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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?
Message Subject: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?
Posted 5/19/2015 9:58 AM (#769364)
Subject: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 254

Location: In the cabbage
Hey guys I know this has been asked before, But I am looking for a good cowgirl setup. I used google and the search button and came up with answers that were several years outdated.
Posted 5/19/2015 10:17 AM (#769368 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: RE: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Location: varies
F350 with lift kit,mudders and a gun rack?
or a sling blade.
Posted 5/19/2015 10:17 AM (#769369 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 293

St Croix Big Nasty with a Tranx HG is what I throw....
Posted 5/19/2015 10:23 AM (#769370 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 921

Tackle Industries 8'6' XH or XXH with a Revo Toro Winch.
Posted 5/19/2015 10:26 AM (#769371 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 921

I did start throwing a Tranx last summer, but the PG, not the HG. I am not so concerned about speed, but the ease of pulling the bait in.
Posted 5/19/2015 10:53 AM (#769380 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 31

Big Nasty and Lexa 400
Posted 5/19/2015 10:59 AM (#769381 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 254

Location: In the cabbage
Is there any reel that can be good for cowgirls and burn them when needed?
Posted 5/19/2015 11:01 AM (#769382 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1828

A rod that's 8' long or longer and XH or XXH.

A quality reel. In my opinion you do not want a low inch/turn like the Revo Toro Winch, but everyone has different preferences. I prefer to have the ability to retrieve "fast" without reeling at 250 RPM.

You could get as many answers as people that respond.
Posted 5/19/2015 11:08 AM (#769383 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 750

Location: Minneapolis, MN
There is no one answer to this question as personal preference plays a huge part in this. I guess the best place to start would be what’s your price range? I mean if you are ok with spending $1,000 you could go the Tranx + Predator route, but if you’re budget is say $600, then that’s not really an option, in which case you could go with a NACL and a Tackle Industries rod, or if your budget is $200, I’d recommend against throwing cowgirls as they will probably eat up whatever reel you use. There are lots of options out there, price point will play a part in it.
Posted 5/19/2015 1:17 PM (#769408 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1416

Location: oconomowoc, wi
TI 9 ft xh... NACL 60 5:4.1
Posted 5/19/2015 1:42 PM (#769413 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1000

$400: NaCl + TI 9' XH one piece
$600: Tranx + TI 9' XH
$800: Tranx + Slingblade/Big Nasty
$800+ Tranx + custom
Posted 5/19/2015 2:23 PM (#769425 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1283

I agree almost any rod 8ft or longer XH or XXH paired with a NACL 60 5.4 or a Tranx if you can deal with the size and weight all day.
Posted 5/19/2015 3:58 PM (#769446 - in reply to #769408)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 26

Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
fishhawk50 - 5/19/2015 2:17 PM

TI 9 ft xh... NACL 60 5:4.1

I use the NACL 60 5.4 and I think it does a nice job of pulling in cowgirls especially with the power handle. That combo is also a great all around setup for many different presentations.
Posted 5/19/2015 6:45 PM (#769459 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 180

Sling Blade, Tranx HG w/ LJV Power Handle, with spool only 3/4 filled. You can thank me later!
Posted 5/19/2015 6:53 PM (#769461 - in reply to #769459)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1638

Location: Minnesota
I use a predator and a Trans PG .pulls 10 in with ease and if I want I can still blow them out of the water if I want to comes down to how much you want to spend
Posted 5/19/2015 7:09 PM (#769462 - in reply to #769461)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1730

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
Tranx PG and big nasty full grip with rear handle extended to 19".
Posted 5/19/2015 7:40 PM (#769466 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 815

Location: Waukee, IA
TI XH 9' and NaCl 5.4. I prefer the normal double paddle handle to the power handle, but I'm large so fatigue is a non issue after the first trip out. I don't like the unbalanced power handles in the first place
Posted 5/19/2015 10:19 PM (#769489 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1283

I don't agree with a sling blade for 10s its my go to for a lot but not 10s

Posted 5/20/2015 10:37 AM (#769551 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 427

I use a TI 9ft XH with a tranx pg. I would highly recommend this rod and a high quality reel that fits into your budget. My dad has the same rod with the new black saltist on it and loves it.
Posted 5/20/2015 12:39 PM (#769565 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: RE: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River

For throwing cowgirls & pounders this setup is hard to beat.



Posted 5/20/2015 9:53 PM (#769626 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1084

Location: Aurora
what Zib said above.
Posted 5/21/2015 4:58 AM (#769630 - in reply to #769489)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 410

Location: With my son on the water
Can I ask why you don't agree with a sling blade.

Posted 5/21/2015 6:08 AM (#769631 - in reply to #769630)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1638

Location: Minnesota
Like stated above it's personal preference. Some think the sling blade has a to soft of a tip for cow girls others like it. There is no one perfect rod I have a predator heavy perfect for 8s to soft for 13s but I don't use 13s very much comes down to what you like . You can get some great information here but no one can tell you how you like to fish. Some like the Tranx others say it's to big and heavy some like the HG other's like myself like the power or how easy it brings in 10s. If you want a perfect rod talk to a rod builder most can build on any blank talk to them how soft of a tip you want when there done you will have a rod built for how you like to fish.
Posted 5/21/2015 6:48 AM (#769633 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: RE: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Location: varies
While Zib's Snoopy pole is an excellent choice for 10's, in no way can it compare to Roland Martins telescopic rocket fisherman for launching pounders (up to 30ft).

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happy hooker
Posted 5/22/2015 7:05 PM (#769833 - in reply to #769633)
Subject: RE: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 3152

Your all wrong!!!!
Troll em with a cane pole.
Posted 5/23/2015 11:01 AM (#769855 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1283

I just like a rod with more back bone then the Sling Blade. I love my Sling Blade with a NACL HS for most stuff but when it comes to 10s, bigger cranks and rubber I go to a heavier set up. In The LT line the Big Dawg works better for me although I prefer a longer rod so I have been using a Chaos Shock and Awe.
Posted 5/23/2015 11:55 AM (#769858 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 2024

1,000,001 times now...
Posted 5/24/2015 11:28 AM (#769949 - in reply to #769858)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 567

Location: deephaven mn
i use a shimano calcutta 401d on a heavy predator for everyday non burning.
great rod for casting cowgirls, great reel
if i burn i use the big nasty, little stiffer tip , reel would be trinidad or tranx (righty)
throw alot of 10's and 13's with both these set ups
as stated personal preference
Posted 5/26/2015 12:50 PM (#770132 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 309

There's possible/good/better/best/overkill answers to this question.

The question is, which answer do you want?
Posted 6/9/2015 6:59 AM (#771785 - in reply to #769364)
Subject: Re: Been asked a million times...Cowgirl Setup?

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
NACL 60 5.4 on a Slingbade for me
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