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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Spring in N WI
Message Subject: Spring in N WI
Posted 3/26/2022 3:15 PM (#1003858)
Subject: Spring in N WI

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Snow, ice, high winds, and a mess the last couple days, temps near zero at night, and then next week Wednesday another storm with snow, ice and a mess. Balmy!
Top H2O
Posted 3/26/2022 3:25 PM (#1003859 - in reply to #1003858)
Subject: RE: Spring in N WI

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
-2 and -1 up here on V.... 30+ inches of ice on the Lake. Sheesh !
Come on, Man !
Posted 3/26/2022 4:05 PM (#1003860 - in reply to #1003859)
Subject: RE: Spring in N WI

Posts: 2289

Location: SE, WI.

Any lakes that run East and West in SE WI. Pretty much opened up with these 40 mph West Gusts.


North of 8
Posted 3/26/2022 4:11 PM (#1003861 - in reply to #1003859)
Subject: Re: Spring in N WI

Wednesday night, coming back from dinner , had three trees snapped off and blocking our little dead end road and two more across my driveway. Cleared those while stuff was falling. Thursday morning went out to see how it looked in daylight. 5 more jack pines across the road, all off a vacant lot I own. Fortunately, only one person had to get to work, and he helped clear as I cut. The parcel map shows clearly that the township owns the first 15 feet of my lots on both sides of the road, but somehow the trees are my responsibility.
I have a standby generator, so we were good but lots of folks did not get power back until today.
I am thinking the Arizona desert, with no trees, is looking pretty good. That no water part is the one issue.
Posted 3/26/2022 7:16 PM (#1003865 - in reply to #1003858)
Subject: Re: Spring in N WI

Posts: 1287

Location: E. Tenn
I wish you'd have kept that up there. The wind cranked up this morning, gusted around 40 all day. Temps are dripping from near 80, to the 20s the next two mornings. Walking on a nearby rail trail, had a rather large tree snap, and land uncomfortably close.. I'm glad everyone got their power restored.

Edited by miket55 3/26/2022 7:20 PM
OH Musky
Posted 3/27/2022 6:14 AM (#1003871 - in reply to #1003858)
Subject: Re: Spring in N WI

Posts: 405

Location: SW Ohio
Freaky springtime weather is back. 70 last Monday, snow yesterday, 29 this morning going to the teens overnight. Back up to 70+ on Weds then back down. Don't like the current weather? Wait a day. Seems like we've had all 4 seasons in one week.

Gotta watch those "widowmakers" hanging when the wind kicks up. Even our local lake can be dangerous from falling trees due to the steep and eroded banks in the coves and along the shoreline. I have to have my head on a swivel in some areas on windy days.
Cover Dog
Posted 3/27/2022 8:40 AM (#1003873 - in reply to #1003858)
Subject: Re: Spring in N WI

Posts: 16

Location: Chardon, Ohio
Got 5-6” overnight should stop by 2pm will probably have 8” by then. First musky tournament this coming weekend temps in the 30’s with snow/sleet on Sunday. Might not make this one !

Edited by Cover Dog 3/27/2022 8:42 AM
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