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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> new world record of what species?
Message Subject: new world record of what species?
Posted 4/23/2007 7:13 AM (#252191)
Subject: new world record of what species?

Posts: 2361

Somebody got approved or caught a new world record this weekend and it was on 30 lb test, but I did not get the whole story as I noted it scrolling across the bottom of the screen on FOX news.

Anybody know what this was?
Posted 4/23/2007 8:07 AM (#252200 - in reply to #252191)
Subject: RE: new world record of what species?

Posts: 550

Location: So. Illinois
I believe it was a Mako shark caught out of Destin FL. I believe the weight was around 1069 (close guess as I don't believe the weight was certified when I saw the story). From what I understand, the boat that caught the fish needed help from a larger boat because it was too big to bring in.
Posted 4/23/2007 8:29 AM (#252202 - in reply to #252191)
Subject: RE: new world record of what species?

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI

Edited by C_Nelson 6/7/2008 12:24 PM
Posted 4/23/2007 9:32 PM (#252390 - in reply to #252202)
Subject: RE: new world record of what species?

Posts: 2361

Thankyou guys. I knew we had some sharp posters that would be able to nail this one down.

My thinking only seeing that it was caught on 30 lb test line and the time of year was that somebody had upped either the blue cat or flathead record.
Posted 4/23/2007 10:00 PM (#252400 - in reply to #252191)
Subject: Re: new world record of what species?

Mako shark line class record, saw it on Yahoo
Posted 4/23/2007 10:14 PM (#252408 - in reply to #252400)
Subject: Re: new world record of what species?

Posts: 605

Location: Marshfield, WI
Here's the pic of the shark. They said the shark was seen eating a dolphin.

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