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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> What other lures have Suick-type action
Message Subject: What other lures have Suick-type action
Posted 9/27/2010 9:55 AM (#460938)
Subject: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 183

Location: Grand Forks ND
Wondering what other lures have the downward motion on the pull with the up and backwards motion on the pause like a Suick?

Have been fishing the weighted Suick the last couple times out and I really like the action of the lure and what I've seen using it.
DR in VA
Posted 9/27/2010 11:25 AM (#460958 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 210

Location: VA
Bobbie bait

Posted 9/27/2010 11:29 AM (#460959 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Big Daddy
Wade's Wobbler
Posted 9/27/2010 11:38 AM (#460963 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 469

Location: MN
Ducktail Warrior
Ductail Warrior
Posted 9/27/2010 11:39 AM (#460965 - in reply to #460963)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 968

Location: N.FIB
slow tease
Posted 9/27/2010 11:40 AM (#460966 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 532

My personal fav. dive and rise is a Big Fork Sandcat. I have the 6inch and 8 inch , i perfer the 6 inch if i had to choose. Why i like them is they have a crank bait like wobble on the pull, and if you tap the rod when they are down you can get a side to side glide with the wobble. So you can really mix up the retrieve, make no mistake its meat and potatos is dive and rise.
Posted 9/27/2010 12:00 PM (#460974 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 727

Bobbie bait
Posted 9/27/2010 12:03 PM (#460976 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 731

Location: martinsburg wv
t bone by widowmaker

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Posted 9/27/2010 12:17 PM (#460982 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 18

salmo jack
Posted 9/27/2010 12:23 PM (#460985 - in reply to #460982)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 774

Location: South East Wisconsin
Fooler, by Hi-Fin.
Posted 9/27/2010 5:49 PM (#461035 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 443

Location: Indiana
tremor by true glide
Posted 9/27/2010 7:37 PM (#461054 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
The Ripper by h20 tackle and the EZ Riser from Lakeshore lure Co. These are my two favorite dive and rise baits. The t-bone is another mentioned above.
Lakeshore Lure Co.
Posted 9/28/2010 10:00 AM (#461131 - in reply to #461054)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Location: Chicago, IL
Thanks for the props Todd.

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Posted 9/29/2010 10:39 AM (#461380 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 81

Location: Indiana
Dunwright Hatchett, Truglide Tremor
Posted 9/30/2010 6:30 PM (#461573 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 551

Location: Columbus, Georgia
Wade's Wobblers.

Great action on a simple retrieve ... hesitate and the bait will rise ... then continue to retrieve, and repeat.

Posted 9/30/2010 6:58 PM (#461578 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 1292

Location: WI
Smity bait.
Posted 10/1/2010 9:50 AM (#461639 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Leo Lure
Posted 10/13/2010 11:56 AM (#463147 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

The MDR Chopper that will be available soon has that action. It is hard solid plastic that gives it consistent action and is tooth proof

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Posted 10/13/2010 12:07 PM (#463151 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 1906

Location: Oconto Falls, WI
Mike, good to see you back! Great looking bait. Can you tell us more? Slow rise or fast rise? Running depth? Wobble on pull/rise?

Inquiring minds need to know!
Posted 10/13/2010 12:23 PM (#463152 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Hey Travis! Good to hear from you. You still guiding? Send me your addy and I’ll send you a bait when they’re ready.
The rise is somewhere between a weighted and non weighted suick. It backs out of cover at first then has a wiggling vertical rise. The dive has wiggle too. The action and depth depend on which line tie is used and the speed it’s worked. The higher up line tie gives it a steeper chop and more wiggle. Not really sure how deep it would max out at, I’ve had it down 8 feet but usually work it about half that
Posted 10/13/2010 9:19 PM (#463214 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 54

BIG FORK SAND CAT no tuning and easyest to use for sure crank it or twich it or rip it great colors too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 10/13/2010 10:09 PM (#463217 - in reply to #463214)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 432

Location: mpls
Wait for the "Rumor".
It's a cross between a dive and rise bait and a crankbait.
It will be released at the Chicago show. I wil post pics soon.

Posted 10/14/2010 8:45 PM (#463308 - in reply to #463217)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 802

who's making the 'rumor' ?
Posted 10/14/2010 10:32 PM (#463329 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 727

Its a trueglide bait, I can't wait to see it.
Capt bigfish
Posted 10/15/2010 10:05 AM (#463371 - in reply to #463329)
Subject: Re: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 480

Joe designed the rumor with a power move boatside to finish off the followers. I've seen it work three times yesterday afternoon on fish I know I couldn't trigger. If he wasn't so mad at me for spilling coffee I might be able to get one from him.
Posted 10/16/2010 9:32 AM (#463471 - in reply to #460938)
Subject: RE: What other lures have Suick-type action

Posts: 434

Location: searchin for 50
A suick is all you really need. Caught a lot of muskies on them. also a lot of history behind that bait. I think it is in the top 10 baits in fish caught in Muskies Inc. JMO.
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