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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Lockdown Day 1
Message Subject: Lockdown Day 1
Posted 3/22/2020 9:32 AM (#956261)
Subject: Lockdown Day 1

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
Lockdown Day 1...reality already setting in. Clicking around some channels only to find a stone skipping competition on ESPN. Yes literally stone skipping on ESPN 8. Couldn't sink that low.....Immediately turned off TV and went to the basement to make a couple musky baits.
Posted 3/22/2020 10:53 AM (#956268 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 95

This seasons Musky Hunter TV is now free on youtube
Posted 3/22/2020 4:11 PM (#956289 - in reply to #956268)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 117

Location: Cheyenne, WY most of the year
medy - 3/22/2020 9:53 AM

This seasons Musky Hunter TV is now free on youtube

I've been taking advantage of that. Hope MH is going to make enough money on views as their DVD sales.
Posted 3/22/2020 4:28 PM (#956294 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: RE: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 61

Illinois so called lock down is a joke. You can still leave the house for " exercise activities'. All The county parks are still open. Unless U strictly keep everyone, besides maybe doctors and nurses, home there is no point of doing anything. At least humor or sarcasm is still well, I would call it ignorance but what do I know. Read some foreign news, BBC for example, and I don't think you'll be in such a good mood anymore. 780 dead, not infected, dead in Italy yesterday. And they're saying that the culmination is coming so giving the best scenario it makes 285 thousand dead in a year in one country alone. So come to Illinois and skip your rocks as an exercise activity.

Edited by szczochu13 3/22/2020 4:43 PM
Posted 3/22/2020 6:27 PM (#956316 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
Lockdown a joke? You're right you don't know much. My county and city park are closed and patrolled by the police who are keeping order. If you came here and read the signs and talked to the police at the parks maybe then you would quit calling comments ignorant. Since you think Illinois' lockdown is a joke Come out here and try skipping some rocks on my county and city lakes.
North of 8
Posted 3/22/2020 6:30 PM (#956317 - in reply to #956294)
Subject: RE: Lockdown Day 1

szczochu13 - 3/22/2020 4:28 PM

Illinois so called lock down is a joke. You can still leave the house for " exercise activities'. All The county parks are still open. Unless U strictly keep everyone, besides maybe doctors and nurses, home there is no point of doing anything. At least humor or sarcasm is still well, I would call it ignorance but what do I know. Read some foreign news, BBC for example, and I don't think you'll be in such a good mood anymore. 780 dead, not infected, dead in Italy yesterday. And they're saying that the culmination is coming so giving the best scenario it makes 285 thousand dead in a year in one country alone. So come to Illinois and skip your rocks as an exercise activity.

I live in the Northwoods of WI, and I went for a walk today, did see two other people walking, both on the other side of the town road, which is roughly 24 feet wide. How did we endanger one another? My understanding as long as you keep a minimum of 6 feet between yourself and others, that you should be ok.
Posted 3/22/2020 7:06 PM (#956320 - in reply to #956317)
Subject: RE: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 61

Only one friend that I know which works for one of the cellular companies is on a paid leave since this Monday. I am required to go to work because we produce parts for medical equipment, which I'm ok with. My father who's over 60 is required to go to work because they produce 3 parts to humvees. Essential? What they're gonna send out out armed vehicles to fight the virus. Another example is colleague's member of family works for cheese company and is required to go to work because it is essential to have some stinky camembert and wash it down with a glass of wine. As far as I'm aware milk products are highly perishable and one could live without for few months. Another example is my brother working on his graduate down at Champaign and works at the hobby shop and is told to come to work for a reason God only knows. He's gonna find out tomorrow with some silly essential excuse they're gonna make up just to avoid paid absence. And yes they all received like you said "travel permits" in form of a letter So if stopped by police can avoid getting ticketed. So is it a joke you ask me. Yes. Parks can remain open as long as you keep the distance I guess. But you're still missing my point. But again what do I know. And remember that at least in Illinois and I'm guessing you're state as well, since only a hand full of states protect they're workers, any employee is under hire at will law, which means that any company is able to say bye bye without any reason. So most of the people even if having some money saved up so they could take some time off are still probably going to come to work because of fear of being terminated. My father for example who's as mentioned above close to retirement and if fired will probably not be able to find a new job because of his age.

Edited by szczochu13 3/22/2020 7:37 PM
North of 8
Posted 3/22/2020 7:15 PM (#956322 - in reply to #956320)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

I was simply responding to your statement about parks remaining open. Had you used the example of someone being required to go to work to produce Humvee parts, that is an entirely different situation.
Posted 3/22/2020 7:33 PM (#956326 - in reply to #956322)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 61

Sorry. I didn't make myself clear. But the whole thing is available online and is very vague. What I meant is as long as simple blue collar Joe like myself has no value for the people on top, losing few hundred thousand won't hurt I guess. Or maybe it's nature's answer to over population and ignorance towards it to keep it in balance.
North of 8
Posted 3/22/2020 7:48 PM (#956328 - in reply to #956326)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

I continue to be surprised there is no national plan for how to deal with an epidemic. I worked for federally chartered banks for decades and the federal examiners on an annual basis put us through the wringer regarding contingency plans. Everything from data restoration to plans for how we would deal with natural disasters that wiped out multiple buildings, succession plans for how we would deal with the unexpected death of senior executives, etc. Many hours were dedicated every year to doing the what ifs and how we would respond. I was an HR manager and I paid a lot of money to a third party service every year just to be sure that if something happened to all our in house computers, me and my staff, the next day there would be a complete restore of all current and past data on payroll, benefits and HR information. We could have been blasted away by a tornado, but whoever came in to replace us simply had to make one contact. And that processor backed up our info to two additional locations.
Why are we building this response in the middle of the crisis?
Conservation Guy
Posted 3/22/2020 7:58 PM (#956329 - in reply to #956328)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 109

A couple of things about not having a plan. First off, spread of contagions or social behaviors is not linear, and operates as a highly complex system. As such, unexpected feedback loops can reinforce unexpected outcomes and can grow exponentially. If you are not responding to these things as they emerge, you are going to be in trouble, but doing so is quite difficult. That being said, I work in public health and while some leaders claim, "no one could have imagined this," we have modeled this very situation for a LONG time, down to some of the specifics that are taking place at this moment. It is why all of us on the health side have said it was a matter of when, not if - so it isn't unexpected. The problem is that we DO NOT have a public health system because we don't like paying for prevention - its hard to sell the public on paying for the things that have not happened to them.
North of 8
Posted 3/22/2020 8:16 PM (#956332 - in reply to #956329)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

I do understand, have heard the same thing from a family member who is a scientist at the CDC for some time

Posted 3/22/2020 8:17 PM (#956333 - in reply to #956329)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 61

I think you overcomplicate things just a bit. Wuhan, the source of the virus has very minimal spread and even less fatalities. I guess sometimes it is necessary to grab people by their throats if not willing like in Italy for example. And I bet consequences of leaving the house were strictly enforced and not with financial penalties either.

Edited by szczochu13 3/22/2020 8:25 PM
Conservation Guy
Posted 3/22/2020 8:33 PM (#956334 - in reply to #956333)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 109

Well if you are suggesting an approach of an authoritarian lockdown, then no it is not complicated. Thankfully we do not live that way here. It does become complicated in a free society, to manage and balance freedom, economy and health.
Posted 3/22/2020 8:39 PM (#956335 - in reply to #956334)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 61

In situation like this, strict lockdown for two weeks. Yes. Of course not to punish it in the way they probably did but where it hurts the most, wallet. Multiple thousand dollar fines or even imprisonment under involuntary manslaughter law. Not much for a freedom if you're six feet under. Like that joker NBA player who infected probably hundreds of people in a chain reaction, and if any one of them dies how else to better it describe than involuntary manslaughter?! Isn't HIV treated on the same basis? And imagine if it turns out that it mutates as well as HIV and finding a vaccine is nearly impossible. I read the article where one of the scientists called it a mix of Sars and HIV so I dont know.

Edited by szczochu13 3/22/2020 9:00 PM
Cabbage Patch
Posted 3/22/2020 8:52 PM (#956336 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: RE: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 200

Location: Milwaukee, WI
Lots of time for making bucktails and organizing my fishing stuff.
Posted 3/23/2020 7:42 AM (#956346 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: RE: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 1023

Location: Lafayette, IN
Continuing to work on my boat mods. Adding 33" to the front casting deck. 25 year old boat should be looking fly this year. 

Attachments image2.jpeg (276KB - 560 downloads)
Posted 3/23/2020 7:48 AM (#956347 - in reply to #956346)
Subject: RE: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 767

Is this a good time to finally thank and appreciate first responders who do not have days off, instead of all the crap and b.s. they have going through the last ten years? Kdawg
Posted 3/23/2020 8:14 AM (#956350 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Went into a major grocery store chain yesterday and while the customers were practicing social distancing, the very hound employees were not, no gloves, up on each other and customers. Won't be back there for quite awhile. The major retail/grocer down the road has self checkout and cleaning standards I didn't see at this store.

Kinda funny all these people making fun of people buying toilet paper, try and buy some ammo right now!

Edited by ToddM 3/23/2020 8:20 AM
North of 8
Posted 3/23/2020 8:16 AM (#956351 - in reply to #956347)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Right now, among the biggest "heroes" are the truck drivers. Long hours, made longer by the fact that many of the places they depend on for meals and showers are closed. Without them, no food, no TP for the hoarders. Saw where some McDonalds were putting the word out that if the truckers simply pull up on street in front, their folks will run food out to the street since the trucks can't come through the drive ups. Some states had even planned to close their rest stops but are rethinking that, thank goodness. Lot of truckers use the rest stops not just for the facilities, but as a place to pull up and catch some sleep.
Posted 3/23/2020 9:05 AM (#956354 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I just came back from Colorado and truckers are using the weigh in stations as stop overs avoiding the truck stops. I did see Iowa 80 pretty full.when I drove by. Give them room hard to know if they are hauling for TP or ammo hoarders!

Edited by ToddM 3/23/2020 9:07 AM
Posted 3/23/2020 10:02 AM (#956359 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Location: Athens, Ohio
My grand girl asked me why people were hoarding toilet paper? I told you that you can live a week or so without food, four or five days without water, but how long you gonna live without toilet paper?
I took a drive last week and picked up a used Lowrance HDS 10 with structurescan. I've been cloistered in my garage since then tearing off all the old stuff, re-arranging some wiring, and working on a killer installation. Really, it's too much unit for my little boat and limited ability, but it was an offer I couldn't pass up. m
North of 8
Posted 3/23/2020 10:20 AM (#956362 - in reply to #956359)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Well, after stating over the weekend that he hoped WI would not need to issue a "Stay at Home" order, looks like Gov. Evers has decided to do just that starting tomorrow. Supposed to make an official statement later today. No details so far.

Apparently, the rapidly rising infection numbers and the reports that people really are not doing what the should has alarmed health authorities. Numbers in MKE county of confirmed cases are doubling + each day. Just listened to an infectious disease expert on NPR and he gave a very sobering assessment. He said he has been following the progress of COVID-19 for several months and has reached the conclusion that it is extremely transmittable and has a much higher rate of lethality than other epidemics of recent years, swine flu, H1, Ebola, etc. Some may have been more lethal, but did not transmit easily. He said he fears the only comparison is the flu of 1918, which killed many more world wide than all that were killed in WWI, military and civilian. At the end of the show, he apologized for being such a "downer" but he said it was the most concerning epidemic of his life time.
Posted 3/25/2020 6:10 PM (#956512 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 210

We have been practicing social distancing; which isnt hard if you live rural. Minnesota's Stay at Home order goes into effect on Friday and I have canceled my mediation / appraisal jobs until further notice. However, outdoor sports are exempted if you practice social distancing (not hard where I am). The USMFWS has decided to keep their launches open so I'm going fishing which is no big deal as I'm right next to multiple launch sites. Micheal Osterhom PHD from CIDRAP is an excellent reference check out his interview with Joe Rogan from about a week ago. I would not worry about police intervention of travel. They don't want to get close to you either. I see the Mayor of LA is writing checks he won't be able to cash. Be well
Posted 3/25/2020 6:56 PM (#956516 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 1329

Speaking of Dr. Osoterholm, here is a link to an interview in last Sunday's paper. He is one of a handful of people on the planet, that are on the speed dials of every national health leader in the world.

Posted 3/25/2020 7:49 PM (#956517 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Been ice fishing. Lakes will go out quickly this year, and I will immediately attack the crappies with the Humminbird 360 as soon as I can float my Lund. I'm in the very high risk category, so I can't even go into the doc for my scheduled check-ups until June at the earliest. Rats, guess I'll fish some more.
North of 8
Posted 3/25/2020 7:56 PM (#956519 - in reply to #956516)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

TCESOX - 3/25/2020 6:56 PM

Speaking of Dr. Osoterholm, here is a link to an interview in last Sunday's paper. He is one of a handful of people on the planet, that are on the speed dials of every national health leader in the world.

Short 300 million masks. Wow. I will have to talk to my niece about this guy. She is a supervisor at the CDC in Atlanta, her primary focus is HIV/AIDs but also went to Africa to do research on Ebola during that outbreak and she has been saying for some years now that we as a nation are not ready for what she saw as an inevitable epidemic. Sounds like she was reading his book. The "new normal", will be interesting to see how that develops. I remember flying right after they reopened all the airports and put new screening in place. Everyone was cranky and many commented that this would not last long. Only difference I see is that they are faster and more efficient at screening. Thanks for posting this link.
Posted 3/25/2020 8:38 PM (#956520 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Plenty of people out and about, non-essential businesses open, social protocols not in place or being practiced. Seen it today as I was called into work. This virus isn't going away anytime soon. I will be surprised if things get back to normal before students go back in late August/September. The greatest generation is laughing at us we can't even handle the easiest of sacrifices.

Edited by ToddM 3/25/2020 8:40 PM
Posted 3/26/2020 7:16 AM (#956527 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Location: Athens, Ohio
Got the Lowrance installed, all except for the two transducers. The supply chain has slowed a bit, I guess.
Now, the hard part is letting this rig sit for another week or two, three??? I'm not in a hurry to steepen the curve. m
Posted 3/26/2020 10:10 AM (#956536 - in reply to #956261)
Subject: Re: Lockdown Day 1

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Where exactly did you mount the new unit on your boat shown below?

Edited by VMS 3/26/2020 10:12 AM

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