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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville
Message Subject: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville
Posted 3/21/2025 4:34 PM (#1032979)
Subject: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 922

I know muskies are scarce in this chain nowadays, but does anyone still fish for them? From what I read years ago they were more prevalent in Girl than in Woman.

Just curious as all info I can find on these 2 lakes, Little Boy, Wabedo, Inguadona, etc. are all many years old.

Thanks - Ball Cap
Posted 3/22/2025 10:23 PM (#1032985 - in reply to #1032979)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 784

Location: Ames, Iowa
I know that up until a couple years ago, the locals were still checking boats going into Little Boy for Zebras. But I'm sure it and Wabedo gotta be infested by now, since Wabedo/Little Boy are between Leech and Mille Lacs. I've had fish moving all over Wabedo, but never got one there. I always go thru Little Boy on the way to Wabedo, but last time I was there spent time on LB- just don't feel confident on LB. I plan to get up there in early July and fish Wabedo first before I land on Leech for a week. Wabedo has always been a dark day lake to fish. Guys there rarely fish it during sunny days. The biggest fish I've ever seen was a follow I had near Johnson Island. I had 2 feet of cabbage hanging off my Bulldawg but this fish still followed lazily- I figured it was 55... and wide. The Hayfields are full of weeds and fish, and I like that point just north of there. I always try to blow over them making several passes. The fish in the Hayfields have always been more active. Last thing- I have gone in at the west ramp on Wabedo before. I like to troll that deep part of the lake heading east thru the neck, and had a couple follows to the boat using deeper cranks. Interesting lake. My sons hate it, because they say it's a waste of time vs. Leech. It does have some big smallies in it too.
Posted 3/22/2025 10:49 PM (#1032986 - in reply to #1032979)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 784

Location: Ames, Iowa
Inguadona- Been on it 3x. Oldest son caught his first muskie there- north end where it turns into the Boy River again. I like to fish the moving water coming from the south lake into the north at the narrow bridge near the highway. Been followed there. Seems like the best habitat with that flow coming into the lake. The Boy River connects a bunch of lakes from southeast of Walker thru Child, Woman, Broadwater Bay, Girl- comes out of Girl Lake at Longville, travels southeast, then empties into Inguadona. It flows north thru Ingy then turns back into a fast running stream all the way to Boy Lake north of Highway 200, Then it exit Boy Lake north into Boy Bay on Leech Lake. Actually, it's a great canoe trip.
Posted 3/23/2025 11:10 AM (#1032989 - in reply to #1032979)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 127

Inguadona and Wabedo are great. I have a couple friends from the area, only one has even seen a musky on Woman. They are there, but it is definitely finding a needle in a haystack.
Posted 3/23/2025 8:44 PM (#1032992 - in reply to #1032979)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 387

Stayed on Woman for a week a few years ago. Did get one 44 in the net, but only saw one other, much smaller follow. It was tough, but it was a cool lake with interesting structure.

Also fished Little Boy once. Had an hour window where I raised around 5 fish, nothing super huge. I'd like to spend more time in that area too, particularly in September.
Posted 3/24/2025 9:07 AM (#1032995 - in reply to #1032979)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 1465

Location: Brighton CO.
I know of a giant poached thru the ice in the 70's out of Inguadona.
Posted 3/24/2025 11:38 AM (#1032998 - in reply to #1032995)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 169

Location: Alexandria, MN
I realize these lakes have a native population of muskies, and funding is an issue, but has there ever been any talk of the DNR bolstering the population in these lakes with supplemental stocking?
Posted 3/24/2025 11:39 AM (#1032999 - in reply to #1032995)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 169

Location: Alexandria, MN
I realize these lakes have a native population of muskies, and funding is an issue, but has there ever been any talk of the DNR bolstering the population in these lakes with supplemental stocking?
Posted 3/24/2025 12:16 PM (#1033000 - in reply to #1032979)
Subject: Re: Girl Lake/Woman Lake Longville

Posts: 3493

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

None of the lakes receive any stocking at this point with the only lake in the chain (Baby) receiving Shoepack strain back in the 70's and early 80's...that has since ceased.

It would definitely be nice for supplemental stocking as all of the lakes in the area are suffering currently but remain hopeful they will bounce back at some point.... But...with the increase in popularity of the sport, populations have either changed habits/locations within the systems or significant population losses due to fishing pressure....hard to say, although some census reports would say things have not changed much.

Woman would be a fantastic lake to stock! Amazing structure out there and a larger body of water to absorb a little more pressure than the surrounding lakes.. Biggest issue is money. Yearlings would be IMHO best to support the fishery, but raising yearlings is another year of expense with larger amounts of baitfish to feed the masses...

Back in 2014 or so, there was a study done on Baby Lake with the Shoepack strain, and since that study was completed, I have found the lake to be particularly hard to find fish now. It has steadily declined since 1997 when the public access went in, but it wasn't bad... After that study, seemed as though things changed dramatically. Just my experience out there...

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