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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> True Grip - any reviews?
Message Subject: True Grip - any reviews?
Posted 3/30/2022 6:44 AM (#1004003)
Subject: True Grip - any reviews?

Posts: 216

Location: Elk River, MN
Did anyone purchase one of these at the Expos or use one? Curious your thoughts as there is no reviews on its website. Seems like an interesting product as the grip is right where I prefer.


Posted 3/30/2022 8:14 AM (#1004004 - in reply to #1004003)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

Posts: 210

I purchased one at the Wausau Show. as it appears to be an improvement over the jig rippers I have tried in the past. In my experience a jig ripper puts your hand to far forward on the rod, often don't fit the rod well. In my case I cut gasket rubber to fill the void between the ripper and rod body. Fixed rippers screw with the rod locker and storage. My initial impression is the 'true grip' puts my hand further back on the rod, doesn't require tools to install or remove, the velcro straps hold grip firmly, less likely to mar the rod. Reasonably quick on and off. Feels good in hand and doesn't interfere with my mechanics. I will be trying the grip on my XXL rod I use for rubber.
happy hooker
Posted 3/30/2022 12:47 PM (#1004012 - in reply to #1004004)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

Posts: 3153

I have 4,,used em all last year and part of 2020 when they wern't on the market yet,,,would not live without em,,they even have a mount for a go pro on them and still weigh hardly anything,,burn blades all day no wrist stress.
North of 8
Posted 3/30/2022 1:03 PM (#1004013 - in reply to #1004004)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

pstrombe - 3/30/2022 8:14 AM

I purchased one at the Wausau Show. as it appears to be an improvement over the jig rippers I have tried in the past. In my experience a jig ripper puts your hand to far forward on the rod, often don't fit the rod well. In my case I cut gasket rubber to fill the void between the ripper and rod body. Fixed rippers screw with the rod locker and storage. My initial impression is the 'true grip' puts my hand further back on the rod, doesn't require tools to install or remove, the velcro straps hold grip firmly, less likely to mar the rod. Reasonably quick on and off. Feels good in hand and doesn't interfere with my mechanics. I will be trying the grip on my XXL rod I use for rubber.

Would really appreciate if you would post after you have had opportunity to use it, comparing to the jig ripper. Fished with a guy last summer who used the jig ripper year he really likes it. Was looking to put one on my rubber rod this year but this looks like it might be a better tool. I have some arthritis in my hands and start to get fatigued hanging on to the reel, never could get used to holding the fore grip.
Posted 3/30/2022 8:37 PM (#1004029 - in reply to #1004003)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

Posts: 163

Location: West Central WI
The revolution reel seat performs the same function when paired with the optional longer handle screwed into the base, vice the normal stubby handle. The seat is permanent vice this product which straps on. Both of these products are truly magic for anyone with wrist issues.
Posted 3/31/2022 6:31 AM (#1004039 - in reply to #1004029)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

Posts: 216

Location: Elk River, MN
Completely agree. I have plenty of rods but thought about ordering a new TI with revolution reel seat and winn grips but only comes in 9'. I really want a 10' and not interested in a custom order.

I ordered a True Grip yesterday to give it a try.
Posted 4/1/2022 1:18 PM (#1004086 - in reply to #1004003)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

Posts: 159

Location: Carney, Mi (in da UP eh!)
I purchased one at the Wausau show and can't wait to use it...feels pretty good on the St. Croix split grip...feels a little different when depressing the spool release ... but can't wait to try on the water instead of in da basement
Posted 4/8/2022 8:58 AM (#1004243 - in reply to #1004012)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

Posts: 386

happy hooker - 3/30/2022 12:47 PM

I have 4,,used em all last year and part of 2020 when they wern't on the market yet,,,would not live without em,,they even have a mount for a go pro on them and still weigh hardly anything,,burn blades all day no wrist stress.

Lol, I was wondering what the section of pic rail was for. Super tactical fishing rod.
Posted 4/8/2022 2:12 PM (#1004253 - in reply to #1004243)
Subject: Re: True Grip - any reviews?

Location: Northern Illinois
Jig ripper is better imo. Tighter fit and and you can mount wherever you want at any angle. another benefit of the ripper is that they have different size grips as well.
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