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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> what if you only had five lures??
Message Subject: what if you only had five lures??
Posted 4/3/2004 3:51 PM (#102748)
Subject: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 7

Lets say that there is a fire, or something, and you can only save five lures what five do you save? I would have to say mine would be a brown tandom Harasser with a brass blade, and brown Wade's Wobbler, a Jake (tenn. shad color), a gaint Poe tail (again tenn shad.) and for the finial another top water a Cripper (just cause its so fun to cast ).


and on a side note do you find yourself useing these lures more often then your others just cause they are your favorite

Edited by fishhard 4/3/2004 3:59 PM
Posted 4/3/2004 6:04 PM (#102749 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 2091

Location: Stevens Point, WI
First I would sob and cry uncontrollably. I would hope to still have a 10" Jake, Pacemaker, Topraider, Violent Strike Spinner, Slippery Sam Jr.
Posted 4/3/2004 6:18 PM (#102750 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
magnum bulldawg
triple d
cobbs countdown drop belly glider
mepps maribu
top raider
im confident if there is a hungry fish where im fishing it will eat one of these!!!
Posted 4/3/2004 6:32 PM (#102752 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 90

Location: Florence, Wisconsin
Super Shad Rap (Golden Shiner)
Triple D (Sunburst)
Buchertail (Chartreuse, Black)
Suick (Perch)
ShallowRaider (Firetiger)

Bo Queen
Posted 4/3/2004 6:55 PM (#102754 - in reply to #102752)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 3876

Modified 7.5" Grannie
Buchertail 700
Unweighted Suick
Topraider or Poes Giant Jackpot (it's a tie on the topwaters)
Triple DDD
Posted 4/3/2004 7:31 PM (#102757 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 335

Location: Pulaski, WI

10" Unweighted Suick
10" Jake
Mepps Musky Killer

That was really hard.. 10 would be better!

Posted 4/3/2004 7:41 PM (#102759 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 1106

Location: Muskegon Michigan
This one is easy, #1- 6.5" Talonz Little Claw in a Tan Perch #2- 7" Jointed Loke in an Olive frog #3- Spinline #8 blade Bucktail in Black and brown, #4 -Talonz Rippin Shad(new Floating version) in a Crappie pattern and last but not least a custom painted Giant Jackpot in a sideways perch pattern. Kingfisher
Posted 4/3/2004 9:05 PM (#102767 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 1137

Location: Holly, MI
Crane 208 in yellow perch
Shallow Invader in Firetiger
Terminator jointed T-3 In perch
Pearson Grinder
8" jointed Believer
Posted 4/3/2004 10:16 PM (#102771 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Clear water.....

1) 10" Jake
2) 8" Reefhawg
3) Raddog
4) 1 1/4 oz J-Mac and Live Action Plastics 8" twister
5) Triple D

Dirty water.....

1) Raddog
2) 10" suick
3) 10" Jake
4) oversized creeper
5) large Pacemaker
Cory Toker
Posted 4/3/2004 10:29 PM (#102772 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 240

Salmo Whitefish in the grey silver pattern
Magnum Rap in blue and white
Top raider
glow Bulldawg (medium)
10" Holoform Jake (Black and Silver)
Posted 4/3/2004 10:41 PM (#102773 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 87

1. jackpot
2. suick (weighted perch)
3. natural colered bucktail
4. topraider
5. hawg wobbler

Edited by esoxmn 4/3/2004 10:42 PM
Posted 4/3/2004 10:55 PM (#102774 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 379

Location: Thief River Falls MN
1- st. depthraider
2- blk tail/orange hair bucktail
3- jackpot
4- spinnerbait, probably blk/white hair nickel blade
5- suick
Posted 4/4/2004 11:52 AM (#102789 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 74

Location: MIlton Ontario Canada
#1 Black Bucktail with a silver Blade
#2 Super Shad Rap
#3 Black/Orange Bladed Rob Dey spinner bait
#4 Perch Believer
#5 Perch Suick
#6 Jackpot or TopRaider

I dont think I can go with out at least 6!
Posted 4/4/2004 12:57 PM (#102792 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 724

Location: Southern W.Va.
This ain't fair but here goes,

1) Mepps tandem bucktail - black/yellow , brass blade

2) 9" Sledge Black/red unweighted

3) Super Shad Rap, firetiger

4) 7" Swim-Whiz, Perch

And last but not at all the least..... don't laugh

5) 7" Red Fin I move a lot of fish with this lure Max depth 4' ,tritches REAL good

Posted 4/4/2004 5:16 PM (#102808 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 37

1. Crane 207 White/Black

2. Crane 207 Green/Yellow/ White belly

3. Crane 306 White/Black

4. Crane 207 Blue/White

5. Grandma 7.5 Pearl
Posted 4/4/2004 5:18 PM (#102809 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

1. Custom Colored Legend Plow
2. 6" Slammer Drop Belly Glider
3. 7" Big Game Twitch Bait
4. 10" Orange Custom Weighted Reef Hawg
5. Custom Colored DDD
Posted 4/4/2004 5:39 PM (#102815 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

tough choice woodie 6 9 dollar special perch woodie lokie st. lawerence perch woodie black perch and a fingerling. special paint tree frog..
Posted 4/4/2004 6:26 PM (#102818 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
The actuality is, I would probably die in the fire trying to figure that out.

Here goes any way:

tr twitcher
lip ripper
slammer drop belly deep diver for trolling

that's 5 off the top of my head. I would have to cheat and save a few glide baits too. Worth a few skin grafts.
Worm Drowner
Posted 4/4/2004 7:43 PM (#102827 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: ---

Posts: 229

Location: Willoughby, Ohio

Edited by Worm Drowner 4/4/2004 7:48 PM
Posted 4/4/2004 8:02 PM (#102833 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 536

Location: Brainerd Area
Only 5????

Blk/ Slv Bucktail
Perch hallow raider
perch wabull
poes jackpot (blk/wht)
top raider (blk)
Evar D
Posted 4/4/2004 8:04 PM (#102836 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 184

Location: Rockford Il 61108
Bucher bucktail (willow)
Suick (any color)
8in Jake (silver and blue)
Mepps Marauboo (yellow and Black)
8in Reef Hawg (sucker)
Posted 4/4/2004 8:49 PM (#102839 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 550

Location: So. Illinois
Super Shad Rap - Fire Tiger
Super Shad Rap - Perch
Mepps Muskie Killer - Black Chartrues
Super Stalker - Turbo Skunk
8 or 10" Jointed Believer - Perch, Fire Tiger or Pearl
Posted 4/4/2004 11:21 PM (#102857 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 688

Location: Northern IL
Spoonplugs are made of brass so as long as the fire didn't get too hot, (I hope) they all would survive, I hope.....
Steve Jonesi
Posted 4/4/2004 11:51 PM (#102859 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 2089

Dude, don't scare me.Fire.Garage.Don't ever want to hear those 2 words in the same sentence.So many waters have idiosyncrasies regarding baits, but if i'm running and grabbing.....

1.10" Custom Perch weighted Suick(One of the Special ones)
2.OLD Perch Bobbie(Wiggles more than a %$#@ in church)
3.Black/Gold M/G Spinnerbait(anywhere,anytime)
4.Black/Red/Nickel small CJ's Spinnerbait with a white trailer(the $5000 bait)
5.Black/Orange Lace LeLure Globe(LOTW 5 gallon bucket/w red.Still have nightmares.)

Now of course all the HR's and such will be burnt up but I can still be confident in the "Chosen Few".The 1st 4 I throw regularly, but the Globe only sees action under certain circumstances.I think it's time for a sale. Steve
Posted 4/5/2004 7:10 AM (#102867 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

1. 10" Jake
2. Hawg Wobbler
3. Original 9" Grandma
4. DDD
5. Straight Depthraider

Can't function without the cranks.

Gander Mt Guide
Posted 4/5/2004 9:50 AM (#102889 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
Mepps Maribou, Chartruse Blade, Black and Chart. tail.
Rizzo Wizz, (Lg) with Nickel blade and black body
6" Slammer, walleye
Shallow Invader, silver/black
8" Power Probe, hot tiger
Phish Killer
Posted 4/5/2004 10:49 AM (#102893 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 827

Location: Minneapolis,Minnesota
Straight Miller Perch Depthraider
Field mouse Topraider
Tuff Shad Glider
white/red Lily Tail
red/nickle Snowcrest Skeezix bucktail
Posted 4/5/2004 10:54 AM (#102894 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 87

Location: Wauwatosa, WI
1. straight sucker depth raider
2. pikie manta
3. blackbird topraider
4. Mepps marabou (white and black)
5. fuzzy duzzit
Posted 4/5/2004 2:12 PM (#102919 - in reply to #102894)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 1996

Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain
1. Mepps Magnum/Marabou
2. Blackbird Top Raider
3. 10" unweighted suick
4. 6" Grandma
5. Jerko
Posted 1/16/2005 3:30 PM (#131397 - in reply to #102748)
Subject: RE: what if you only had five lures??

Posts: 94

Sorry to bring up an old thread but I just found it...

Anyway, here's my list:

Abu Garcia Hi-Lo
Swim Whizz
Cisco Kid
Rapala Super Shad Rap
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