| Have you caught any good fish? |
| So far so good, 19 legals with a 48.5 being the biggest. Check out MIKEKOEPP.COM for some of the recent pictures of 40 inchers and bigger or check out the weekly fishing reports I update weekly on Pewaukee lake. |
| One of the slowest early seasons I have ever had. Numbers are OK, but the overall size is WAY down for me this year. On the plus side, the walleyes have been better than normal and the average size is WAY up. Go figure.
Go to http://toptackle.com/fishingreport.htm to see how my season is going. |
| I must be living right, 66 legals to date. My clients have boated 9 fish between 20lbs and 25lbs, 5 between 25lbs and 30lbs and client Mike Habrat owns the largest,a fish that stretched over 52ins. So far every fish has been released. The key to my season I believe is fishing DEEP for suspended fish. I also agree with Joel, the walleyes have been good to excellent. The one down side so far to this season has been the economy, I still have a few days open in the fall. Hopefully that will change.[:praise:] |
| After almost 6 weeks into the season and 58 releases so far with 21 legals and most from here ( 44 inches ) I can't complain. It was an ugly start with the waters raising 3' the day after the opener but last week the weeds finaly started to show up after the water receeded back to normal and so did the big girls. We got 11 over 44 in the last 10 days and seeing more then we are catching man this is almost muskie paradise. [:p]
Oh ya I don't want to talk about the one that got away. [:(] |
| Can someone get me some time on the water.....
That is the name of my season![:bigsmile:] |