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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> LOTW or Eagle Lake
Message Subject: LOTW or Eagle Lake
Posted 12/21/2010 7:33 PM (#471417)
Subject: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Hey guys,

Im sitting here thinking about my trip for next summer and trying to decide where to go...

I have been to lotw for the last three years and have had some great trips and am finally starting to learn a little area pretty well and venturing out a little more from the lodge. I hear great things about eagle lake but dont know anything about it. Water clarity, algae, etc...

Ive been fishing sabaskong bay and love the structure but lack of cabbage the last two years has got me a little frustrated... Are the weeds in other areas of the lake still intact or have they all been killed off by the rustys?

Just wanted to pick your brains a little.

Posted 12/21/2010 10:12 PM (#471437 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

We've noticed a decline in cabbage beds in Sab Bay as well. A lot of our old big weed beds have lost they're attractive qualities. The Kenora area has beautiful cabbage, or at least it did right at the dock below Figure 8 Baits. I've been told that may be the exception to the rule and that you still have to search to find good weeds, but the cabbage is very green and very lush.
Musky Brian
Posted 12/22/2010 12:44 AM (#471454 - in reply to #471437)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
Eagle is a pretty complex system, as there is anywhere from trout water on the western half to dark, shallow stained water in the SE Part of the lake. Lots of weedbeds to choose from along with many rock structures. I would just ask yourself what you are looking for in a trip...You have a better chance of boating a 50" or bigger on Eagle but not necessarily the chances of good numbers like a monster week on LOTW can provide. If you can catch Muskies on Eagle you can definetely catch them on LOTW...if you can catch Muskies on LOTW you MIGHT be able to do ok on Eagle...thats been the general observations I have noticed for guys who have gone to both and stayed at camps with me

Edited by Musky Brian 12/22/2010 12:57 PM
Posted 12/22/2010 7:39 AM (#471465 - in reply to #471454)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Location: Contrarian Island
Eagle is not a numbers lake ...LOTW can definitely be...a good week on Eagle for 2 guys might be 10 fish...that can be done in a good day on LOTW... though you might encounter bigger/fatter fish on Eagle they are not easy to catch and do a lot of window shopping.... it all depends on what you want... guys can and do go to Eagle and get skunked for a full week in prime areas... if you go to LOTW and get skunked you should sell all your stuff! all boils down to what you are after, tho i might disagree somewhat with Brian..I think your shot at a 50" for a week on either is about the same....
can't go wrong with either .... Lac Seul is another shield lake option to think about

Edited by BNelson 12/22/2010 7:40 AM
Posted 12/22/2010 12:11 PM (#471515 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 8792

It depends on your expectations. From what I have experienced on Eagle, and from comparing notes, photos. etc. with several friends who fish LOTW exclusively? You will catch more fish on LOTW. If you've already learned parts of LOTW, and you're comfortable fishing those areas? You may be disspointed fishing Eagle and starting from scratch. I've only spent 24 days on Eagle, but it's been enough to see some trends. Eagle can be tough. Last year my girlfriend had the only muskie in camp for the first three days. If your figure 8 skills aren't up to par? You will be dissapointed. But when you do get a day where the fish are moving, it's incredible.
Posted 12/22/2010 12:12 PM (#471516 - in reply to #471465)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
12 years on LOTW (northwest angle area) and now i think 5 years on Eagle ... fish all week on LOTW to see a couple maybe a handful of fish over 4' to fish for. that can happen on Eagle in 2 spots ...

be ready to catch fish at the boatside on eagle ... 80% plus fish in the net in my boat are boatside and that's a conservative number. the track record on Eagle is hard for me to change from so i have zero desire to return to LOTW ... it's Eagle for me.

all that said, Nelson blows us away on numbers and size without leaving the country. so, part of the enjoyement has to be just being on the shield and having the confidence to get fish to get behind the baits while it's coming back to the boat and in that regard both have all the beauty you will ever want to see.

good luck with your choice. if you are interested in September, consider joining the Madison, WI. Capital City MInc. group that goes to AML with a group rate. It's a good option to save some money and shorten the learning curve.
Matt DeVos
Posted 12/22/2010 12:25 PM (#471517 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 580

I'll echo what others have said, above. In my experience, the typical fish that you encounter on Eagle will be bigger than the average fish you see on LOTW. Your opportunity to encounter a super-fish is better on Eagle. If you are looking for big fish and willing to trade off "action fish" in the upper 30"/low 40" range, Eagle is probably your best choice. It's true that Eagle muskies can be tough to catch at times, but part of that is the nature of bigger fish and clearer water.

With that said, I don't think it's impossible to have a good numbers week on Eagle, just like it is not impossible to catch very quality fish on LOTW, including a super-fish.

If you've got some experience on LOTW, but seriously wondering if the "grass is greener" on Eagle, I'd say give Eagle a shot, draw your own conclusions and plan future trips accordingly. If you like fishing cabbage, the Vermilion Bay area has some awesome weed areas that look quite a bit better that what I've been seeing lately in the stained water areas of LOTW. (I haven't been in Sabaskong, but in the NW Angle there are quite a few former weed spots that are now basically barren). If you go to AML, I think you can be assured that Herbie and staff will point you in the right direction.

Edited by Matt DeVos 12/22/2010 12:27 PM
Posted 12/22/2010 3:10 PM (#471536 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Location: Des Moines IA
I can recommend AML. Herbie goes above and beyond to put you on fish. I've never fished LOTW, but after fishing Eagle for the first time this year, It has become a definite yearly adventure. We saw 10 fish one day all over 4 feet, a couple of them pushing 40+ pounds. We will be booking "Eagle 2011" at the Chicago Show in January.
Posted 12/22/2010 8:07 PM (#471578 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Thanks guys this is great. I have grown up fishing in IL There were seasons where my buddy and I would only boat 3 fish a year down here. Not boating a ton of fish does not dissappoint us that much. The fishing down here is so hot and cold its rediculus. You can go a weekend without so much as a follow and then boat 6 in an hour and a half.

It is great on lotw because you contact fish regularly and have the opportunity to learn. Our skills at boatside have improved drastically from being up there...I have to dig up the logs but our average fish size on lotw has been about 39.5 and gotten a little better over the years. This was the first year we haven't baoted a 48+ and that was mainly because of the weather (hot and flat the big girls were just not active). But we did get a tank of a 47. We have seen some tankers and both caught our personal bests, just couldn't beat them this year. I think we are averaging 3.8 fish a day... Not trying to brag but compared to illinois that place was like a dream the first year we got there! There were fish where there looked like there should have been fish and they showed themselves and you could go back and catch them after dinner... Just like you read!

AML has always been on my bucket list but we are getting better on the area we are learning and its hard leave something good. I will go there sometime for sure.
The weeds disappearing bothers me a little but there are still reeds. Just would like to see some huge cabbage beds again.
Posted 12/22/2010 8:21 PM (#471581 - in reply to #471536)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 2018

I'm sure Herbie runs a great camp i've fished Eagle a total of one day but LOTW is a "crazy" lake!
1) when we go up (two people) its a bad week if we don't put 15 fish in the net , the only year we haven't done so in the past 5 years, is the year my boat broke down the first day....still managed 8 fish up to 48" out of a rental with a 25hp.
2) "average" fish for us (last 5 years) is a respectable 41.5" - there are a TON of 44"-48" muskies in LOTW - and enough of 49-55" fish to keep things very interesting......Last year was my worst year for size biggest fish was only 45" every other year I had at least one 48"+
3) I love to explore - and LOTW is HUGE - some days we'll run 30 miles one way just because you can

Both lakes are legendary, so you cant make a bad choice - I personally have a hard time not spending at least one week every year on LOTW.
Posted 12/22/2010 8:42 PM (#471585 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 2018

funny I was typing when you posted.... and there are some similarities ....just curious with that kind of success why do you want to leave?
Posted 12/22/2010 9:13 PM (#471592 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Im not saying I want to leave. I love lotw and will continue to go there just wish I got more than one week there. But if there is a lake where you could boat the same number of fish as lotw but they averaged 46" wouldn't you want to go there too. What area of the lake are you fishing?
Posted 12/22/2010 9:20 PM (#471595 - in reply to #471592)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 2018

I think you are looking for MN! I fish NW angle
Posted 12/23/2010 7:18 AM (#471611 - in reply to #471595)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Location: Contrarian Island
if you are averaging 4 fish in the boat per day on LOTW I'd say expect that to drop to averaging 1 fish or less per day on will see on avg bigger fish but seeing isn't catching can see lots of big fish on Eagle but then how many of those actually get caught in a week.... above avg anglers that have been there many times usually avg a fish a day for their weeks from most trip reports I get from friends.... you might get a shot at the queen of the lake though on Eagle...if you are learning more and more new area/spots on lotw it would be hard to leave.....can't go wrong with either....try Eagle and see what you think....
trip success is all based on your expectations and goals going into it... lotw I'd expect 4-5 per day in the net, Eagle I'd shoot for 1 or 2 per day... different waters = different expectations and goals

Edited by BNelson 12/23/2010 8:08 AM
Posted 12/23/2010 9:40 AM (#471631 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 897

I've gone on the opposite track as you, Rick. I started on Eagle for 4 years and went to Lake of the Woods twice this past summer. The first trip on Lake of the Woods over the 4th of July, 4 days, we got skunked! I was with a guy who has been fishing the lake for 8+ can happen and it did. Second trip we got 9 in 4 days, biggest was a 49.

For my money, I'd rather fish Eagle than Lake of the Woods. The scenery on Lake of the Woods is nice, but I think Eagle is better. The fish on Eagle are bigger, and yes, you can have a "numbers" trip up there. My last trip a buddy and I got something like 7 or 8 in 4 days, biggest was a 47. The weeds on Eagle are amazing. Deep cabbage that isn't hard to find in a lot of areas. Also, you don't have to drive 20 miles of gravel to get to Eagle.

The one thing about Eagle, especially the Vermilion Bay area, is that it is BIG water. Meaning, you can get some serious waves. Way worse than anything I saw on Lake of the Woods this summer...well, except for one day when i was skipping 3+ footers after a storm when the wind was blowing right down a chute.

Really, they're both great lakes though. I'll be going back up to Lake of the Woods next summer because it is cheaper for me to do and it's a fun fishery!
Posted 12/23/2010 10:54 AM (#471643 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

2 fish a day isn't exactly a "numbers" trip in my opinion.
Musky Brian
Posted 12/23/2010 1:20 PM (#471668 - in reply to #471643)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
I think Nelson's numbers are pretty much spot on for what I have averaged on 8 weeks of being on Eagle

Best week ever was an 11 fish ( just me) week, but that was offset by a one fish week in awful weather ( strangely only 2 weeks prior to the 11 fish week). Most weeks I would say I can expect to boat 5-6 fish, and usually lose some fish too as is the case anywhere with Muskies. Hooks in the mouth of 1-2 fish per day should be the general expectation/goal in my opinion....

Certainly not a LOTW expert but in about 4 weeks of being out there I feel like I know what to expect every time, whereas I feel even though I know Eagle better it provides more inconsistencies and challenges from year to year that can both frustrate and intrigue you at the same time. I can remember one specific day on Eagle that included boating 2 50" fish and seeing 3-4 others bigger then them that were nose to nose with baits..Haven't seen anything like that on LOTW in terms of size and those are the days that make you think twice about skipping out on Eagle...

Edited by Musky Brian 12/23/2010 1:31 PM
Posted 12/24/2010 10:44 AM (#471815 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

I fished Eagle the first week of October with a guide and covered so much beautiful water it was amazing.... Saw 2 fish all week, a low 40" follow and caught a 39" on a crankbait. There were no incidental nice pike caught only 20"rs which was very concerning.I'm looking forward to my return to LOTW next fall... plenty of action from quality mid to high 40" fish and big 40" pike. I like to catch fish not beat myself to death looking for giant that more than likely is not going to happen....I'm a realist not a dreamer. In my opinion if you want a shot at a monster go to Eagle but don't expect the fun that you would have on LOTW.
Posted 12/24/2010 11:14 AM (#471819 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 231

I guess it all comes down to personal opinions/experiences. I've never been to LOTW, only Eagle. Like Brian mentioned, Eagle is/can be a "complex system" I too fished Eagle this past October for two weeks. We had some very tuff days, and also had some awesome days. I boated my new personal best, a 53". I also caught other quality fish, along with several large pike. We were finding fish in very shallow old cabbage, while I also saw guys pounding your more "traditional" fall spots, like the deep rocks, rock walls, ect..

I lost some very large fish on that trip too. I guess sometimes doing things a little out of the "comfort" zone, can pay off big! This is true on any body of water, I'm sure.

I'll definitely be going back to Eagle as much as I can, LOL! I'm also sure I'll struggle out there again, but that's ok. I've saw/caught enough quality fish to keep my mind at peace for those doldrum type days.
Musky Brian
Posted 12/24/2010 12:04 PM (#471822 - in reply to #471819)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
Krezy...gotta be honest, I think you had a bad guide...That just doesn't sound right, it can be tough but if you have a good guide that just shouldn't happen...

Edited by Musky Brian 12/24/2010 12:27 PM
Posted 12/24/2010 1:59 PM (#471837 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Never been on eagle but fished LOTW several times. Not totally impressed, caught bigger fish closer to home. Since I have a limited time to go fishing, I have a hard time putting all of my eggs in the one basket and would much rather fish 2-3 closer spots throughout the year.
Posted 12/25/2010 1:46 PM (#471919 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 373

Location: On the River
Havn't fished Eagle but LOTW is awesome My first trip we had 23 fish in the boat. I had a 52.5 51 50 48 47 and 45 the first year.The last couple years have been slower. This past year we had 13 fish the biggest was 45
Posted 12/26/2010 5:31 PM (#472041 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 309

Location: Elgin IL
Big fish= Eagle and no bloom
Posted 12/27/2010 12:56 AM (#472089 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 8792

I average about 4 fish on eagle for a week personally, with another two or three in the boat by others. (My average on Eagle is just over 42") There are some tough days every year, but I'd say in a typical week we see at least a dozen fish in the 50" range and above, and at least one or two that would go 53"-54" and 40#.
Posted 12/27/2010 8:15 AM (#472100 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Esox, shouldn't you also say you are guided every day you are there? Have you caught a 50 incher?
Posted 12/27/2010 10:20 AM (#472115 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
Some very good posts here.....

Two very different experiences from what I can gather. I have only fished Eagle...for one, I am not interested in putting a pile of 37-42 inchers in the boat.

I have been in the boat for more big fish in MN then on Eagle...however, there is just something about fishing the canadian shield that can't be dublicated anywhere else. Eagle's diversity is amazing.

The fishing can be tough no doubt. But then there are times where you can't believe the size of fish your seeing and catching. I have had some very tough trips...and some outstanding trips. But even on the outstanding trips, we aren't putting a pile of fish in the boat. To me an outstanding trip is when the fish are moving well...seeing ~25 fish a day, mostly big, and catching a a couple fish a day for the boat on average. Definately not LOTW numbers. BUT, I have seen up 50 inch fish on many trips.

If you want a shot at catching a lot of big fish...go to MN. If you want a shot at a BIG fish and fish some phenominal candian shield water...I would go to eagle.

It all boils down to what are you looking to get out of the experience.....
I get slack from a friend of mine (not mentioning any names Brad ) for going to eagle when I could go to MN and do fact I have caught more big fish in MN then Eagle.
BUT....there is something about eagle....something about catching a fish there that makes it sweet...there is something about just being on eagle....the water so clear in the west arm its black at times....hard to put into words the draw of eagle...but its real...and i don't want to give that up just to put more big fish in the boat. When I score a big fish on eagle, it almost means more....
my two cents.
Posted 12/27/2010 11:08 AM (#472120 - in reply to #472115)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 734

Location: Watertown, MN
Cory, because on eagle you won't don't have to put up with the fishing pressure, jetskis, and pleasure boaters. Eagle is my choice been on both about same amount of time, just playing with bigger fish and less pressure. Last few years Eagle is definetly kicking out better number, avg about 1 a day, 53" my old PB, and shots at mid 50's, and seen some in the next category "BIGGGGGGG". Definitely and trip sucess is due to weather, last trip on Eagle had 3 in 10 minutes.

I agree Cory catch more and bigger fish at home, but something about kokanee and eagle, keeps my going back, trip success is not always based on number and size of fish, the AML eagle experince is a trip we always look forward to.

Posted 12/27/2010 11:45 AM (#472123 - in reply to #472120)
Subject: Re: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 291

Location: Minneapolis
Nobody seems to be talking about the Whitefish Bay area of LOTW. Super big fish, super clear water, amazing scenery, not much pressure, and even more difficult to contact fish than Eagle.

My point being that has even more diversity of water/structure types than Eagle, but it's spread way out.
Posted 12/27/2010 11:54 AM (#472124 - in reply to #472100)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Posts: 8792

Kevin - 12/27/2010 8:15 AM

Esox, shouldn't you also say you are guided every day you are there? Have you caught a 50 incher?

Why? Do the guides make the fish bigger?

50"? Not yet. Had hooks in a few. Had my chances at quite a few more. Biggest in the boat so far are 47" 48" and a 49.5" that I could have called 50" like the rest of the liars.
Posted 12/27/2010 6:06 PM (#472185 - in reply to #471417)
Subject: RE: LOTW or Eagle Lake

Sounds like the topic has turned into a case of "Lunge Rage"......I think the most pertinent question is ....if you had 1 week and have "fished" both waters including LOTW's ;sab bay ,whitefish and kenora area (I've not tackled the Angle yet) which one offers the best opportunity for quality and numbers on a consistent basis. Forget the occasional great days and the "golden ticket" fish. In response to the "Einstein" who thinks my guide was bad on Eagle. FYI the guy has put 10 over 50" in his boat this year including a 57" beast ! I'm sensing it's going to be a long winter for some pounder tossers !!!
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