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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> How big is this fish?
Message Subject: How big is this fish?
ESOX Maniac
Posted 7/11/2005 12:57 PM (#153183)
Subject: How big is this fish?

Posts: 2753

Location: Mauston, Wisconsin
A friend of mine's wife caught & released this "stunted" muskie on Butternut in early June. He didn't have a tape in the boat.

How big is it?

My guess-after enlarging it a bit -> 42". The taxidermist they went to too get a replica made said 44".

Have fun.

Edited by ESOX Maniac 7/11/2005 1:04 PM

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Big Perc
Posted 7/11/2005 1:01 PM (#153184 - in reply to #153183)
Subject: RE: How big is this fish?

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
42-44...huge head but no bigger than mid 40's in my opinion...

Big Perc

Edited by Big Perc 7/11/2005 1:04 PM
Posted 7/11/2005 1:06 PM (#153186 - in reply to #153183)
Subject: RE: How big is this fish?

Location: The Yahara Chain
I say 42", tough angle.
Posted 7/11/2005 2:35 PM (#153195 - in reply to #153183)
Subject: RE: How big is this fish?

Looks like about 42 inches long and approximately 20 pounds with that large head. I recently had a fish about that same size
ESOX Maniac
Posted 7/11/2005 2:47 PM (#153198 - in reply to #153183)
Subject: RE: How big is this fish?

Posts: 2753

Location: Mauston, Wisconsin
Propwash- They were fishing for walleye's. It was her first muskie. Yes it was caught on a Xrap (Rapala) and Zebco 33 w/ 10lb mono (she did have leader on) She wanted to keep it, Bob convinced her to let it go. He did say when they pulled the boat out at the end of their stay, they saw the DNR sign's asking fisherman to keep all legal muskies. So don't get to bent out of shape, it's probably in someone's freezer already.

Funny part of the story-She had such a good time up in the Park Falls area, she's since suggested they move up there!

Posted 7/11/2005 3:12 PM (#153200 - in reply to #153183)
Subject: RE: How big is this fish?

Posts: 4266

Call CSI.
An average human skull is 6" across according to Pope and Young, (and this angler has more of an oval face than a typical Wisconsin pumpkin), using a dial caliper and polish math, I figure that the fish is 42-43 inches with a head as big as the angler who caught it.
When the world record is broken, the angler will have a big prediction.
Posted 7/12/2005 1:08 PM (#153282 - in reply to #153183)
Subject: RE: How big is this fish?

The taxidermist would have a vested interest in its lenght. The longer the more bling bling!
I don't think it is over 40". Hard to tell by the picture though.
Why did the DNR want all legal muskies kept?
Posted 7/12/2005 5:10 PM (#153304 - in reply to #153183)
Subject: RE: How big is this fish?

Posts: 367

Location: Chicago
The DNR does not want all the leagal fish kept. I was just at Butternut and read what is posted. the local Muskie club (Butternut Muskie something) is requesting that leagal fish up to 40" be taken as a selected harvest or cull. It goes on to state that all fish 40"- 45" be released as it "has the potential to become a true trophy". Now I am not a biologist but that lake is over 1000 acres and I am sure it does not have 6 fish per acre like Webster in Indiana and they sure do not seem to have a problem with stunted fish, so what gives?

Edited by slimm 7/12/2005 5:12 PM
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