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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN
Message Subject: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN
Posted 7/28/2004 8:31 AM (#113353)
Subject: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

for those who haven't heard- a 50lb+ muskie was caught and released (with a great photo) out of Mille Lacs last week- dimensions were reported to be 51 X 29 - formulas put it near the MN state record (which is 54lbs I believe) maybe this is the year of record muskies! we can always hope, right?

tight lines everyone!

Edited by 55starfire 7/28/2004 8:45 AM
Posted 7/28/2004 8:42 AM (#113356 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

Here is the picture


Edited by lpeitso 7/28/2004 8:43 AM

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(bill and jason with fish1.jpg)

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Posted 7/28/2004 8:46 AM (#113357 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 3242

Location: Racine, Wi
Did that thing swallow a Dog??!!! That is fat as sin. Holy Buckets. Nice fish!!!
Posted 7/28/2004 8:46 AM (#113358 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

Thanks Lance- what an amazing fish!
Posted 7/28/2004 8:48 AM (#113360 - in reply to #113358)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 5874

Maybe a fawn, not a dog, TuffDaddy! WOW!!!! That fish is obese! If it's name was Sandra, it could be my MIL! LOL
Muskie Treats
Posted 7/28/2004 8:54 AM (#113363 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 2384

Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot
I thought the "low carb" diet was supposed to make you loose weight!!!!!!!

Boy I'm glad I wasn't dangling my toes in the water around that fish. It must have been eating everything in sight!
Posted 7/28/2004 8:56 AM (#113365 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 259

Location: Alexandria, MN
Mille Lacs has some of the FATTEST fish you will find, if you get one with some length you have a
record class fish. Great picture, I like the way you blocked out the background to save the spot LOL

That is a great fish and wonderful that it was released.

Good Job!
Posted 7/28/2004 9:19 AM (#113371 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

They didn't block the background. It was a night time guide trip.

Posted 7/28/2004 9:23 AM (#113373 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 1937

Location: Black Creek, WI
Three words.....

Posted 7/28/2004 9:28 AM (#113375 - in reply to #113373)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Can you imagine that fish at 56"? Incredible muskie, great shot, thanks guys!
Posted 7/28/2004 9:40 AM (#113380 - in reply to #113375)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

There are no muskies in MN. In fact, you would be better off fishing elsewhere. I believe this photo to be fake in order to attract attention to MN, when in fact it was caught in WI.
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/28/2004 9:44 AM (#113382 - in reply to #113356)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
Thing looks like an Anaconda after a meal of rats....29" girth, that's getting close to my waist size
Posted 7/28/2004 10:16 AM (#113387 - in reply to #113357)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
WHAT A PIG !!!!!!!!!!

Imagine what that fish will look like in the Fall

Edited by JohnMD 7/28/2004 10:17 AM
Posted 7/28/2004 10:16 AM (#113388 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 294

Location: Suspended
Way cool, awesome fish!
Posted 7/28/2004 10:49 AM (#113390 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Location: Athens, Ohio
Cady, nice try, but I know of at least ONE or TWO 50 inch fish in Minnesota. I think this one ate both of them. m
Posted 7/28/2004 11:19 AM (#113393 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 91

Location: Wausau
I am going to have to switch from the 12 oz beer can to the king can size when I go fish MN to build up the arms to lift a beast like that out of the water. Nice job to the fisherman and the guide for a great catch and a better release.
Posted 7/28/2004 11:30 AM (#113395 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

WOW.... I am speachless, I wonder if the knees have stopped knocking?

Ought to call that fish Tommyboy, I think that fish has what you would call a little bit of a weight problem.
Posted 7/28/2004 12:50 PM (#113404 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
What's the story behind that MONSTER???
Who's the guide/ What was it caught on?
Anybody got the scoop?
Musky Alan
Posted 7/28/2004 12:55 PM (#113405 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 544

Location: Alsip, Il
That is one NICE FISH!!!! GOTTA LOVE FAT GIRLS! Hey, this may provide me with an incentive to drive another 150 miles for a long weekend in early September. What are you guys (You can tell I am from Chicago) opinon about trying MILL LACS, the weekend after Labor Day? It will be my first time there. Thank, Al
Posted 7/28/2004 1:06 PM (#113406 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 148

taken from

"Caught by Bill from Kentucky Guided by Jason Hamernick of Muskiebreath Guide Service/Battle the Beast"

not sure what it was caught on- but I am sure we get more details in due time
Posted 7/28/2004 1:15 PM (#113408 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

I have asked Jason to write something up for the website, and the chapter newsletter. I will wait until he let's me know his story.

Posted 7/28/2004 1:58 PM (#113412 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 146

Location: Wayzata, MN
Posted 7/28/2004 2:09 PM (#113413 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 4

Location: Wisconsin-Montana
what a brute
tell Hamernick nice pink hat.

Badfish Outdoors
Posted 7/28/2004 2:17 PM (#113414 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

HOLY #$&*!!!!
Posted 7/28/2004 2:51 PM (#113422 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 129

thats a beautiful fish, a few more inches and in the fall, and boom its the record!!! CONGRATS!!!
Posted 7/28/2004 3:04 PM (#113424 - in reply to #113422)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 437

The only thing I can say is that I would have been a bit more excited. I mean, he looks about as excited as a guy who just got kicked in the nuts! Come on, that is absolutely a fish of a lifetime, you better celebrate or let someone who deserves it catch it like me!
Truly an amazing fish though. Begin dark it likely helped the fight. I know if I had a fish on of that size and was able to see it I would be filling my drawers in short order.
Posted 7/28/2004 8:54 PM (#113451 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 432

Location: mpls
I just came back from Mille Lacs today. If I knew that they caught my fish,I would've stayed home. All I got was a 25" Walleye,a follow, and some pike. That wouldn't even be dinner for that thing!! Great fish!
Posted 7/28/2004 10:12 PM (#113456 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I heard they were using a 40" 20lb sucker as bait. Is this true? That fish is one spring time booty call for them there male muskies.
Posted 7/29/2004 8:46 AM (#113475 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

Posts: 633

Here is a link to the writeup from Jason.


Posted 7/29/2004 1:09 PM (#113507 - in reply to #113353)
Subject: RE: 51X29 near state record CPR'd in MN

I bet that's why he looks that way! He loaded those drawers!

Even Big Fish Hammernick looks a bit out of it.

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