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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> how many fish this year?
Message Subject: how many fish this year?
Posted 10/4/2006 10:50 AM (#212548)
Subject: how many fish this year?

how many have u landed this year? not counting total in your boat but you alone. also state if your a guide or not
Posted 10/4/2006 10:58 AM (#212552 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?


Edited by Sponge 2/27/2008 3:55 PM
Robby D
Posted 10/4/2006 11:10 AM (#212554 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 188

Location: Chicago
5 total fish-From this total you can see I am not a guide.

Posted 10/4/2006 11:20 AM (#212557 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 1764

Location: Ogden, Ut
I think about 15,000. All released.

Oh, wait a minute, only about 9,000 were in my boat...sorry.
Posted 10/4/2006 11:22 AM (#212558 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 1316

Location: Madison, WI
Are we talking every fish i've caught this year? I've caught a boat load of crappies, largemouths, and northerns. Probably too many to count.
Big Perc
Posted 10/4/2006 11:22 AM (#212559 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
5 as of now...33", 37", 39", 43" & 45"x20"...still have some time left before the freeze...been my best year yet...caught as may this year as I had the previous years combined since I started muskie fishing...

Big Perc
Posted 10/4/2006 11:25 AM (#212560 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Location: Minnesota
5 for me this year too
Posted 10/4/2006 11:32 AM (#212563 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 33

Location: Prior Lake, Minnesota
Broken wrist this summer - didnt start till' August

= 4
Posted 10/4/2006 1:04 PM (#212595 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

I've got 23 this year so far worst I've seen it in the last 5 years I've only broke the 40 inch mark twice so far ! I'm not a guide but I normally get out at least one or twice a week for a few hours at a time .

Posted 10/4/2006 1:11 PM (#212598 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

I think it's kind of a silly question, I mean how many you've boated is so relative, some guys don't get to fish that much and only have 5 or 10, some guys are on the water alot and have 50 to 100 or more!
I know guys that have more than me that i'm quite confident I could fish circles around given the same set of fishing techniques used, and some guys that have less than me that could fish circles around me given the same set of rules...
how many you have or don't have doesnt mean that much in the grand scheme of for thought.
if you want to know how many people have..if they are in muskies inc and register their fish go look up those records...

MN Jackpot
Posted 10/4/2006 3:04 PM (#212628 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 89

Hey Guys,
I've coughten 5 this year. Couple of 42 and 37,32, and a puny 28 incher.
Posted 10/4/2006 3:07 PM (#212631 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
I partially agree with Brad. I dont think the number of fish a person has tells us who is the best musky fisherman. I also think if you need to boost your ego by comparing your numbers of fish to other people thats pretty sad. But if you are just truly wondering how peoples years are going, then maybe just ask that. I have 7 so far. Moved many other fish. Had a stretch where I got a bit down since I wasnt catching, but now I have gotten into a few more since being back at school.

Posted 10/4/2006 3:08 PM (#212633 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 1168

A more interesting question to consider is...what is the ROI? (return on investment) How many hours between boated fish/raised fish etc. My fishing hours are way down this year and the #of fish boated are down but the time in between fish is relatively the same and that's a more useful benchmark in my opinion.
Posted 10/4/2006 4:41 PM (#212664 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Location: Northern Wisconsin
i have 5 this year.
Sound Photography
Posted 10/4/2006 4:51 PM (#212665 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

I have ony had 3 to show for my efforts started out with a 40" then 26" then a 12". Yup thats right a 12" and man did she fight! I even picked her up on a 9" Phantom. However I did manage to get a 42" Northern. So not too bad I guess. Here's a pic of the 12"er: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Cant forget the realese shot (one handed now thats skill):
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And the 42" Pike:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Posted 10/4/2006 5:32 PM (#212675 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Location: Des Moines IA
5 for me 44 being the biggest ..... but I did have "the coolest follow ever" ........
Sound Photography
Posted 10/4/2006 10:03 PM (#212733 - in reply to #212675)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

MuskieMike - 10/4/2006 5:32 PM

5 for me 44 being the biggest ..... but I did have "the coolest follow ever" ........

You cant leave us hanging. Tell us about it.
Posted 10/4/2006 10:49 PM (#212747 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 2112

Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water
Kills me to admit this:
I had 15 Legals this time last year.
After the Knee surgery, and then suffering the pinched nerve (in my defense), I have yet to boat a legal this year. This, however will change, this weekend, when Muskymaj and I fish the joint outing of the C&R, The Figure 8 and the Winnebagoland Musky club Tourney. WE ARE IN IT TO WIN IT! Team nightmare ROX!
Posted 10/4/2006 11:01 PM (#212750 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Location: Des Moines IA
Ya had to be there ......... all I can say .......
Got Esox?
Posted 10/4/2006 11:52 PM (#212751 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 350

Location: WESTERN WI
32, not a guide...
Posted 10/5/2006 5:41 AM (#212764 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 284

I have caught a total of 59 muskies this year so far ... still chasing them until the ice hits.
Posted 10/5/2006 6:02 AM (#212765 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 723

I almost had a follow once.
Posted 10/5/2006 7:19 AM (#212770 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
485 people looked 21 responded......i have caught 9 fish so far this year..biggest 51.5, avg size 39.995 inches......plan to fish more this fall than i did all year so hopefully the fall will be kind to me. time to giddyup!!!
someone was braggin they were gonna catch 300 skis this year before the season opened. wonder how that went? that would be a awesome accomplishment!

Posted 10/5/2006 7:29 AM (#212774 - in reply to #212765)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

dogboy - 10/5/2006 6:02 AM

I almost had a follow once. ;)

That made me laugh.
Posted 10/5/2006 8:10 AM (#212786 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 2030

starting a new job and getting married cuts fishing time!!!

18 hrs on Mille Lacs = a 44.75"
60-65 hrs in Iowa = 11 34"-43"

This weekend "north" for two days and then I'm probably done for the year - its time to add another whitetail wallhanger (got one spotted)
dedicated angler
Posted 10/5/2006 8:39 AM (#212791 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

This time last year 6 fish personally, 11 in the boat. 80 -90 hrs on the water
This year 0 personally, 2 in the boat. Same number of hours on the water. I can see them but can't make the connection.
Posted 10/5/2006 8:42 AM (#212792 - in reply to #212791)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 381


I have yet to get the boat wet do to a work injury.

Last year 33
Posted 10/5/2006 8:43 AM (#212793 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 829

Location: Maple Grove, MN
I am not a guide. Just a "fish-when-I-can" after work and weekend warrior.

I've caught 15 Muskies so far this year. The largest was a 45 incher, but I almost had a low 50er. I've also caught my usual dozen large Northern Pike from 36 to 41 inches. Not to bad for about 80 hours of fishing.

I didn't get out much early in the year, but have been getting out more lately and its been over a month since I've been on the water without hooking at least one Muskie. I've also fished on several different lakes in the last month, one I hadn't fished for years, and have had consistent success.

The funny thing is that the only lures I can get a Muskie to hit on are my CJs spinner baits. Without my 25 of those baits in various sizes and colors, I'd be getting blanked every time out instead. Its not like I don't throw anything else. I just can't get a Muskie to hit anything else. Just have to go with what works, eh?

I hope to match my total of 23 Muskies from two years ago (best year being married with children), but doubt I'll get out enough to match my best year of 36 Muskies (back when I was single). Actually, I would be quite happy with just one more Muskie if it was over 50 inches.

Good luck all. The best fishing is now until ice-up.

Edited by Herb_b 10/5/2006 8:45 AM
Posted 10/5/2006 9:13 AM (#212800 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 921

Location: Apollo, PA
That "jack in the box" is chasing me, but so far i have alluded it. God Bless
Posted 10/5/2006 9:29 AM (#212802 - in reply to #212548)
Subject: RE: how many fish this year?

Posts: 412

Location: Waukesha, WI
Unless they share, I only guide people to their beer coolers and away from mine.

4 skis since September 1st. 12 additional fish boated while out with Koepp in 4 half-day outings in August and September.
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