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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Immediate repair help for Shimano 401TE
Message Subject: Immediate repair help for Shimano 401TE
Double E
Posted 9/14/2006 1:13 AM (#209126)
Subject: Immediate repair help for Shimano 401TE

I'm in the Twin Cities and need to have someone look at and fix a reel no later than 9/22, as I'll need it for a long weekend of fishing immediately thereafter. Can anyone recommend someone in the area that they've used or know of? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Posted 9/14/2006 1:27 AM (#209128 - in reply to #209126)
Subject: RE: Immediate repair help for Shimano 401TE

Posts: 3876

I recently called Shimano for a broken part on a Bantum Caduro baitcaster. I mentioned I have two of the same reels and they sent me two parts, in case the other reel breaks the same way. The parts were free, I received them within 5 days.

Can you take a shot at fixing it yourself? Maybe, in addition to looking for a repair dude, call Shimano and explain your problem and deadline.
Posted 9/14/2006 6:14 AM (#209134 - in reply to #209126)
Subject: RE: Immediate repair help for Shimano 401TE

Posts: 734

Location: Watertown, MN
The best place I know that might be able to do the repair is Minnetonka Outdoors on Hwy 7, they do great work on reels.

Posted 9/14/2006 8:18 AM (#209148 - in reply to #209126)
Subject: RE: Immediate repair help for Shimano 401TE

Posts: 4

I will second troy's recommendation. They have done work for me in the past and I was very pleased. They are reasonable, quick and may even be willing to fix it on the spot.

Posted 9/14/2006 8:53 AM (#209156 - in reply to #209126)
Subject: RE: Immediate repair help for Shimano 401TE

Posts: 175

Re Minnetonka Outdoors, call first to see if the reel guy is there. I think he gets in around 10:00 or so. Good work, fairly quick.

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