Posts: 2112
Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water | I could not fish musky on saturday, because my dad and I always have a standing date to fish the opener, which he will not cast anything longer than 2 inches anymore. So, I played the guide role Saturday to try and put Lori and Dad on white bass. Sunday, K-bob, Lori and I went out on a Winnebago pool lake. K-bob saw 2.
Monday, however, was a "The Sportman, of Appleton Trifecta (sp)!"
Jeff, Kevin and I went back out and found a Trolling bite. I was the first one to score (34), then kevin (loved up female, a little bigger), then Jeff with another 34.
Festivus for the rest of us!
Attachments ---------------- firstof2007.jpg (38KB - 68 downloads)