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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Pete Maina video on fishing electronics
Message Subject: Pete Maina video on fishing electronics
Posted 2/27/2025 7:03 AM (#1032717 - in reply to #1032655)
Subject: Re: Pete Maina video on fishing electronics

Posts: 2030

To paraphrase my multiple posts on this subject (most not in this thread) filled with pot stirring and at times sarcasm.. I don’t like many legal ways people hunt and fish…Brad just posted an example i almost used I’m personally fine if every state banned all forms of trail cameras for deer hunting, I think it really tips the advantage in favor of the hunter, personally I could say the same thing about a rifle’s make a hunter get closer than 300 yards….back to muskie fishing, personally I wish sucker fishing was completely banned back when J hooks were an issue…I think lakes where muskies see 1000 suckers a year on a QS rig have become increasingly difficult to catch fish on lures or maybe the 200 boats out there in the fall just killed a bunch…never forget a boat in MN throwing out suckers on Zebco’ss… anyway I could go on, All the examples I gave would never be completely banned although I personally would never participate …. Asking states to ban technology items that have 1000’s of users is a slippery slope … my posts often give extreme examples but included some ideas that probably would be better to protect the fish, I promise you they will get caught with or without FFS , we have got too good at our craft…and you can’t unlearn what is known …of course I’m personally for no ffs, I’m for no SI too, I’m for barbless hooks, artificial only and leaving muskies in the water 100% of the time on Leech starting immediately to protect brood stock…their are many out there that think all muskie stocking should be banned, I’m sure many on here wish Eagle lake, Ontario night fishing wasn’t banned…. Banning anything is a slippery slope, and I personally think banning FFS in MN just puts a bandaid on a wound that needs 1000 stitches….technology advances are going to become a huge problem for humans, and unfortunately it’s bled into fishing, many of us could see it coming 10+ years ago.

Edited by IAJustin 2/27/2025 7:13 AM
Posted 2/27/2025 10:26 AM (#1032725 - in reply to #1032655)
Subject: Re: Pete Maina video on fishing electronics

Posts: 20

I'm personally fine if every state banned all forms of forward facing sonar, I think it really tips the advantage in favor of the angler, personally I could say the same thing about transducers make an angler get closer than 30 yards
Posted 3/2/2025 1:00 PM (#1032782 - in reply to #1032708)
Subject: Re: Pete Maina video on fishing electronics

Posts: 359

Location: Long Prairie, Minnesota
BNelson - 2/26/2025 2:06 PM

there is a guide that was boasting about "multiple" 15 fish days on Leech last year on facebook. 15 fish days.. before FFS I'm guessing 5 or 6 fish on Leech was a great day. now it's sharp shooting 15. There are other guides that sharp shooting is all they do, 100% of the time. I have seen that guy on the water, he will circle a fish with his client casting at it for a long time.. talk about pathetic. as pointed about above it's simple MATH. Technology has been banned in other things like deer hunting banning the use of cell phone trail cams or drones etc. I don't understand why some think that some technology 'could' very well be banned for fishing. FFS imo will be the downfall of musky fishing as we know it. I'm not a sky is falling type of person but with stocking seemingly everywhere going down, and catch rates only going up. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put 2 and 2 together. Sharp shooting imo is over the line of what fair chase is.

This post I couldn't agree with more. It seems that with FFS, sharpshooting has become the norm. I posted this before, but will say it again. Watched a YouTube video of a guide with client up on Vermillion. Neither one of them every looked outside the boat at the lake. They sat and looked at the FFS screen until they found a fish, guide would say cast, client casts and then they both go right back to the screen to watch the bait and fish react to one another. That cast didn't work, lets do the whole dog and pony show all over again. My question: What did that client learn about musky fishing that day? Got a great lesson on how to use FFS tho.

The MNDNR is probably more to blame than anyone, IMO. In the early 2000's it seemed as Minnesota was THE place to come and fish for big fish. Mille Lacs, Leech and other lakes were incredible. The state had to be making money hand over fist with license fees, and the resorts/guides were doing great too. Then what? Stocking was reduced dramatically, almost down to nonexistent. Why? There is no current musky stocking plan in place, hell they just did a survey of anglers this past year and how long will that take to come up with a new plan, get it through all the channels, and enact it? This should have been happening BEFORE that last stocking plan expired. Lets be proactive and not reactive doesn't seem to ring true for the MNDNR. There just simply needs to also need to be more waters available to anglers. Minnesota has over 10,000 lakes and only 102 of them have musky in them. That is 2% of the lakes/rivers within the borders of the state. 2% aint much when you have more and more anglers coming into the sport. The MNDNR needs to get their head out of their fourth point of contact.

I know that in my area there has been talk by the fisheries about possible lakes that COULD be stocked and the resistance is so strong from the walleye guys. Gonna eat all the walleyes, sure every musky angler has hear that a million times if they have heard it once. Whenever someone tells me that, I simply ask them to name the Top 10 walleye lakes in the state ( 1. Mille Lacs, 2. LOTW 3. Pepin 4. Vermillion 5. Cass 6. Kabetogama 7. Leech 8. Red 9. Rainy River 10. Winnie) A majority of the lakes have musky swimming in them don't they?

I will say that I do agree with IAJustin in that if people want to ban FFS, lets kick SI in there as well. But perhaps because of my age, I am just to "old school"
Posted 3/2/2025 3:08 PM (#1032783 - in reply to #1032655)
Subject: Re: Pete Maina video on fishing electronics

Posts: 1321

Ten year plan from the DNR will be coming out this year (several years late). We can't be adding lakes, when we don't even have the ability to raise all the fish we need for the current lakes. Plus, the DNR took a ridiculous amount of heat, the last time we added lakes. The new 10 year plan does allow for adding lakes, if fish availability increases, and there is more demand for new water.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 3/3/2025 8:08 AM (#1032786 - in reply to #1032783)
Subject: Re: Pete Maina video on fishing electronics

Posts: 2343

Location: Chisholm, MN
TCESOX - 3/2/2025 3:08 PM

Ten year plan from the DNR will be coming out this year (several years late). We can't be adding lakes, when we don't even have the ability to raise all the fish we need for the current lakes. Plus, the DNR took a ridiculous amount of heat, the last time we added lakes. The new 10 year plan does allow for adding lakes, if fish availability increases, and there is more demand for new water.

If they wanted to, they would find a way to get more fish and stock them.
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