. At the rules meeting it was like a big party because everyone else had fished other tournaments and knew what was going on. My son was very dissapointed because he couldn't hear what was going on and I wasn't very happy because I wanted to know if there was any rule changes, etc. I told them about it and will not fish that circuit again.

I will be fishing the PMTT this year with my son. I have met alot of great people and learned alot through tournament fishing but how do you think people that haven't fished tournaments that are thinking about signing up see things when they read those comments from certain tournament fisherman and how will that help a curcuit.

Let Hammskie run his poll.

Edited by yooper 4/23/2012 5:16 AM
Posted 4/23/2012 7:29 PM (#555269 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 670
Location: Otsego, MN
All the no answers probably think muskies eat all there wallyes, and must hate muskies.

Or maybe they live in Florida and it's to far away
Top H2O
Posted 4/23/2012 8:30 PM (#555291 - in reply to #555037)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Sorry to any one on here that I offended with my term "dork wads",............... Didn't think to much before posting...My bad.

But,...... my words of not having any balls was meant to coax some of the negative voters into giving some reasons for their vote.
I didn't do to well in my last "sensitivity training" course,... and they suggested that I take that course over again. Maybe I will.

Posted 4/24/2012 9:09 AM (#555371 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 81
I think this would be better:

75 boats
$1000 entry
$35,000 first place
events in several states and Canada
No place two years in a row

Just my opinion.

Posted 4/24/2012 9:49 AM (#555380 - in reply to #555291)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 321
Top H2O - 4/23/2012 8:30 PM

Sorry to any one on here that I offended with my term "dork wads",............... Didn't think to much before posting...My bad.

But,...... my words of not having any balls was meant to coax some of the negative voters into giving some reasons for their vote.
I didn't do to well in my last "sensitivity training" course,... and they suggested that I take that course over again. Maybe I will.


It was an interest question of would you fish it or not, a no answer is not an attack on the tournament and nobody owes an explanation of why they won't fish it. Be thankful they took the time to answer your poll so you could guage interest. H
Tim Schmitz
Posted 4/24/2012 10:14 AM (#555387 - in reply to #555371)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 540
Location: MN
MuskyDew - 4/24/2012 9:09 AM

I think this would be better:

75 boats
$1000 entry
$35,000 first place
events in several states and Canada
No place two years in a row

Just my opinion.


At a $1000 bucks you'd putting it out of reach of most Muskie fisherman myself included.
Posted 4/24/2012 10:21 AM (#555389 - in reply to #555387)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 697
Location: Minnetonka
There it is. The angler suggesting something different, rather than simply replying no. Thanks Dewey.
Posted 4/24/2012 1:25 PM (#555426 - in reply to #555387)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 697
Location: Minnetonka
Tim Schmitz - 4/24/2012 10:14 AM
At a $1000 bucks you'd putting it out of reach of most Muskie fisherman myself included.

Tim, good point. Do you think $800/boat would be too much?
Posted 4/24/2012 1:34 PM (#555431 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 321
You ask yes/no questions and then complain you get yes/no answers. How about," I realize you feel 1000 is too much, is there a price you feel would work better?"
Tim Schmitz
Posted 4/24/2012 1:35 PM (#555432 - in reply to #555426)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 540
Location: MN
Hammskie - 4/24/2012 1:25 PM

Tim Schmitz - 4/24/2012 10:14 AM
At a $1000 bucks you'd putting it out of reach of most Muskie fisherman myself included.

Tim, good point. Do you think $800/boat would be too much?

I think $750 sounds better but the extra $50 wouldnt keep me away either. I also think if you Limit the field to 75 boats and you'll have to turn guys away. I say run a 100 boat field and call it good. Who wouldn't want a shot at fishing the best Minnesota has to offer for some serious ca$h?
Posted 4/24/2012 2:16 PM (#555446 - in reply to #555432)
Subject: RE: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 81
With the suggestion of 75 boats, I was hoping for a sizeable 1st place payout. Winning one would keep you fishing all year and keeping it under 100 would allow for lakes like Bimidji . Once you get 100 or more, you cut off some smaller, quality fisheries.

I also agree that $1000 may be out of reach for some but keep in mind that alot of the expense is in travel and board. Thats why I started staying at campgrounds this year, saves money and is alot more fun that hotels.

For me, I just want a quality tournament series that puts me on quality water around Musky country.

Edited by MuskyDew 4/24/2012 2:23 PM
Posted 4/24/2012 3:08 PM (#555463 - in reply to #554237)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 7056
Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
I said no because:
a. i had to vote or couldnt read the thread.
b. i dont fish tournaments
c. i dont fish in mn because....because I never have.
d. uh....i like being called names?
e. I dont have an e.
Tim Schmitz
Posted 4/24/2012 3:23 PM (#555470 - in reply to #555463)
Subject: Re: Would you fish the MMTT if it came back?

Posts: 540
Location: MN
Slamr - 4/24/2012 3:08 PM

I said no because:
a. i had to vote or couldnt read the thread.
b. i dont fish tournaments
c. i dont fish in mn because....because I never have.
d. uh....i like being called names?
e. I dont have an e.

E. if you fished tournaments nobody would be around to moderate the forums :)
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