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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Permanent Daylight Savings Time
Message Subject: Permanent Daylight Savings Time
North of 8
Posted 3/16/2022 2:38 PM (#1003551)
Subject: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Saw that the Senate passed a bill to make daylight savings time permanent starting next fall. Fine with me, I am retired and pretty much live by sun time anyway.
I do feel bad for the folks where I used to live in the western portion of the U.P., in particular in the Keweenaw where even without daylight savings time they don't see the sun in the dead of winter until almost 9:00 AM due to being in Eastern Time zone and being so far north.
My thought was that it will a non-issue for fishing. Something I am missing there?
Posted 3/16/2022 2:56 PM (#1003553 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: RE: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 507

North of 8 - 3/16/2022 2:38 PM
My thought was that it will a non-issue for fishing. Something I am missing there?

You're right. Time is a human construct, and besides, the last fish to hit my net wasn't wearing a watch.
Posted 3/16/2022 5:33 PM (#1003556 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
It will make hunting that first weekend in November feel like I'm getting a full night sleep...

The only thing I see as an issue being a teacher.... our elementary school kids now start at 7:30 A.M, and without the change, they will be out there waiting for buses in Darker conditions for a longer time. Same issue in MN as in UP of michigan.

Doesn't bother me overall, though... I wonder if Arizona will change as well....

Posted 3/16/2022 6:45 PM (#1003559 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Location: Athens, Ohio
The only hang up I hear abt doing this is that permanent DST would put the kids on the bus in the dark for part of the school year.
So, change the school and bus schedule for that part of the year and let's have at it. m
Posted 3/16/2022 6:47 PM (#1003560 - in reply to #1003559)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 568

Location: WI
From the parent perspective, I’d rather send them in the dark and gain the hour of light in the evening.
Posted 3/16/2022 6:55 PM (#1003562 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 1329

I'll adjust either way, but I would prefer standard time all the time. I'm an early to bed, early to rise guy, and I hate going to bed in the summer, when it's not even dark yet.
Posted 3/16/2022 7:36 PM (#1003566 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
It's about time.but it will still be a crap shoot at knowing what time it is in Indiana.
Posted 3/16/2022 8:58 PM (#1003567 - in reply to #1003566)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 186

I thought they only allowed states to choose to go DST full time. Currently states can follow DST or remain on standard time year round (arizona). This would allow states to go DST full time but they would need to individually make that choice. Personally Id love it.
Posted 3/17/2022 1:14 AM (#1003570 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: RE: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 33

While I don't think it will affect a large portion of the populations, I think you'll find schools having to adjust their starting time in the winter... sunrise won't be until 8:30am in December.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 3/17/2022 7:14 AM (#1003575 - in reply to #1003570)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
I think it’s great. It will definitely be nice for deer season and maybe have some light left in the day when I get home from work in January.
North of 8
Posted 3/17/2022 8:39 AM (#1003580 - in reply to #1003570)
Subject: RE: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

OldMuskyGuy - 3/17/2022 1:14 AM

While I don't think it will affect a large portion of the populations, I think you'll find schools having to adjust their starting time in the winter... sunrise won't be until 8:30am in December.

In parts of the western U.P. it will be more like 9:30 AM.
Posted 3/17/2022 9:26 AM (#1003584 - in reply to #1003580)
Subject: RE: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 356

Location: Western U.P.
North of 8 - 3/17/2022 8:39 AM

OldMuskyGuy - 3/17/2022 1:14 AM

While I don't think it will affect a large portion of the populations, I think you'll find schools having to adjust their starting time in the winter... sunrise won't be until 8:30am in December.

In parts of the western U.P. it will be more like 9:30 AM.

It is dark in this area in the middle of Winter, with the sun barely coming out maybe once a week for a short time, if there is a hole in the cloud cover. Thankfully I'm in a Central time county, so it's not as bad as being in EST. We'll adapt.
Posted 3/17/2022 9:34 AM (#1003585 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I'd like it. If school start time is an issue, perhaps that could be adjusted and kids could get home around the same time as parents. Deer season would be great and ice fishing after work too.
North of 8
Posted 3/17/2022 10:05 AM (#1003587 - in reply to #1003585)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

sworrall - 3/17/2022 9:34 AM

I'd like it. If school start time is an issue, perhaps that could be adjusted and kids could get home around the same time as parents. Deer season would be great and ice fishing after work too.

They won't adjust school start times. Those are largely driven by extra curriculars, after school like sports. My two children and their spouses all teach high school and all start seeing students by 7:30 AM. 4 different schools, three different communities.

I do agree that it will be great for deer season. That was one good thing about living in the U.P. in the eastern time zone.
Posted 3/17/2022 10:23 AM (#1003589 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 1287

Location: E. Tenn
I lived in South Bend for several years, when Indiana, (with the exception of some counties in NW IN, and the SW tip that observed CST/CDT) observed EST year round, and the Michigan border, a few minutes north observed EST/EDT. I was working out of the FBO at the airport, and we'd always have someone ask "What time is it here?"

Time change weekend.. "Well it's 3:00 here, and in Michigan, it's 2:00 in LaPorte Tomorrow at this time it'll be 3:00 here, and LaPorte, and 4:00 in Michigan".

Since then the bulk of Indiana switched to EST/EDT.

It might be a good idea for the folks in the UP to get to work moving the ET/CT "line" east to Marquette, or even Manistique..

Edited by miket55 3/17/2022 10:41 AM
North of 8
Posted 3/17/2022 11:21 AM (#1003593 - in reply to #1003589)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

miket55 - 3/17/2022 10:23 AM

I lived in South Bend for several years, when Indiana, (with the exception of some counties in NW IN, and the SW tip that observed CST/CDT) observed EST year round, and the Michigan border, a few minutes north observed EST/EDT. I was working out of the FBO at the airport, and we'd always have someone ask "What time is it here?"

Time change weekend.. "Well it's 3:00 here, and in Michigan, it's 2:00 in LaPorte Tomorrow at this time it'll be 3:00 here, and LaPorte, and 4:00 in Michigan".

Since then the bulk of Indiana switched to EST/EDT.

It might be a good idea for the folks in the UP to get to work moving the ET/CT "line" east to Marquette, or even Manistique..

In the late 1990s I did employee relations for 500+ bank branches in MI, IL, Indiana .. Indiana drove me crazy. Some offices were in one time zone, others were in another. I would get a message from a manager about an employee problem, asking me to call them at such and such a time. I would have to look up the location so I would know when to call. Got used to it after a while but it was confusing. Managers were real good about it, they were used to people being unsure.
Posted 3/17/2022 11:29 AM (#1003594 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 1937

Location: Black Creek, WI
Reading through the responses, i started to realize that I'm an advocate for Daylight Savings. If not, then we may as well eliminate all the time zones too.
Posted 3/17/2022 12:18 PM (#1003596 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 229

Location: Plover, WI
1973. They tried it. 18 months. It failed.
Posted 3/17/2022 1:07 PM (#1003598 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 68

I think it would be a very difficult sell. I mean for the most part it won't affect the majority of the population, but just think if you lived in ND along the Missouri. Its already staying dark until 8 in October, just think about what it would be like the end of December into January. Dark until 9:30-10am. That wouldn't be manageable in my opinion.
Posted 3/17/2022 1:28 PM (#1003599 - in reply to #1003598)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Location: Eastern Ontario
I'd be more for year round standard time but I'd split the difference and move it a half hour . I hate waiting till 9PM for sundown and I fish hardest the last hour and half of daylight . When i was a kid there was a small village ( basically a hotel) outside the city that stayed on standard time. I could hop on my dinosaur and ride out for another hour of music and BEER.

Ontario will only do it if Quebec and New York all adopt it.

Edited by horsehunter 3/17/2022 1:29 PM
North of 8
Posted 3/17/2022 4:24 PM (#1003604 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Interesting to see what happens to this proposal in the House. They don't seem in a hurry to take it up. Wonder if that is because regions of states may be less enthusiastic than the state as a whole?
OH Musky
Posted 3/17/2022 5:11 PM (#1003605 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 405

Location: SW Ohio
Glad to hear they went the DST direction vs the opposite. Won't make the day longer (as the oft quoted complaint about DST) but it will be nice not to change the clocks twice a year. Doesn't matter whether it's DST or not, when I go to work, it's dark. The major difference will be whether it's still light when I get off 11-12 hours later.

Never understood the "kids going to school in the dark" argument. Depending on how far they are from school, and when they get picked up by the bus, they are going to be waiting in the dark. Many a morning I waited for the bus in the dark in NY.
Posted 3/17/2022 6:42 PM (#1003611 - in reply to #1003605)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 8797

I'd much prefer the extra hour of daylight in the evening when I can fish and get other stuff done outside. I don't care what time the sun comes up in the morning. You getting ready for work, you're in the car, you're at work, so what if its dark?
Posted 3/17/2022 8:42 PM (#1003617 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 19

Perfect!!! I love it, being a crack of noon fisher!

Muskie don't eat before noon!

Edited by Bob54 3/17/2022 8:56 PM
Posted 3/17/2022 9:41 PM (#1003620 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 493

Location: Northern Illinois
After retirement my life is not dependent on the clock so much anyway. You guys decide...
Posted 3/18/2022 6:58 AM (#1003623 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 568

Location: deephaven mn
i prefer no daylight savings, stop messing with reality
Posted 3/18/2022 8:22 PM (#1003650 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 791

Location: North Central IL USA
I don't like! Leave it the way it is Actually put back to the way it was before they monkeyed around with it the last time. I don't like change! Change is not good!
Posted 3/19/2022 3:20 PM (#1003670 - in reply to #1003551)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 20

Good to see they are focusing on the pressing issues of our time. This and the CROWN ACT that was passed is ridiculous. Daylight savings time and race based hair? What a joke.
Posted 3/19/2022 3:40 PM (#1003673 - in reply to #1003670)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

Posts: 8797

Sometimes I'm appalled that this sort of #*#* is what we've given our legislators a golden ticket for life in exchange for.
North of 8
Posted 3/19/2022 5:21 PM (#1003679 - in reply to #1003650)
Subject: Re: Permanent Daylight Savings Time

gregk9 - 3/18/2022 8:22 PM

I don't like! Leave it the way it is Actually put back to the way it was before they monkeyed around with it the last time. I don't like change! Change is not good!

Not sure if you are serious or not, but was surprised this morning to hear a medical doctor at the sleep institute at a major university say that it can actually be a health hazard. They tracked strokes and heart attacks over many years that occurred the week after the switch to daylight savings time and the numbers were up 12% over any other week in the year and that was consistent over the years. I knew some people don't adjust well but nothing like that.
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