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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> The ABU Record Reel?
Message Subject: The ABU Record Reel?
Posted 4/4/2006 12:00 PM (#185647)
Subject: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 155

Location: North Metro
Anyone see this new reel from ABU? It looks good, and I guess has gotten good reviews from a few critics so far. Just wondering if anyone here has had any first hand experience with this reel? THanks...
Posted 4/4/2006 12:02 PM (#185648 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1316

Location: Madison, WI
Getting mine tomorrow, i'll let you know
Posted 4/4/2006 12:08 PM (#185652 - in reply to #185648)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 5874

Chuck Nelson had good things to say about it at the C&R Club meeting. Perhaps he will add those comments here. I'm getting two for my new Fig Rigs this year.
Posted 4/4/2006 12:35 PM (#185657 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1168

I got four of them this year. Got a chance to cast stuff with them this past weekend. I am very, very impressed. Once I get my other reels back from their yearly cleaning I am strongly considering moving those and getting a couple more records.
Posted 4/4/2006 12:45 PM (#185659 - in reply to #185657)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 3240

Location: Racine, Wi
I'm right there with ya. I picked up 2 this year, and have thrown them the past 2 weekends. Very smooth reals. Drags are improved alot from the old. The HCN 60's are a tad heavy, but that could also be due to the fact that I'm one skinny dude. lol

I am also thinking of getting rid of my other Abus and picking up some more Records. Great new real.
Posted 4/4/2006 1:03 PM (#185665 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
I was able to use one last summer. All I could say at the time was, "SWEET". I was really excited about the opportunity to sell a reel like the Record. I will continue to tell you that this reel is sweet and I honestly believe that this is "the" reel. But, as we all know, everyone has their opinion about what is good and what it bad.

When I spoke with the C&R Musky Club, which is a GREAT group of guys, some people had heard about the reels, but not seen them. That night they all had an opportunity to get their hands on one. I gave my insight on the reel and what I really thought of it. People who know me can tell you that I call it the way I see it and do not sugar coat things. I gave it rave reviews at that time and will continue to do so.

With people out there that now have the reel in their posession and have had a chance to use it, I would like to step back from this question. I thank you Shep for the words of support. Since I am with the company I really do not wish to step in and give a roaring great review of something as I know there are many out there that will either think I am, or blast me for, being biased. Unfortunately, that is the way of our society.

Now, coming from just a "Joe Shmoe" fisherman, I will honestly tell you that even if I was not with the company, I would DEFINETLY have at least one of these reels for this season. But, that is just me as a fisherman speaking.

If you do have any specific questions on the reel, I would be more than happy to answer those for you.

Good Fishing,

Posted 4/4/2006 1:35 PM (#185676 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1168

But Chuck, you are a great salesman!!

I say this because he first showed me what the features of this reel were last fall. At first glance you think it is just a beefed up c3 in a spiffier casing but it is engineered differently. Don't get me wrong, I still like my c3's and they are good reels. With the records it seems to me like they took the look and feel of a c3 and improved everything on it. Not just one feature here or one feature there like you'll see in alot of products...but took what is dependable and reliable on the c3's, improved them, and then added some bells and whistles that make noise instead of just being there for show.

With a common list price of $140 bucks it might seem a little steep compared to a c3 but it is a different reel and really can't be compared. What you like about a c3 you'll love about a Record. It is well worth the money spent on them and compared to other higher end reels out there you can't go wrong with this one in terms of what you get for that price.

Sift through the tackle forums as well as Chuck's chat from a few weeks back. There's more info in there about what the specific differences are with the records. I know I probably wouldn't have considered them if Chuck wouldn't have shown me what the changes were and eventhough he does work for the company and will talk up a product like that, the expectations I had before I bought them have been exceeded now that I had a chance to throw something with he's right, try them out and I'm guessing you'll be impressed if you are an ABU person or pleasantly suprised if you take a chance on them eventhough you might have sworn of ABU reels in the past.

Posted 4/4/2006 1:43 PM (#185679 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1278

Location: Stevens Point, Wi.
Joe Schmoe here- bought a 60HC over the winter, slapped it on an 8' Fig rod. In one word--sweet! Smooth operation and a great improvement on the drag.
Posted 4/4/2006 1:48 PM (#185681 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 332

Location: Michigan
Great reel. Used mine for the first time a couple weeks ago at the Cave, caught three fish with it. Very solid and smooth.

Posted 4/4/2006 1:58 PM (#185684 - in reply to #185681)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 155

Location: North Metro
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... what model is the one to have. I found the "50" on sale for 115.00 bucks. I know it holds 135 yds of 12 lb. line. Would the 60 be a better choice? I would assume the only difference is the amount of line it holds, the gear ratio and the size of the barrle? I would also think the 50 would be easier to palm in the hand? 6:3:1 ratio for burning tails too... What is the best fit here for me?
Posted 4/4/2006 2:50 PM (#185699 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1168

I'd defer to Chuck on this one...but with the higher gear ratio it puts more stress on the gears when using bucktails. Too much vibration and the gearing would wear faster and you would run into problems. Would be fine for glide baits as those don't give off the vibe that a blade does. I could be way off on this with the Records but that's just a rule of thumb I use on other ABU reels that have higher gear rations vs. those with lower gear ratios....I won't throw bucktails on the higher geared reels for this reason.
Posted 4/4/2006 3:35 PM (#185717 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
Close Bob, but it is the continuous "drag" from the bucktails that high speed gears do not like.

Questions: Would you tow your boat using the high gears or the low gears of the truck? What would be easiest on the truck and its gears?

Now, look at your reel as the truck; the main gear and pinion gear as the gears in the truck and the bucktail as the boat. Same concepts and questions apply.

It is easier on the lower speed gears when pulling a bucktial through the water with that continuous drag. Over all, it is just easier on YOU to reel in that bucktail with lower gears as well. Going too low will make you work harder to retrieve it fast enough. The happy medium is the 5.3:1 gear ratio for bucktails; easy on you and easy on the reel.

High speeds, 6.3:1, are GREAT for fishing jerk baits, glide baits, some twitch baits and top water. The added line pick-up is the key here. I LOVE my C4's for these applications.

If you were to put the main gear of a high speed, 6.3:1, and the main gear of a standard, 5.3:1, back to back you will notice a few things. 1st, they are the same diameter. 2nd, there are more teeth on a high speed gear. 3rd, the high speed gears teeth are thinner to accomodate more teeth, thus the high speed.

The thinner teeth are like pretty much anything that you make thinner, they will have a tendency to "bend" more easily. I call this "rolling" the tips over. Believe it or not, but the drag of a bucktail being pulled through the water is quite great; much greater than other baits out there.

You want to have fun? Rig two rods up, one with a 6500C3 (5.3:1)and one with a 6600C4 (6.3:1); as these are the most popular sized reels. Now snap on a Cow Girl spinner, cast and retrieve. See which one makes you work harder. Now snap on a Reef Hawg, cast and work it back. Which one is easier to work?

For me, the 5.3:1 on a Cow Girl would be the way to go; you work less and it is easier on the reel. Then, with the Reef Hawg, the 6.3:1 is easier for me to work it, but the 5.3:1 will do the job too.

So, the RCN60, RCN61, RCN60HC or the RCN61HC are the reels to consider if you want this reel to throw bucktails.

Sorry, I hate when I get long winded (and many of you probably do too), but giving different scenario's is one of the easiest ways to help people understand. Okay, so that is the teacher in me and my teaching degree coming out. Yes, I was a teacher.

I also know that some people think that I am totally wrong with this theory, but it is proven; you can prove it to yourself as well. Unfortunately, it will cost you a set of high speed gears. I know that it cost me a set, just ONE set. Ya don't have to hit me over the head twice.

Hope this helps out,


Almost time for doughballs and fighting crabs!!!!

Posted 4/4/2006 9:08 PM (#185772 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Check this review out very comprehensive! Should answer all your questions regarding the new Record reels.
Posted 4/5/2006 9:17 AM (#185828 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 56

I've only had a chance to try my Record HC out in a local pond a few times but I agree it feels nice.

However, the thing that drives me nuts about this reel and the other C3/C4s with thumbars is how low they build the bar on the frame. I palm the reel and its awkward to reach down for those thumbars--almost to the darn reel seat. Calcuttas, Daiwas, etc., have the the thumbar built higher and it just seems easier and more natural to reach as part of the Figure 8/next cast motion.

Probably just an individual thing--others may not even notice, but I do wish they's built those bars higher on the frame. Maybe I'll get used to it. Actually, I guess I have to.
Posted 4/5/2006 12:21 PM (#185879 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

I put my new Record thru the paces this past weekend...casted a mag dawg on it all held up great..and I even got to test the new drag out on a nice performed flawlessly...I kinda wish the handle was a big longer/wider...from one paddle to the other...just one little gripe...
Posted 4/5/2006 3:13 PM (#185908 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

I just picked up a Record 60 to test this year along with Cortland Bronzeback line. I have heard nothing but good things
Posted 4/11/2006 2:39 PM (#186918 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1462

Location: Davenport, IA
I'm really not a huge fan of Abu c3's and c4's, but I looked at the record and it looks like a really nice reel for the price. I haven't casted one, but looking at it and spinning it, it feels better than a $200 Calcutta. I will probobly buy a record 50 soon and give it a try.
Posted 4/11/2006 2:47 PM (#186919 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1316

Location: Madison, WI
got mine out the other day and very smooth!! Talk to tuffy he probably just pulled his 49 in with a record...
Posted 4/11/2006 8:27 PM (#186989 - in reply to #186919)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1247

Location: On the Niagara River in Buffalo, NY
I purchased two Record 60's last month from my local Gander Store.While out on Long Island at Montauk fishing for Stripers a Guide talked me into puting Power Handles on them.The Reel was SWEET before adding the Power Handle,but what an assume warp speed Jerkbait Reel I have now!
Posted 4/12/2006 1:28 PM (#187095 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 462

Location: Syracuse, Indiana
I bought a 51 for my GF's use.  Spooled with 80 lb. Power Pro, fitted to an Avid, it has performed flawlessly for her (a true beginner).  I tried casting with it once and got into the backing - Oops.  Need to respool!  Smooth reel.
Posted 4/12/2006 2:20 PM (#187107 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 3240

Location: Racine, Wi
Magruter is right. I got the big girl on the Record and it rocked that fish really well. No problems with drag or freespooling it.

Larry, I got the 60 HCNs that come with the power handle and man it is a smooth and easy reel to use. I'm pumped about the Records so far.
Posted 4/12/2006 2:51 PM (#187115 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Anyone have any opinions comparing it to a St Croix casting reel?

Posted 4/12/2006 5:49 PM (#187149 - in reply to #187115)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 1462

Location: Davenport, IA
Just read that the 50 series only comes w/ 6.3:1...well they just lost a sale there.

I dont' have a St Croix, but do have some of the Diawa Millionaire's (same reel) and I'd say the record will probobly be smoother. But time will tell on durability. The Diawas are really, really tough reels.
Posted 4/13/2006 11:31 AM (#187279 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 101

Location: Liberty, IN (OKI Tri-State)
Just a quick 'heads up' on the gear issue. Spoke with Chuck Brod over the weekend @ Rollie&Helen's PMTT set-up, (also owner of Sportsman's Repair Mesonee sp?WI), while shopping the Record; those gears are interchangeable ... if that means anything to you. They can be swithced out and/or another set ordered and installed.

Also talked with Chuck Nelson back during the Milwaukee Show, when he had one or two of his 'spare seconds', (he was VERY BUSY doing the free spooling offer that was going on with the Record there ... SOLD OUT as I recall .. quickly) and this is a very solid piece of equipment! I am planning on a pair being added to my Tourney Line-Up the next couple of weeks after talking with several Pros that threw them this past week @ 'the Cave' ..... nothing but high praise coming in on this one so far folks, and from some pretty darn good sources.

So hey Chuck ... (either one), can you work me a deal on a couple of those sweet Records ... gotta couple Squirley Berts I could throw in ....?

Posted 4/13/2006 4:28 PM (#187325 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
Fin or Ozzie or Bob (what ever name you want to call him) is right on, as is Chuck Brod, on the gear question. YES, the 5.3:1 gears on the 60 size CAN be put in the 50 size; and vice versa. So, you can switch a 60 from 5.3:1 to 6.3:1 and a 50 from 6.3:1 to 5.3:1. Gears are available through the Abu Service Center or you can probably order them through Chuck Brod. If he does not have them in-stock, he can get them for you. You will need the main gear and pinion gear.

Don't forget, the NEW carbon matrix drags in the new reels CAN be purchased and put in the C3's, C4's, Morrums or other Ambassadeur reels. The key thing with the C3's, C4's and the other reels is that they need to be the multi disk drag system that stacks in the gear. They will not work on the older 2 washer system.

As for the popularity of the reel, it is going gang-busters!! Many shops are re-ordering them on a very regular basis, almost weekly. Someone posted that either BassPro or Cabela's was out. They should have them back in-stock now. I do know for sure that Rollie and Helens (Minocqua) , Eagle Sport (Eagle River) ,Guides Choice (Eagle River), Hayward Bait (Hayward), Northern Highland (Boulder Junction), Wilderness Sports (Sauk City), all 3 Dorn Hardware locations in Madison, Smokey's Musky Shop (Pewaukee), The Sportsman in Appleton, all have these reels in-stock at the present time. Oh yes, can't forget Gander Mountain as well. Most all, if not all, locations have them. Check with your other local retailers to see if they have them. If they do not, they should be able to get them for you. I know that there are other retailers out there that have them, but these are the ones that are right off of the top of my bald head.

Hey Bob, I can work out a deal for you on those reels. For just $159.99 a reel and a free tackle bag with each reel (via a mail-in rebate) I can get you as many as you would like; or should I say many different dealers can get you those reels for you at that price and deal. See what the tackle shops can do for you. My $159.99 price is about $20 higher than the dealers on the Record 60 series is selling for. In other words, sorry, but there is nothing that I can do.

Any other questions, just post.


Posted 4/14/2006 8:25 AM (#187415 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 829

Location: Maple Grove, MN
I have seven ABU reels now and love them all. Now it appears I may have to get yet another one. Must work on story to tell wife....

The Record is a little heavier than the other ABU reels. Is this noticable when fishing or not a problem at all? Or is the reel so smooth one just doesn't notice or care about the extra couple of ounces?
Posted 4/14/2006 8:43 AM (#187419 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 101

Location: Liberty, IN (OKI Tri-State)
Thanks anyway Chuck ... the way I see it, a pair of those babies will beat a single ... well let me just say that I like the 'friendlier' pricing of the new 'old-school ABU' when compared to a couple of other brands I was considering; Just wish I would have pulled the trigger while you were doing product support at the Milwaukee Musky Expo in Feb. ...

Way too much great 'lip service' going around the business and from some real good sticks who have had them in their hands for awhile with these reels to ignore, that for me folks is way beyond hype and the kind of feedback that you can 'take to the bank'. Color me an ABU RECORD owner... and ring that sale up to Rollie & Helen's Musky Shop ... those poor guys have been working with me for over a year on this next multi-reel purchase, trying to find just the right pairing for my next two Esox Rods. The combo of the smaller framed 6.3-to-1 ratio will be a great jerk-slash-glider with my 8-footer ... might get both in the 60 and switch my Callcutas over to grinding out bucks-cranks- lg. spinners ... but who knows, might get two 60's and a 50 ... hmmm. Looks like one more visit to R&H's

Posted 4/14/2006 8:49 AM (#187421 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: RE: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 3240

Location: Racine, Wi
Herb, they are a little heavier when you first put them on the reel, but throwing it a ton the past few weeks, and my skinny keester hasn't noticed it a bit. Terrific reels!!! I love them, and will be picking up more this season.
Posted 4/11/2007 11:13 PM (#250296 - in reply to #185647)
Subject: Re: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 19

Location: Lake County, IL
Interesting post to review.

So its been a year since you guys have had this reel. What is your opinion now! I myself have all my rods with records along with the new spiderwire ultracast. Love the drag and yes it us super smooth. One reel is about a year old and its still performs flawlessly!
Got Esox?
Posted 4/12/2007 9:12 AM (#250320 - in reply to #250296)
Subject: Re: The ABU Record Reel?

Posts: 350

Location: WESTERN WI
I have had to replace the clutch once (wear). But other than that it perorms very well and when I want to really bomb some casts, it outcast my other abu's by ~30%.
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