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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2
Message Subject: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2
Posted 8/10/2014 7:54 PM (#724854)
Subject: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Day one of the PMTT proved to be a tough bite with only one fish caught out of 87 boats. Jason Walls and Wyan Chockbergboune caught the 34.5''er to take the lead on day one.

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Posted 8/10/2014 8:07 PM (#724855 - in reply to #724854)
Subject: RE: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
With over cast and light rain showers in the morning to kick off day two, most of the teams felt very confident in catching a fish. A couple of giants were caught today including a 55.5''er, that is the largest muskie ever caught during a PMTT event.

1st Place: Steve Genson and Ryan Carlisle with a 48.75''er and a 42.25''.

2nd Place: Joey Rozanski and Mark Gillich with a 55.5''er.

3rd Place: Robert Strand and Ethan Rogers witha 53''er.

4th Place: David Holzmer and Josh Wetzstein with a 36.75''er.

5th Place: Jason Walls and Wyan Chockbergboune with a 34.5''er.

Click Here for tournament photos!

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Ross K
Posted 8/11/2014 9:05 AM (#724925 - in reply to #724854)
Subject: Re: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 219

Congradulations Steve and Ryan. Pretty cool stuff! Also I would like to say "Well done!" to all those who caught a Musky. Nice job guys!
Posted 8/11/2014 1:58 PM (#724987 - in reply to #724854)
Subject: RE: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Day One Video From The PMTT! To View click on the links below.

2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake With Kevin Nash and Richie Doyle

PMTT Mille Lacs Lake Day 1 Interview With Robert Strand and Ethan Rogers

2014 Mille Lacs Lake PMTT: Day One With Bob Parteka and Aaron Stack


From the stage interview with the leaders Jason Walls and Wyan Chockbergboune on day one!

Posted 8/11/2014 2:22 PM (#724991 - in reply to #724854)
Subject: RE: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 32903

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Day Two Video to view click on the links below.

PMTT Mille Lacs Lake Day Two AM Interview With John Stevenson and Todd Cannaday

PMTT Mille Lacs Lake Day Two Am Interview With Jeff Blanck and Tom Rizzio

Jason Walls and Wyan Chockbergboune Take Fifth Place at The 2014 PMTT on Mille Lacs Lake

David Holzmer and Josh Wetzstein Take Fourth Place at The 2014 PMTT on Mille Lacs Lake


Robert Strand and Ethan Rogers Take Third Place at 2014 PMTT on Mille Lacs Lake

Joey Rozanski and Mark Gillich Take Second Place at The 2014 PMTT on Mille Lacs Lake

Steve Genson and Ryan Carlisle Take the Win at The 2014 PMTT on Mille Lacs


Posted 8/11/2014 3:38 PM (#724999 - in reply to #724854)
Subject: Re: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 1220

My hat's off to the few, the strong, and the marines who caught 6 fish in the middle of 160 plus who were the lonely, the tired and (until Sunday) the baked and tossed. The highlight for me was seeing the 55 1/2 get caught. There was five boats pretty close including ours....and we all just sat and watched it happen, including a heart stopping moment when it took a leap just before netting. I was so happy to see a fish caught, I actually started honking the boat horn to congratuate them. Really, I thought we were in the Dead Sea and a bit dejected, but seeing a guy catch what to almost all of us is a fish of a lifetime, brought me back to glad I was there. A few moments later Nash and Doyle had a four-footer come unglued in the next boat over and we saw a smallish fish too in what was likely the one thin window of the whole week. Once again, Genson's and company put on a fishing clinic for the mob---best congratulations!!
Posted 8/11/2014 9:17 PM (#725052 - in reply to #724854)
Subject: Re: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 53

Location: Bemidji
Feel very fortunate to be one of the 5 teams to manage a fish this weekend. Even though the fishing was tough, we still had a blast. I think we were both in shock when we got the 53 in the net. Not many tourneys that a 53 doesn't stick for big fish! Great guys and very talented fishermen at these events. Congrats again to everyone!

Edited by cluelessfisherman 8/11/2014 9:26 PM
Posted 8/12/2014 9:03 AM (#725090 - in reply to #725052)
Subject: Re: 2014 PMTT Mille Lacs Lake, Day 1 and Day 2

Posts: 14

Congrats on your fish! We saw it happen and also saw the other 2 fish caught by the winners. Mille Lacs was stingy as usual the entire week and you guys worked your tails off to get those fish. 1000s of casts per day, wind, rain, hot sun, wow. Anyone going to the big pond needs a lot of variables on their side to net one and your chances are probably better anywhere else. 5 guys catching fish out of 180+ per day on the full moon means a tough tough bite. Event was fun as I got to fish with my son and that you can never do enough! Good Job!
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