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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> What are the odds
Message Subject: What are the odds
Posted 3/12/2020 1:42 PM (#955771)
Subject: What are the odds

Posts: 152

Anyone running odds that the Minnesota expo is cancelled or postponed?
Posted 3/12/2020 2:08 PM (#955773 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 29

I'm guessing it'll be cancelled. The primary age group for these fishing shows is 40-50 year old dudes and that's getting into the danger zone for corona. Looking like the great waters fly expo will probably be cancelled as well.
Muskie Bob
Posted 3/12/2020 2:14 PM (#955774 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 572

What are the odds it will be held? Panic and fear is spreading faster than the virus.
happy hooker
Posted 3/12/2020 2:21 PM (#955775 - in reply to #955774)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

I was just with the show promoter all day on Saturday. There's no plans to cancel nor has concordia.

Edited by happy hooker 3/12/2020 2:24 PM
Posted 3/12/2020 2:35 PM (#955776 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 29

Fly expo was just officially cancelled.
Posted 3/12/2020 3:30 PM (#955780 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 1516

Guessing the Governor will declare a state of emergency between now and then and say no gatherings more than 250 people. I’m conflicted whether to attend if it does in fact go on. I hope it does
happy hooker
Posted 3/12/2020 3:32 PM (#955781 - in reply to #955776)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

I just bought hotel and air for the NFL draft in vegas,,it was a sweet deal too considering rooms were going for $350-$400 a nite for this couple weeks ago,,corona scare is influencing travel prices.
happy hooker
Posted 3/12/2020 3:37 PM (#955782 - in reply to #955781)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

Looks like the Deer and Turkey classic in Shakopee this weekend will be open
Posted 3/12/2020 5:06 PM (#955785 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 9

Ughhh hope it’s not cancelled
Posted 3/12/2020 6:21 PM (#955792 - in reply to #955785)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Should absolutely be cancelled. Feel free to educate yourself. The primary mode of transmission is through the air. Washing your hands is a feel good activity that does little or nothing to stop transmission. People are highly contagious before they have any symptoms whatsoever. The viral load in a persons throat is 10 fold higher than SARS was at its peak. Fat old guys are at an absolute high risk and we all know what a high percentage of musky fisherman fall within that category. Sorry, facts don’t care about your feelings. This isn’t your run of the mill flu. Watch this and then rewatch it and let me know if you think it’s a joke.

Edited by Cfollow 3/12/2020 6:28 PM
Brian Hoffies
Posted 3/12/2020 6:33 PM (#955794 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 1767

So playing devils advocate. If the show would go on who would be more foolish to attend.....the vendors? The public?

I'm not going regardless.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 3/12/2020 8:40 PM (#955799 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
I heard Paul has no plans to cancel, but I’m not going regardless. I’ve been to every show since probably 2008 but not going to risk it.
Posted 3/12/2020 9:44 PM (#955803 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Paul posted to Facebook the show is still on!
happy hooker
Posted 3/12/2020 9:52 PM (#955804 - in reply to #955803)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

talked to paul just about an hour ago no plans by him or Concordia to cancel show.
Posted 3/12/2020 10:49 PM (#955807 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 9

some of you need another layer on your tinfoil hats.
Posted 3/13/2020 5:56 AM (#955810 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
There were 700 cases reported in northern Italy last Sunday with about 35 dead and by Thursday over 10k and 600 dead. They have been trying to leave for things down there. Italy isn't even the hardest hit, China, Japan and Iran arr. Not even hearing reports from those places anymore. If your news source is telling you this is a joke, find a credible news source. It may not kill you but do you want to give it to an elderly or compromised person in your family?

Edited by ToddM 3/13/2020 6:01 AM
Posted 3/13/2020 5:56 AM (#955811 - in reply to #955807)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Mbski - 3/12/2020 10:49 PM

some of you need another layer on your tinfoil hats.

We found another science denier! I hope Paul has really good insurance for the show he is going to need it.
happy hooker
Posted 3/13/2020 6:20 AM (#955812 - in reply to #955811)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

Anything manufactured in China won't last.
Conservation Guy
Posted 3/13/2020 6:24 AM (#955813 - in reply to #955810)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 109

This is the challenge with Public Health. When it is working well, no one notices it, or they complain about the approach. The reality is that if you are under 50, this is only slightly more dangerous than the regular flu. Above 50 your risk rises precipitously up to 80 where your chance of dying from this is 15-16%. That is 20-30 times more deadly (for this group) than flu - so let’s stop comparing this to the flu. We all need to make sacrifices because this will overwhelm our health system if we do not slow the spread, and that impacts all of us/all of our families.
Posted 3/13/2020 6:30 AM (#955814 - in reply to #955813)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Very sobering report for those wanting to learn.
happy hooker
Posted 3/13/2020 6:53 AM (#955816 - in reply to #955814)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

The Swap meet is on!!! With no march madness the bars are dying "bad pun" to host it
happy hooker
Posted 3/13/2020 7:01 AM (#955817 - in reply to #955816)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

I canceled my trip to vegas,,then rebooked at the new rate,,round trip airfare from mpls to Vegas 5days 4nights at ceasars palace $308 total!!!April 23-27
And I'm scoring a below face value ticket to tonight's sold out REO speedwagon show at mystic lake. Wow this is great!!!

REO changed the lyrics!!!
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend whoooo
Heard it from another coronas going around!!!!

Edited by happy hooker 3/13/2020 7:33 AM
Conservation Guy
Posted 3/13/2020 7:08 AM (#955818 - in reply to #955817)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 109

I am glad you get to do the things you want, but to say, "this is great!" is more than a little insensitive to those that have died or are needing to drastically change their lives because of their risk, like my 34 year old neighbor with brain cancer.
Posted 3/13/2020 7:13 AM (#955819 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Location: Eastern Ontario
Talk to your buddy Jones he's pushing a toothpaste that he says kills it . He might be the one person I wish it on. Maybe he could sell it at the shows.

Edited by horsehunter 3/13/2020 7:16 AM
Posted 3/13/2020 7:16 AM (#955820 - in reply to #955771)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Location: Athens, Ohio
Here’s what worries me during this health crisis. m

40% (as of 2000) believe the US government is withholding information about UFOs (Roper)
6% (as of 1995) believe the moon landing was staged; 11% “don’t know” (Roper)
25% (as of 2011) believed Barack Obama was not born in the US; another 18% “don’t know” (Roper)
37% (as of 2013) believe global warming is a “hoax” (PPP)
28% (as of 2013) believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks (PPP)
15% (as of 2013) believe the pharma industry invents new diseases in order to profit from them (PPP)
11% (as of 2013) believe the US government allowed 9/11 to happen (PPP)
20% (as of 2013) believe there is a link between childhood vaccines and autism (PPP)
happy hooker
Posted 3/13/2020 7:22 AM (#955822 - in reply to #955820)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 3153

If a vendor at some show announced their selling TRANX at 50% off people would get immune in a medical miracle.
North of 8
Posted 3/13/2020 7:36 AM (#955823 - in reply to #955822)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Have been doing some reading about the 1918 flu epidemic that killed far more people than were killed in World War I. Some communities had the extraordinary vision to basically lock themselves down. And they had very low mortality rates. It is hard to give up those things we really enjoy and look forward to, but it appears that is what is necessary. We have been attending a St. Patrick day parade/family reunion for 40 years. Supposed to happen next Saturday but just learned it has been canceled. Feel terrible for the volunteers who start planning the parade, concerts a year ahead of time, but from what I am reading, right thing to do. Like our family reunion lunch. 200 people in a crowded union hall, with tables of pot luck food set out. Lot of us are over 60, what could go wrong?
Posted 3/13/2020 7:42 AM (#955824 - in reply to #955811)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 9

Not denying anything, It’s hilarious that this muskie venue is a concern to some, but just about everyone is going to a grocery store or Costco to load up on goods, and there’s 1000s of people in there touching products pushing around shopping carts only for the next guy to grab the cart or product that was just handled by someone else.
Posted 3/13/2020 7:43 AM (#955825 - in reply to #955818)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

Posts: 767

A few other considerations when I walk out the door in N. Wis. Deer ticks. Ever hear of them? Lyme's disease,yea. How about mosquitos. Those buggers kill more people in the world other then old age, that's a SCIENTIFIC FACT! I don't recall any outdoor events being cancelled because of the threat of mosquitos. Why not? And around my house, there seems to be a hornet's nest in every other tree, spiders that are almost as big as tarantulas. Black flies that always seem to want to bite you, all kinds of knats buzzing in face, flying up ypur nose and in your ears. I read in the paper in our area of rabid bats to. So, coronavirus, just add it to the list. Come opening day, I will use some common sense, but I'm going fishing anyway. Maybe a little less pressure on the lakes this year. Kdawg
Posted 3/13/2020 7:49 AM (#955827 - in reply to #955825)
Subject: Re: What are the odds

kdawg - 3/13/2020 7:43 AM

A few other considerations when I walk out the door in N. Wis. Deer ticks. Ever hear of them? Lyme's disease,yea. How about mosquitos. Those buggers kill more people in the world other then old age, that's a SCIENTIFIC FACT! I don't recall any outdoor events being cancelled because of the threat of mosquitos. Why not? And around my house, there seems to be a hornet's nest in every other tree, spiders that are almost as big as tarantulas. Black flies that always seem to want to bite you, all kinds of knats buzzing in face, flying up ypur nose and in your ears. I read in the paper in our area of rabid bats to. So, coronavirus, just add it to the list. Come opening day, I will use some common sense, but I'm going fishing anyway. Maybe a little less pressure on the lakes this year. Kdawg

Is the MN Muskie Expo an outdoor event?? Try and stay focused on the topic at hand.
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